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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 177#177 cshapiro's post

I agree, they do really tend to go overboard -- this season more than ever. There are so many ways to make the show dramatic without always having to go to "crazy land" (just look at ER!) but I guess that's just it, they don't want it to be just another ER....


I agree, this last episode was really good - Meredith wasn't annoying at all for once and Izzy finally broke up with Denny...or has she...? - I was beginning to (or continuing to) lose faith in GA, let's hope this is a sign of better episodes to come.


Reply 193#193 funny-girl101's post

Ha ha Sloane and little Grey! Oops! I think they actually are the only "spark" the show has going right now, as a couple especially. I mean, I like that Mer and Der are going well and having a bit more normal relationship, but there aren't many sparks there right now. So, anyway, I hope that Derek doesn't force Sloane to break it off with little Grey (haha no pun intended LOL!).

As for Izzy, I suppose we're going to find out she has a brain tumor or something similar?


Reply 196#196 cshapiro's post

Yes, I was thinking the same exact thing when Bailey "crossed the line" and Derek almost stopped operating on the deathrow inmate. Wow, just..unethical!!


Reply 207#207 bala's post

I was hoping that for once they wouldn't make us wait out the drama and when she opened the door she found all those flower petals still there and Derek on one knee! I should know the GA writers by now, nothin' comes easy!!!

So I still have NO idea what's up with Izzy. Maybe it's not physical, maybe we're going to find out she has some sort of psychological problem??


This show is totally over the top and like cshapiro said I found the "you're a murderer" comment ridiculous, as well as Bailey's suddenly wanting to become a pediatric surgeon. Bala's right though, we do need to remember it's just a show...I guess nothing on tv is really REAL, not even documentaries if you think about it. I am trying to take the show with large doses of grains of salt!!!

As for Izzy, the most probable thing seems to be a brain tumor, but Shonda Rhimes has denied it time and again.


Reply 226#226 carlorica's post

I also hope that Derek snaps out of it soon. I wonder if they will finally convince him back to surgery to operate on Izzy?

That was a great scene of Izzy telling Christina. Yes, Christina is a robot, but I think she will have a hard time with it.


Reply 234#234 bala's post

Alright, I admit it: I cried so much through these past two episodes haha!! I'm glad Izzy got help and Derek's back in the hospital, and the elevator scene with Meredith was great -- though when she went to see Christina afterwards it already looked on her face like she was having 2nd thoughts. Ugh! Anyway, now our season finale will probably be a Mer-Der wedding! =)

I think the actor who plays Alex (sorry forgot his name) did a great job this episode, and I found the last scene with them laying together really touching.

This episode also reminded me of how much I love Bailey!


Reply 244#244 bala's post

Yeah, I also thought that but was glad it didn't happen that way. I think they were just trying to show how very much she wanted to pretend that none of the sickness was happening. I definitely feel badly for her.

I'm glad Derek and Sloane are pals again - little Grey was going to get very fat otherwise!

I really hope that Alex isn't a jerk this time and sticks it out with Izzy now that she needs him. Hopefully his new "friendship" with George will help him toughen up a bit.

I wonder if they are going to be writing either Mer or Lexi's pregnancies into the show?? (the actress' pregnancies I mean!)


Reply 246#246 bala's post

Well they could always pretend like they're not pregnant, sort of like they're doing on Gossip Girl with Lilly -- you know, have them wear big clothes or hide behind pillows!


Reply 252#252 writemako's post

So is it official that they are leaving the show? I thought it was just still talk at this point.

The apology between the Chief and Meredith was really touching. Actually, I thought this was a really good episode -- and I like how they are maturing Meredith. While she obviously still has a  lot of issues, she is working hard to get past them and I like how honest she's being with Derek and how unselfish she is being with Izzy.

How cute was Sloane when he went to dinner to meet Lexie's Dad?!! Yay, they make a really cute couple, he and Lexie.


I really liked this episode, but the last 10 minutes or so were really hard to watch, they were very emotional! I have no idea if Izzy will make it, but it certainly would be more realistic, since a brain tumor of that type, as Derek made it painfully obvious, is impossible to come back from.

I loved that they made the wedding Alex and Izzy's -- unexpected but sweet.


Wow, what a season finale! I personally think that Izzie will make it back but not George, but of course we have to wait a few months to see -- what a cliffhanger!

Two great episodes - very emotional too!


Reply 285#285 Teachergirl's post

No, definitely not legal. Just "legal" between the two of them, which - like you said - really shows how much Mer has grown up!


Reply 293#293 themegababe's post

Agh, I agree, wouldn't fly AT ALL!

I did hear that things don't look great with Katherine Heigl either, who is asking for way more money than the producers are willing to give. We may just lose them both.


Reply 56#56 themegababe's post

I agree, I really liked the filming of this one, and it was an original story. I will also miss April, she was the more likable of the "newbies" - much more than the other girl.

I am in the minority here that I miss Izzie. I hope she comes back at some point - I suppose she's off taking care of her new baby! (the actress, not Izzie!)


Reply 58#58 Teachergirl's post

That's true, "old" Izzie is really who I miss, more than "new" Izzie and her never-ending drama.
Speaking of drama, isn't it really refreshing that Mer and Derek are happy and drama-less....for now? I'm finding it really sweet!


Reply 41#41 Teachergirl's post

I also was sad about losing nurse Olivia!


I agree, I think these episodes are just great! And I am a new fan of Arizona!!!!! She's awesome! And I really love Callie and Arizona together, they're a great couple.

As for Alex and his shirtless baby scenes, LOVED it hehehe! I think it's pretty obvious that he and the other Dr. from Mercy West will get together just as Izzy comes back. Should make for an interesting scene or two!

I think the Chief will be returning to his normal self soon enough...he is getting really annoying as the bad guy.


Reply 81#81 bala's post

That's so weird, I didn't know that. So they only are signed on for a few episodes and then the Grey's producers will see how they're liked or not?

