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Fringe Season 2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

IT was a cool ep and I love the fact that Oliva has a super power. It kind of makes the story line of hers better. She seems to be the one that they want and this gives them a reason.


They are evil and out to get Walter. he is the only one who can stop them.


It has been a good season but I am still trying to figure out if they are going any where.

Are they tring to stop the other side?? I mean the story line of them tring to find the head has not finished yet.

I love the show for all its twist and turns.


Reply 36#36 bala's post

It may have been odd but I have a feeling that the key to opening the door ways was altered before they took his pieces of his mind and the other guy put the real way in another place in walters mind and he was remembering where that was.


Reply 66#66 Sweetp's post

I would have to agree also. And I think he wants his son back. That is the only reason for him to come.


Reply 80#80 bala's post

Yeah this was an interesting show but I still can't figure out how perter will destroy everything.

I can't wait for the next show.  To see how everything comes together. This ep is starting to bring all the ducks in a row.

