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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2250#2250 meljones_83's post

Well, a week's not a lot of time, but you'll get a good taste of it anyway!

Here are a couple more Must-Do's for ya mel:

1. if you have time, walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. It's a great photo op and is especially romantic too =)

2. try some dim sum in Chinatown - the best place I've found is called HSF (or is it HFS?) and it's located at 46 Bowery I believe.

3. Get the best view of the city from the 'Top of the Rock' in Rockefeller Center.

4. Go for the world's biggest hotdog at the Brooklyn Diner near Columbus Circle.



Reply 2253#2253 imarielle626's post

Very true! If you're the athletic type you could even rent bicycles - I could find out more info about from where for you if you like, mel!


Reply 2255#2255 meljones_83's post

Why not do both? A nice bike ride, a picnic, then a restful carriage ride! A perfect day if you ask me!

I just sent my friend in email asking about the Central Park bike rental info, I will send it over as soon as she replies.


Reply 2258#2258 meljones_83's post

Well have a wonderful time!

My friend never wrote me back, but I see there are a lot of bike rental places to choose from. Here are 2 related links: ... re-results&cd=1


Reply 2260#2260 themegababe's post

Well good luck with all your applicatiing and interviewing!

You definitely should visit NYC when you have *ha* time! The ticket place you're talking about is called TKTS and it's an outdoor stand near Times Square where you can get discounted tickets. Totally worth it if you're looking for a musical!


Reply 2263#2263 imarielle626's post

Yikes! I'm glad it wasn't too bad though!

I've never seen Avenue Q, I'll have to put that on my To Do list for next time!


Reply 2271#2271 angel-87's post

Neither did I!
Arielle, CONGRATS! Your mom must be really happy too!


Welcome back Barb!! I've been thinking of you and wondering how the move went!! Congrats and I'm all fingers crossed that you get high-speed asap!! =D

Mel, your dress sounds really nice - that's too bad about the dressmaker ripping you off like that, hope it gets resolved.

Glad you're feeling better Gypsy!

Good luck to all you back-to-schoolers!!!


Reply 2308#2308 meljones_83's post

My mother is the same exact way!! She hates her body so much - and can never 'see' things properly on herself. It was a mess when she had to go shopping for her dress for my wedding without me, I got a LOT of cell phone photos entitled "So? What do you think?" LOL! Good luck to you!


Reply 2315#2315 waterlilybarb's post

Well, I suppose there are a lot of PRO points to make up for the one big CON of dial up! Good to have you back, no matter how slow it may be =)


Hi everyone! I've been so MIA, been very busy! It's time for me to catch up on my tv shows and giggle box! Though all this talk of shortbread and swirly cookies is making me want to grab a snack first...!!

Shannon, sorry to hear about your job, hope things work out all for the best!
Hi Barb,how's the new place and your mom?
To all our studious giggle boxers, hope school's going well!
Mel, good luck with trying the dress on!!

Oh and a p.s. on the healthcare discussion: here in Italy there is public healthcare which, yes, can be slow. However, you are guaranteed (especially as an unemployed or self-employed individual who, in the U.S., would pay $1000 per month for private coverage). For example, my mom had a car accident and after every 10 physical therapy sessions she needs to re-send in her case to the insurance company which has tried on numerous occasions to not cover her for them anymore. If the accident had happened here, she wouldn't need to be worrying about being covered for PT on top of everything else.

That being said, here in Italy there is also something that they call a "ticket," which is the state giving you allowance for private care at a lower rate (covered in part by the state, in part by you).

Just another point of view from over here in Europe!

[ Last edited by studiojek at 9-18-2008 19:22 ]


Hi all! I've been travelling a lot and busy working, so I'm finally having a chance now to catch up - on the forums and on all my shows!!! Yay Fall!!

Working as a translator, most of our clients ask for British English translations so, as an American, I have to be careful of my "z" versus "s", like sympathise and organise! My two favorites (or should I say "favourites!") though are colour and theatre. Definitely keeping those!

Arielle, meg, how's school going?
Barb, how's the new place?
Mel, ya all ready for the Big Day?


Reply 2428#2428 waterlilybarb's post

You're still on dial-up eh?

I don't get why they would change the spelling to be more Americanized (sorry, Americanised!! I crack me up!) - you're right, kids will learn what you teach them. It can't hurt a kid's brain to learn two ways of spelling, either - teaches them from the start that there is more than one way to do something lol!

MEL: GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR 2 WEEKS!! You're right, it won't seem real, even on the day - which is why I am going to give you 2 pieces of important advice, from my own personal experience.

Firstly, if you have any out-of-town friends/family who you're very close with coming to the wedding, make sure you find some time before the wedding, even if just for a quick cup of coffee, to spend some one-on-one time with them. The Day Of, you will NOT have a minute to dedicate to them. I had a friend come ALL THE WAY FROM ICELAND and we
only got to speak for about 2 minutes =(

Secondly, make sure on the day of the wedding you just take one moment, pull yourself "in" and look out over all the people who are there to celebrate you, quietly take it all in for a second. It's the clearest, best memory you'll carry with you forever!

Ok, done preaching =)


Reply 2430#2430 waterlilybarb's post

Good luck with the high speed then! How's it going living with your Mom by the way?

Yikes, all the way from Japan and they had no time together, that's rough! Of course, the people understand how busy the bride is and there are usually no hard feelings, but it's sad for everyone.

Weddings are such funny things...they can be so happy and so truly stressful at the same time!! My husband and I had to organize TWO of them - we did one in Italy and one back in the U.S.!!  The Italian one was MUCH more stressful though - they are not nearly as organized as we are back in NY!


Reply 2433#2433 waterlilybarb's post

A rare but precious gift!!


Reply 2438#2438 meljones_83's post

Hopefully you can go straight through without any Freak Out moments! After all, you're marrying your soul mate, what is there really to freak out about??


Reply 2448#2448 waterlilybarb's post

Yay!! Best wishes Mel!!!


Reply 2459#2459 waterlilybarb's post

Yay for the DSL and the new glasses Barb - it's your week huh!?

Shinny - congrats on the great news!!

Shannon -  my best wishes for a quick, uneventful deployment.


Reply 2463#2463 shinny's post

LOL I also imagined you were talking about different siblings!

I'm great, thanks for asking. Am cleaning out our guest room today (Fall cleaning!) and made a pumpkin pie to bring over to friends' for dinner.

And you all, how's your Saturday?

Do anything fun for Halloween?


Reply 2471#2471 shinny's post

Oh that's just awful, sorry to hear it =( I didn't know they don't do ID cards in Ireland.

Barb - hope your migraine's better!

Arielle - congrats on voting! I also sent my ballot in a couple weeks ago, hopefuly it gets there and is counted.

I agree, I will be very happy when this election is over!

