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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I just feel like yelling at Meredith: GET OVER YOURSELF! We all have problems! That poor guy who got rained on and almost electroshocke (but his luck finally turned around!) Alex, Izzy, Cristina, Bailey...EVERY one of them has had a rough life but they're not constantly pouting about how difficult and awful life is.Aggggh!!


Reply 53#53 bala's post

That is exactly my point: they are secondary characters and she is the supposed MAIN character, so why do they have to make her so whiney and BORING all the time!??

And you bala, you really get a kick out of being so argumentative all the time don't ya!?


Reply 55#55 bala's post

LOL ok then, debate away!


Reply 57#57 bala's post

Oh, that's too bad. Are there any other websites you could play games on?


I also really liked this episode - made me a Grey's believer once again, just when I was losing hope =)

I was soooo mad at Alex in this episode, till the end of course, just like Izzy! I hope he can grow up and admit how much he needs Izzy.


I have my fingers crossed that it's got it's groove back - last episode was good too.

I was happy that Mer and Der didn't end up arguing endlessly about the award - I loved his make-up present too!

I'm very curious to see where Christina and Army Guy might end up! I'm actually also curious about Callie and Hahn - I don't know, but if Callie needed to hook up with Mark as, ehem, an anatomy lesson, I'm not sure she should be in the relationship with Hahn.


Reply 76#76 bala's post

Yeah, but didn't she seem much more comfortable/interested in Mark than Hahn? I guess time will tell!


Reply 84#84 bala's post

Who knows where things, um, led to this last time around though! That certainly would be a crazy storyline!!! Haha!

Teachergirl - I think your analysis was right on, it wasn't so much her wanting her name in the title of the method but not really knowing how she's going to make her own way, having two very big shadows over her: her mother and Derek. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. And it's obvious she really does need to start to get back into therapy!


Reply 87#87 Teachergirl's post

Just seeing Meredith really!!

Definitely send a letter to Shonda, I think she'd accept new ideas considering how badly the season seemed to end last year


Reply 100#100 Teachergirl's post

I flinched really hard too during that scene, yikes! Personally, while I know that animals are still very important in experiments for different reasons, I do agree with Izzy in this particular case that it wasn't necessary, they have plenty of machines for that. They also have lots of patients arriving daily who they learn on, that's sort of the point of being a resident first.

I love that Izzy and Alex are "going steady"!! And I'm very happy that Mer and Der seem very mature and happy. This literal pandora's box of diaries is going to be verrrrry interesting though


Reply 106#106 themegababe's post

Really, a brain tumor? I hadn't heard that, yikes.

I also felt reallly badly for the old couple, and for Bailey who was trying so hard to help the husband deal.

I think it's disgusting that none of the students in that hospital are getting any experience!! Cristina especially is the cause, she's a horrible teacher!


Reply 109#109 bala's post

Absolutely, Cristina want to be the best all the time, that's the problem. We'll see how this new Doc is, but all of them with the exception of Bailey seem pretty bad at teaching, and the Chief isn't very good at enforcing the teaching either. No wonder they're only 12th of "The List"!


Reply 113#113 bala's post

Hmm, my guess - Richard and Mer's mom had a baby together!


Reply 116#116 kwargalla's post

LOL, true - I let my imagination run away with me! A new method of surgery sounds possible...


I am another Hate At First Sight Sadie non-fan! She is just annoying, I agree with Christina and Derek. We'll see how that develops of course.

As for Izzy and Denny, I'm freaked out too! Denny did kept saying "I'm here for you, Izzy". He might have meant that he's here to GET her, like she's dying...agh.

I kind of like the Little Grey/Sloane coupling...it's much more interesting than Little Grey/George!


Reply 139#139 bala's post

Yes but then when Derek confronts Sloane about it, Sloane tells him he's wrong, it's not Little Sloane, it's Big Sloane...!


Reply 142#142 funny-girl101's post

LOL it's true, Sloane and Derek have become the male versions of Christina and Mer!

I agree that Erica's leaving was handled poorly. The studio keeps claiming that her character just wasn't working well with Callie, but seriously, if that were the case they would have resolved it better - instead it seemed like they were in a real rush to end this storyline, and asap.

I noticed the accent problem with "Die" too, and found it annoying - but that's because I found her whole character got on my nerves!

Oh, and as for Izzie - someone mentioned to me (this is unfounded, was just her opinion but it's interesting) - that maybe they're trying to make her character schizophrenic?


Reply 145#145 bala's post

"Die" is Sadie. Her and Mer's nicknames and "Die" and "Death," we dont' know why yet though.


Ah, creepy episode for some many reason! What is going on with Izzy? And she knows she's 'going crazy,' can't she look at a medical book and see what it might be?

Those interns were STUPID, and I can't believe that they only got probation. Sadie almost died -- not that getting her off the show would've been all that bad, I really just don't like her.

It's sweet that Derek brought him his 'stray,' Lexie.

The scenes with Mark and both Callie and then with the little girl were nice, we're getting to see a much more sensitive side to him.


Reply 160#160 Teachergirl's post

Haha!! That really was the only great part of this episode in my opinion too!


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