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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 127#127 imarielle626's post

She does have that girl-next-door look to her though, maybe it will be Dan for a little bit of unexpected!??


Reply 130#130 bala's post

I wouldn't generalize so much bala -- not all girls think that, and not all boys wouldn't be unmoved by hearing it. There are a lot of people in the world, and (luckily, or else it would be boring!) we're all very different.

Well, yes, a love child indeed. Do you think she gave him/her up for adoption or she had an abortion? I suppose it'll be adoption so we can have the extra drama of meeting him/her in the future!



Reply 136#136 bala's post

I know, I never thought I'd see it happen, but I really hope they work it out!!


I'm glad Blair went and saved Chuck, it'll be interesting to see if she manages to turn him "around," though he is after all Chuck Bass! I hate that obviously something happened between Blair and Uncle Jack Bass though...couldn't they spare us the drama just once!? LOL!

As for Dan and Serena: yeah, that's pretty much OVER, what with a sibling between them and all!


Reply 149#149 bala's post

Apparently the judge decided she can bring her kid with her to shoot GG, so we're not losing Lily just yet! Though, if they had to kill her off, having her have a heart attack caused by Chuck's living in their house would have been pretty believable!


Reply 171#171 bala's post

It didn't seem very likely, I know from experience how much paperwork you need to take care of first in Europe! =)

I DO NOT like Nate and Blair together at all, I really thought Nate and Vanessa made a great couple. I agree with you Kim that Nate acted like a jerk and was all focused on money and not on V, and he was hypocritical.

I think Blair and Chuck will end up getting together while she's still with Nate.


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