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The girly`s ......giggle box

Here's to behaving...

Ahh... this should be enough for all. haha


haha yeah it really does!  And Mel, I want the pink drink!


hah yeah i truly am a girly girl!  (I say that as I am watching Eloise at the Plaza - total girly movie.  like little girl.  haha)

And tequila...  yum!  When I was in Austria we had things called Tequila cookies.  You get the shot of tequila served with an orange slice and cinammon sprinkled on top.  You take it by licking the cinnamon, drinking the shot, and then biting into the orange.  So very tasty!


Yeah I can't see what you wrote earlier gypsie.    Hope you are all having a great day!


Even if you aren't American, and don't celebrate Turkey Day, you will still get a kick out of this!  Hope you all have a great week, see you on Monday (or maybe before).. but I'm off to my parents!

Okay, and this one too!  Love to all!

[ Last edited by  themegababe at 11-21-2007 11:32 ]


demo?  what demo?  haha

thankfully i am computer literate (relatively!) and figured it mostly out! haha

missed you all!


haha i have no idea what the treasure is.  But I have a feeling it accomodates for points that you turn into VIPs to watch.  I always thought it was weird that points and credits were always the same.  So you never knew how many points someone had before converting.  That is my guess.  So people don't lose their "member" status when they convert points.  Thoughts?


I am so lost!  haha

But Gyspy I loved your story!  So precious!  Makes me want a pet!  But I'm getting a husband, that's pretty close, right?

How is the Amazing Race coming along?  I have been watching the real one all season and it's definitely one of my favorites.  I LOVE it!


Oooh mel you are getting married too!  Sounds like we have similar colors! My bridesmaids are in mocha and peridot (kind of a sage green).  But their flowers are roses.  My fiance doesn't care much about the flowers though. I have avoided daises because it is my roommate's fave flower and she is crazy and would accuse me of using "her flowers" for my wedding. haha not like she's engaged.  but yeah, i like the roses better any ways!


haha mine is in 3 months, 4 days.  We got engaged in September, so it has been very quick!  haha  That is a great time though, October, that is!  But yeah some people have gotten sick of wedding talk, but others just keep asking all about it.  And yeah, my guys are in black too! There are 7 groomsmen and 3 ringbearers.  haha  Lots of people!


barb, I feel your pain. I have been  battling the stomach fl since Wednesday and thought I was better. But in the words of Amy Winehouse.. "no, no no" haha  I kept waking up all night because it felt like my stomach was a lava lamp.  not fun!


Have a great flight back home Arielle!  Drink lots of water and try not to sleep too much, that's the best way to avoid jet lag.

Barb, this is going to sound really weird,  but i have a few suggestions.  Drink a glass of warm milk about a half hour before you go to bed.  It has the same chemicals that are in turkey that make you tired.  And also, keep a little pad of paper next to your bed, so you can get out your throughts before sleep.  And if you wake up in the middle of the night and don't want to forget something, you can write it down and then not dwell on it.  maybe you already knew all of that though!


Yeah the whole noliquids thing is a bummer.  But you can buy something on the terminal side of security and take it on the plane.  You cannot just bring it in from outside.  So maybe buy a bottle while you are waiting.  And they do give free water, I remember on my flight from Salzburg I just kept walking to their little station asking for snacks and water. haha


Gypsy, are you back for good? I miss seeing you around!

But I hope everyone is feeling better.  Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I got crazy busy at work and then went to my parents for a visit. And now I'm putting tons of energy into the wedding planning!  Less than 2 months to go!  yay!

Tina, how are you and the kiddo feeling?

And Arielle, I'm glad you found Men in Trees.  That is actually the free show that got me on this site, although now I come for lots more!  I say free because I found this site and wanted to watch season 7 of gilmore girls but didn't want to pay, eventually i paid the 10 dollars and watched the season, but by that time i was getting points and never had to pay again!  But Men in Trees was free when I started, and that's why I watched it so much! haha

And Barb, I've missed you too.  i miss you all!


okay so I 'm totally behind but I really needed to respond to your post Arielle!
Thanks for the best wishes!  I never learned that from Emily, but my Mom taught me that.  And I noticed that no one else really knows that.  Maybe one other person said that.  So anyways, I cannot imagine being a mother.  I mean, I totally want kids, but  I want to wait like 5 years.  haha

well i am tired so i'm not gonna read the rest of the posts, tomorrow i will.  good night all!Ã¥


Also, I love the flowers too, Mel.  Thanks!   and I agree with the sentiment that you all feel like close friends.   Even thought I haven't been around much!


that's cute that your mom made you a bear, Arielle.  I hug my stuffed puppy dog that Matthew made for me, every night.  And I just can't wait for the time when it is him that I get to cuddle with every night.  Oh marriage, it couldn't come any sooner.  We got our apartment, and it makes it so much more real.  Granted, he will be living there for a few weeks and then move back home, when I move in there, before the wedding. haha


wow barb, we posted at almost the exact same time!  and i have no idea what time frame mine is now, cuz it's an hour fast! haha


yay gypsy we get to have you back soon!  but i do hope that your vacation was restful and hlped you heal!

Also, you are so right about kids.  Sometimes I want those to cuddle up to also. But then I think, no, I need to go back to school and do other things first, I mean, I'm only 22.  So they can wait.  But I know that someday I will have them, and it will be great.


haha well i already have my bachelors, so I know I would be fine if I had kids now. Besides that fact that we want to have an amazing time to ourselves just to enjoy each other first! haha  But I want to go back to school for my masters and doctorate, which i could always do at 30. but the plan is to get it all under my belt now! haha

So glad you are feeling better.

Why is the site so quiet lately?  Is it because there are not very many new shows out?

