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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

The last couple episodes were so horrible!! Not only were they completely, totally predictable (I found myself hoping the whole time that they would surprise us, even if it would've been cheesy and sentimental!), but they were booooring too. I wasn't happy -HATED Georgina and that whole story line especially. Blech. We'll see what happens in the Fall I guess!


I am so annoyed with Blair and Serena!!! I just hope they concentrate more on Dan and Chuck right now as that chemistry is much more interesting.

Isn't it weird on this show that some characters are just MISSING for entire episodes? LIke, for the first two Lily was missing, then this one Nate and Vanessa. Odd no?


Reply 50#50 bala's post

Really? I didn't know that. How much do the actors get paid per episode?


I like the Dan/Nate friendship though. I also liked Chuck/Dan, maybe one day that will get resolved. I'm also really glad that Jenny got a chance to fulfill her dream.


Reply 62#62 bala's post

I really like this other side of Chuck. I agree about the ending - finally a bit of something Blair deserves!


Reply 64#64 bala's post

I don't know that they deserve each other - it's more like both of them deserve to have nobody at this point! They are evil, but it's nice to see a good side to Chuck that seems almost selfless. Whenever we see the 'human' side to Blair it's only because something bad's happened to her and she breaks down, never because she actually feels any compassion for anyone else.


Reply 67#67 bala's post

I just kept thinking, but Jenny's only 15!! But then i remembered that Nate is probably only a year or two older than her...it's so funny, NONE of them look their age on that show!

I didn't feel badly for Blair until the last scene with Chuck, but of course Chuck was right. They could risk it of course, and maybe they will in the future, who knows.

I wonder what's going to happen now that Jenny's job-less...


Reply 69#69 bala's post

I think she'll start her own line, don't you?


Reply 74#74 imarielle626's post

Ugh, the guy playing Aaron is an AWFUL actor, it's going to be very hard to like him!! I still have a hope of Dan and Serena in the back of my mind!

I wasn't a big fan of the punk clothes either but she definitely has talent and will go places. I wonder where she's going to live though...with her new friend (who by the way was Marisa's little sister on the O.C., in case anyone was wondering how they knew her!).

I can't believe Jenny almost got sent to jail by her own father...!


Reply 77#77 bala's post

Um, it would've been on her record - and in fact all it did was make her run off. Good thing Lily was there to stop it.


Reply 80#80 bala's post

Yeah, that's what I mean - part of her running away is because Rufus tried to get her arrested!! I mean, it's not like I think he should've just smiled and let her get away with it, but I don't think he handled it very intelligently. He obviously is in need of parenting assistance, since their mom isn't around anymore.


Reply 83#83 funny-girl101's post

At the end of the episode I think the final recap was talking about how both Serena and Blair are going to Yale. Dan will get in on the merits of his Chuck story, Chuck and Nate were already shoe-ins. I think they'll just transfer it all over to Yale then. Though, I have no idea what actually happened in the books!


Reply 92#92 imarielle626's post

Ugh, I can't stand Aaron! He's gone from bad to worse in my mind, am finding it hard to find any redeeming qualities in him.

Yay for Wallace Shawn (playing Eleonor Waldorf's new man), though I can't believe he's on GG!! I love him as an actor. He's been in great stuff - but has anyone ever seen the Princess Bride, that's got to be his best LOL!

I definitely saw that coming with Jenny - what's her name was a little psycho and Jenny definitely needed to do her own thing. Unfortunately she's going to go through some rough stuff now though.

I wonder how Chuck is going to treat Dan now that he's brought him and his dad closer together....?
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Reply 95#95 bala's post

True! Though, ya never know, maybe he will lighten up a little bit.


Reply 94#94 studiojek's post

Thanks for the points Arielle!! Yup, he's also been in lots of other stuff:


Reply 101#101 kwargalla's post

She has became rather annoying -- but then again she's a 15-year-old so I guess in many ways it's normal!! I hope she snaps out of it soon.


Reply 111#111 imarielle626's post

Yikes, it'd be like Armageddon!


I'm glad things with Jenny seem to have gotten back to normal - at least she's back home again.

I continue to not be able to stand Aaron - I guess it's the actor, but I can't for the life of me figure out why Serena is so in love with him. At this point she should just get back together with Dan!

Nate's father made the right decision, I thought for a second there he was going to leave from the service exit.

Yay for Blair and her new extended, happy family!


Reply 121#121 shinny's post

Ooh a love child, now *that* would be interesting!! I definitely think Lily and Rufus just  need to get back together already, but then I think that i want Dan and Serena back together and all four of them together would just be...creepy!!

Definitely am over the Nate-Vanessa-Jenny storyline, and am ready for Chuck and Blair to give a 'relationship' a try. That'll make for some interesting episodes!!

I have heard that the actor who plays Eric wanted off the show, maybe they'll be getting rid of him?


Reply 124#124 bala's post

Hmm, student-teacher affair anyone? Chuck?


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