I agree, I just am finding it hard to keep interest in Grey's...though Addy coming back certainly helps! Yay!
I am not a big fan of Rose's, not really because I want Mer and Der together but because she's just sort of boring - though that may have to do with writing, not her character. She's still not a fully developed character.
I don't understand why Callie is being so mean to Christina - I mean, she's living in her home, she could have at least invited Christina to join them for a drink don't you think? Though maybe Callie's trying to hit on Hahn...that'd be an interesting twist!!
My other complaint is how Izzie acted - she was back to her old insecure antics, I thought she was past the Barbie stage and was feeling better about herself?
Oh and my last rhetorical question (
), isn't staying in hospital on call for 14 days straight ILLEGAL?? Ha haa!