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The girly`s ......giggle box

Thanks for the pics shinny!  i love them!


what a sweet hubby!  and barb i would help you paint if i lived closer!


Isn't it wonderful to have good friends who can help you out with projects?  I'm glad your bro can help too!


Sounds scary!  My friend had to have a C Section with her first and was really disappointed about it, like she wasn't doing it the right way.  But she was able to have a successful vbac for baby #2!  Hope things continue to go well for you, Tina!  And barb, are you still enjoying those paint colors?  I saw that your bro was able to help you get a lot done!  woo hoo!


  hahahaha  yeah it must have been hard to get a date for him!  probably left his work life at work... like really tried to! haha

That is awesome tho, that he was so for the woman having a natural birth!  Go Vaginal Lionel!  hehe


  Oooh get better Barb!  I'm crossing my fingers for ya!  I hope you were able to get a lot done!    Our house in a total mess too.  Because we were both in a wedding last weekend and haven't done any cleaning or organizing for a week. ugh.  I finally got out the mop & broom last night!

And catch up on premieres... I just realized I will probably miss Grey's tonight because of  Bible study.  Then again. it's out at 8 30, so I just need to go home and not chit chat, then I'll be home in time!  


Barb - Sorry I corrupted you a few weeks ago with that chips suggestion. I wasn't doing to well afterwards either! hahaha  Oh man, I just realized I forgot soup for work.  Although you have seen my office food supply, so I think I'm good!

And Jannah I feel you on the sore throat. I get like that too.  It's horrid!  Thankfully Halls Refresh cough drops were free at Walgreens last week, so I'm stocked up! hahaha

Shinny - I get annoyed at that too.  And because I am a creative person it sometimes causes me to not share what I do and hide.  Kinda sad what happens when you get torn down!

On the flip side... it is finally getting cool here in So Cal.  I made a new beanie and I have actually had the weather to wear it! yay!


  I'm trying to eat healthier too, Barb.  but the just stocked pumpkin beer in my local Trader Joes.  Too bad it goes right to my tummy & I look prego. hahahah


Jannah, those look delish!  

And studio, I'm so glad you are having a wonderful Mommyhood experience!  I am so excited to be there someday!  (nope not prego, but my facebook pic is of a pumpkin up my shirt haha)

And pumpkin beer.  Technically its pumpkin ale.  Like a light beer with pumpkin flavoring.  So good!  haha  We also like our locally brewed Orange Wheat beer over here!  


ps Gypsie it's good to see ya around!

pps Barb I hope you are doing better.


Wow Barb,  no one has posted since you.. and that  was 8 days ago!  I don't think the giggle box has gone that long without a post in... ever! haha

The pumpkin beer is technically ale.  and it is pretty sweet. but has the wheaty flavor of beer.  and the Orange Wheat is very beer-y, but with a hint of Orange.  It's definitely not overpowering! haha

So random, but my hubby and I got free tickets to the U2 concert.  our neighbors were like, hey we cant go, do you want them?  It was AMAZING!  And Black Eyed Peas opened up for them!  So awesome.  But I was obviously screaming & singing all night, Sunday (concert night),  and then yesterday was worship team for church, so I sang for 2 hours straight, and I sing the higher part. So my throat is KILLING me!  I have had a cup of tea already today and a few throat lozenges.  Any ideas on something else to soothe my throat?


thanks!  I will try the honey and gargling when I get home!  Oh and btw I heard gargling with salt water twice a day will help prevent swine flu.  Don't know if it's true, but it's worth a shot!

And yes the concert was amazing!

And i prefer wine to beer.  But I do like beers at a party, because it takes longer to drink & fills you up.  Also not as strong as wine or mixed drinks.  Helps me not drink too much! haha  but yeah, cellar temp is good for beer, not too cold, but not warm!


Reply 3216#3216 cshapiro's post

wow that's scary!  glad to hear you are better now!

Barb, I so miss Glee too.  Less than a week now!


I took the seasonal vaccine this year (first time),  because we are considering trying to have a baby -  so my doc recommended it.  but said that we could meet again once the H1N1 vaccine was out and discuss it.

But seeing as I'm not pregnant, I'm not in the risk factor group right now.   And I do not even know if / where they are offering it.  I'm usually against vaccinations, but seeing as it is a dead virus, it is probably pretty safe.  There is risk with everything though.  Whether you take it or not.  But I would definitely be more likely to take a dead virus, like my seasonal shot was, than a live.


Yeah I'm just trying to go with the flow.   haha


Jannah - I have a friend who lives in PA, near the penetentiary, and she went before Halloween too!

and studio, I think I'm gonna mention that weekend away thing to my hubby!  We have a few trips planned, but they are either with other couples or family.... we need an alone weekend!  

Barb, do feel better.  sorry the fumes make you so sick.  

Shinny,  glad you are feeling better, that must have been miserable!

It's good to see everyone around!


  Have any of you girlies seen New Moon yet?  I'm trying to decide if I am even going to see it in theaters.  I know I'm going to wait at least a week - right now there are too many screaming preteens to even hear the movie.  But maybe I will just wait for video??  haha  my hubs already said I'm getting the dvd for my bday!  

Oh and if you aren't a fan. You can hate on me.  I know it's silly to love it. haha  But the books are really good, Stephenie Meyer definitely has a way with words!


yeah, they are pretty mature reading!  I still haven't seen it.  Maybe after Thanksgiving?  My meez has on a Team Jacob shirt. haha  I loved him in the books, well New Moon at least.  In the other 3, it was all about Edward!


haha yeah I rewatched Cheaper By the Dozen 2 after remembering that.  He is a good actor, I think.  I'm excited to see what he brings to New Moon.  I just don't get all the Edward craziness. hahah


Going to visit my parents in the San Francisco area.  It's Christmas #2 for my hubby and I as husband and wife.  my how time is flying by!  We are also going camping for New Years.  I am going to FREEZE!!! hahahaha

We are making most of our gifts though, so my hands are tired from crocheting beanies & scarves and sewing lots of stuff!

What about you, Bala?  and other ladies?

