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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3364#3364 themegababe's post

You could send it over here, I'd be happy to take those chocolates off your hands! =)


Reply 3367#3367 waterlilybarb's post

Oh no =( Did you end up paying for it last night Barb?

Bala: I used to prefer milk chocolate, but now I prefer dark, I guess it's an acquired taste, like espresso and wine! I also find that when I'm having a chocolate craving, a small piece of dark chocolate satisfies it, while I need larger quantities of milk chocolate. Wow, the wonders of chocolate =)


Reply 3373#3373 waterlilybarb's post

That's too bad. If I eat really fatty foods like fried food etc., I get really nauseous - but then I sometimes do it anyway and pay for it, so i guess I know what you mean. Sorta!


Reply 3375#3375 waterlilybarb's post

I know the feeling, on both accounts: the excitement of using someone's washer/dryer for laundry and the excitement of sleeping on clean sheet! Doesn't sound boring to me at all!


Sorry to hear it Barb =( I just got over the flu too - just 2 days with a fever and achiness,  now I'm feeling stronger but have laryngitis )much to my husband's joy of course!)

Feel well! Take care of poor dear =(


Reply 3383#3383 themegababe's post

My poor little girl got the flu from me, it's been a really rough week dealing with her first illness. =( But, she's been a trooper and looks like she's at the tail end of it now.

Hope you're doing better Barb!


Reply 3385#3385 waterlilybarb's post

I thought I'd managed to get through a winter season without illness - oh well!


Reply 3387#3387 waterlilybarb's post

Didn't even notice, but thanks Barb, kind of you!


Reply 3421#3421 nye87's post

Hi Jannah!
I haven't been around in a while, most of my 'free' time is spent taking care of my little girl, Sofia-  who is almost a year old already, I can hardly believe it! But things are good over here!

Congrats on the concert tickets, glad to hear all's well on your end, and thanks for checking in! I do it myself every so often

Barb, sorry you're still living out of boxes!! Blech, I know how bad that can be! I hope you labeled them all clearly so you can find stuff and not have to open 3,003 boxes first!

Shinny, oh dear, so sorry to hear about your appendix! Are you all ok now?

Bala, haven't seen you in a while: hi! =)

Talk to you all again soon!!


Reply 3431#3431 rickman's post

Hello! Sorry I left ya out of my hello list - I'm getting old ;)


Reply 3434#3434 waterlilybarb's post

Absolutely fugit! ;)

Oh no, that's the last thing you want is another move, you poor poor dear. I really feel awful for you there any relief these days or is it just one headache after another??


Reply 3436#3436 waterlilybarb's post

Glad you can come here and get it off your chest Barb. I feel for you, I really do - if anyone has a right to complain, you're on the list!

I hope you get everything worked out with your meds. =( Keep us updated and vent when you need to - keeping it pent up doesn't help the headaches any, I'm sure.


Reply 3446#3446 waterlilybarb's post

I've been MIA for a change, busy with the little one, who actually turned 1 on the 25th! Already! Time sure is flying!

Barb, hope all's coming along well, I jsut read that you do have to move again. Blech!!!


Barb, I think it's about time things start going your way again! Here, let me use my magic wand... (closest emoticon I could find with a wand LOL!!) Good luck with your car. And keep up that appetite, little lady!

Shinny, CONTRATS on becoming an Auntie again! Haha at your nephew, so cute.

Sofia had a great first birthday, just a quiet lunch with close family. We will be leaving on Monday to go visit back home in the U.S. for a month -- sooooo much packing etc. to do before we leave, none of it easy with the little one in toe! But I'm excited to go. I miss home!

Hope everyone's having a nice and not-too-hot summer. It's been broiling here, but then yesterday and today major thunderstorms. A nice break, actually.


Reply 3498#3498 nye87's post

Thanks so much for your birthday wishes, Jannah! I will pass them on to Sofia =) Yes, it's hard to believe she's getting so big (15 months now), she is more and more alert and "adult" every day, it's great fun to watch, albeit exhausting!

Barb:yay for the candy store! Now i want one as a neighbor LOL! Sounds great, and very pretty. I hope you're feeling well.

All's well over here - like I said above, exhausted but happy. Poor Sofia has been sick with bronchitis this past week but on the mend now, will be back at daycare on Monday, which is when I can go back to work and maybe get some stuff done again! Being a parent is seriously crazy, how little time is left at the end fo the day!

Speaking of which, must get back to her and go make some dinner too. HOpe all's well - now that the shows  are back, I will definitely be around here more often!


Reply 3506#3506 casper27's post

Nice to see you back Craig! I'm hardly ever around but come visit all you people over here in the Giggle Box when I can =)

sddvasquez - YES, the alien is getting so big, so fast! Just took her first steps a week ago!! =)


p.s. Hi Barb! Forgot to send a shout-out to ya =) How's things at your apartment?

And you too Shinny, hey there! =)

Ok, and everyone else I haven't spoken to in ages: HELLO out there earthlings! =)

[ Last edited by studiojek at 10-12-2010 12:06 ]


HI everyone! It's a monthly check in from Studiojek LOL! How is everyone? Hope everyone's feeling healthy, rested and happy (though it doesn't seem so, from what I've seen of this thread!!).

All's well here - the little one is getting bigger and a lot of fun and, of course, hard work! We're unfortunately having to "sleep train" her because she wasn't sleeping well at all and it was starting to affect her health (not gaining enough weight) as well as our mental health. Not sleeping a full night for almost 2 years = not so much fun!! You know what I mean, Barb!!

Other than that, life's not bad...sorry I can't be around as much as I'd like to to chat and 'spend some time' with you all! Life with Baby + work + all the other stuff is exhausting and doesn't leave me much free time!!


Reply 3619#3619 bala's post

Hi bala! Like your avatar pic =)

That's what we had to do: let her cry herself to sleep, but in a "scientific" way (we used a book written by a Spanish doctor), where we went in at different length intervals according to waht the book said (for example, first night after 1 minute, then 3 minutes, then 5 minutes, etc.). We are on night 7 and she only cried for about a minute before she fell asleep, two nights in a row now, so I am cautiously optimistic!

How are things with you bala?


Reply 3621#3621 bala's post

Eh, I don't think it's because we're female (I actually don't like cats!), but because men don't even notice new avatars!!

I didn't have a very good 2010 actually, so I too have high hopes for 2011!

