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Grey's Anatomy Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I agree, I think they were trying too hard, and TOO much had changed from last season, it was kind of awkward.

I also think there's a big 'hole' left where Addison and Burke used to be. I still can't quite comprehend WHY they let Addison leave, they could have done so much with her character (a possible re-kindling with Derek???)

Everyone sorta got on my nerves this episode too!

But, I have high hopes for this season! I can't wait to see next week either!


Reply #7 gypsiegirl66's post

I agree that awkwardness is normal considering what happened, but I meant the writing was awkward, though. In the sense that I think the writers were just trying too hard this episode, ya know?

But I am optimistic!

Oh, and I forgot to say before that I really liked the scene with Cristina and Alex-- like you guys said, we are just starting to get a chance to know Alex, and it was nice to see two of my favorite characters connecting in such a heartbreaking scene!


Reply #10 gymcoach's post

True! Though I admit I had that thought when I saw them sitting talking! Ya never know!


Reply #15 funny-girl101's post

True, i think they could stay best friends, I do think they're probably confusing their relationship for something else.

Their love scene sort of grossed me out actually..they are just a weird couple!!!

(yeah, Alex and Cristina would gross me out, too...I guess I'm sensitive!!!!)


Season 4x02 (Warning: spoilers!)

So shall we discuss?

I liked this episode a lot better than the last one, it felt less forced and funnier (I loved the part when Cristina was bribing people off with wedding gifts...though so sad for her...).

I was totally annoyed with Izzy and George. I didn't like that they were talking so openly and acting so lovey dovey in public, I kept thinking Callie was going to walk in on them. I'm not sure what I want to happen, all 3 of them in the triangle are bugging me.

I wasn't happy with Meredith for not even wanting to go to the cafeteria with Derek.  I can understand her freaking out if he were to try to get her to commit to something like moving in together..but a sandwich in the hospital lunch hall!!? Get over yourself! I think Derek's going to start having feelings for someone else...though I'm not sure who. THAT'S why we need Addy back!!

I also loved Bailey and Alex throughout the whole episode (especially the scene with them together). I love that Alex is becoming the moral one in the group! And Addison taught him well, he's a good baby doctor! I just wish he'd stop doing his hair in a boufant and shave his facial hair already!

And your thoughts?


Reply #2 silver1978's post

I really wish the Izzy-George-Callie love triangle would come out into the open already, cat fight or not, I am tired of it being in the dark!


Reply #1 bala's post

I actually preferred last week's episode, I thought it was funnier and more interesting. This week sort of felt like a 'filler' to me, like the first one - like they were just filling space. Hopefully next episode will be a little juicier!

I agree, I think Meredith dealt well with Lexie, and I like that Bailey swallowed her pride and helped Callie.

I'm still tired of the George-Izzy-Callie love triangle, so thank goodness it's out in the open. I predict that Callie is going to somehow convince George to stay with her though.

The whole Chief - McSteamy - McDreamy storyline was a little odd. Who would ever think McSteamy's too old!!?? I'm not sure what that had to do with anything. And, does anyone else find it weird that NOBODY has mentioned Addison since she left!!??

One final thing, I was soooo unhappy with Alex about letting the truth come out about George. It was just mean, and very 'old school' Alex, which is why I suppose the writers did it - to remind us of who Alex is!

Oh, and I agree, having Richard Gilmore at Seattle Grace was WEIRD!

[ Last edited by  studiojek at 10-12-2007 20:41 ]


Reply #4 bala's post

Ok now I feel old

I do admit it, I'm looking forward to the smackdown too!


Reply #7 mariam0606's post

I couldn't agree more! Actually, though, I caught up all summer too, so it might just be that seeing once a week instead of 150 episodes per day makes it seem like it's dragging

I hope they add more characters, too. And I do think it's time to add a possible flirtation for Derek, wake Meredith up a bit!


Reply #10 themegababe's post

As much as I love Izzie, she doesn't hold much of a chance in a fight with Callie!!!


I think it's sad that Ava left, but I think Alex will go after her, she did ask him not to chicken out this time.

I was happier with the Izzy-George-Callie triangle, it's better that it's out in the open and I thought that last scene with Izzy and George was sweet. I don't thnk it's right of Cristina to be so judgemental about it, but she's still hurt about Burke I guess.

I'm glad Norman's gone, too! Didn't care for his character too much.

I hate seeing Bailey so sad, too. I love the way she still 'mother hen's' her 'interns' though!

I agree, I think the final scene with Meredith and the Chief was nice, and I'm glad she got some closure and even took a big step by talking with Lexie.

I liked this episode, it was funny! Only weird thing was the chain saw leg-cutting man!


Reply #2 imarielle626's post

I agree, I also NEED Meredith and Derek to work! But was his "I want to marry you" at the elevator really a proposal? I thought he was just trying to express how much he really loves her, no?

Dr. Hahn is growing on me, too, she definitely has humor potential! Very funny with the way she was making jokes about Derek and Mark the whole episode.

I'm glad Callie's moving on, too - I predict a relationship starting up between her and Mark again.

As for Lexi and Alex, I actually think they are good together - but we all know that Alex is going to mess it up, and now things between Meredith and Lexi are going to get ugly.

Cristina...she's been a mystery this whole season. She's obviously not doing well, but Meredith is so wrapped up in herself she can't even notice.

The scene with Izzy crying and George making a fake excuse to make her not feel bad they wouldn't get their "perfect night" was sweet, and the scared look on George's face was too funny - well, he did know what he was getting himself into, she sure isn't Callie!!

Overall, I liked the episode, personally.


Reply #3 funny-girl101's post

I also thought the "Lex" comment was odd, but I do think it was purposeful. Meredith is obviously 'caving' a little, she even told Derek she wanted to 'stay a little longer' instead of running home like she usually does. I think it'll be too little too late with Derek, but not with Lexie.

I actually prefer Lexie to Meredith right now, though she is like a clone! I feel badly for her and I do think her father's alcoholism will bring her and Meredith closer, and I think that she will fall in love with Alex.

My predictions: Something will start back up with Alex and Izzy, Sloane and Cristina will become closer and Dr. Hahn and the Chief will start to flirt! Call me crazy!

What's this about a new love interest for Derek? I'm intrigued, I can't stand his relationship with Meredith anymore!!!

Also, I loved the scene where Bailey was crying and hugging the Chief. She deserved the job, she deserved the sappy scene too! Even Bailey has her weak moments!

Overall I really liked this episode, but I still feel like we need more characters to 'play with.'


Reply #5 funny-girl101's post

No, I didn't see it! (I live overseas, they're not at Season 4 yet!)

A few episodes ago, I would've been devastated that they were trying to find a new love interest for Derek, now I say GO FOR IT! I am a little tired of Meredith and Derek!


I think this episode was good, but I think I liked last week's episode better.
As for the Alex-Lexi-Ava mix-up, I think it's about time he get what he deserves, he's been more of a jerk than usual lately! Looking forward to seeing how things go, also with Lexi and the artery. Yeah, it was pretty obvious it was going to burst at some point during the episode.

As for Bailey, I really hope her marriage doesn't fail, we do really need ONE good relationship in there somewhere!

In another note, I'm tired of the way Cristina's been treating Izzy, what's her problem? I guess she's just being Cristina, but why is she so loyal to Meredith (who talks only about herself and her own issues) but so cold and mean to Izzy?


Reply 18#18 ms.smith's post

I agree with what you said about the writers needing to make the characters more well-rounded and human. It seems that everything in this season is based on sex. Sex and dying. Which isn't that different from the other previous 3 seasons, but now it's lost its novelty in my opinion. I think they risk losing bored viewers if they don't spice things up somewhere else, like maybe if everyone has to go to some medical convention in California or something...just to get them out of their usual habitat.


Reply 11#11 imarielle626's post

This thread on the official Grey's Anatomy site has strike updates:

http://abc.go.com/primetime/grey ... 0931&tid=191272


After all she went through to get her sister to even look at her, I can understand why she didn't say no to the weird (and disgusting) breakfast!


Reply 14#14 bala's post

It's a big site, wasn't sure if other people would find it in here!


Ah ok, gotcha!


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