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Supernatural Season 3-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Originally posted by bala at 11-4-2007 18:26
ok, this was interesting episode i thought it was rather good spin on fairy-tales i mean it really made you think about them and Sam shooting that blue-cross demon that was cold but she right she can  ...
  I find it funny he had to shoot his girlfriend in the head! Imagine if they had a fight and she brought up that episode "You shot me in the head!"


Loved this episode, Sam's little dream about Bella then her appearance not long after words........Sam and Dean at the hospital both realizing that they have to contact Bella to get some of the dream root

Dean - "Crap, Bella!"
Sam - "Bella, Oh crap"

The Demon Dean and Dean part was great, could definitely see Dean's inner struggle with whats going to happen to him.

  Also noticed Bobby mention Sam's psychic ability too....I was wondering what's going on with that plot line or was it just part of the Yellow eyed demon?


Also Aboriginals use Didgeridoos....not Africans like they said on the show, wondered why they said that for?


Reply 62#62 nye87's post

I haven't seen the episode yet....still waiting for it to be uploaded Though it sounds like a very interesting episode plus I loved the other episode with the Hell Hound guys

I checked out the link and next week's looks even thanks for the info


Ghostfacers episode was better than I thought. Jannah mentioned a Torchwood feel when she watched and I have to say it was sort of like that especially when they were all together and working on a plan etc

But next week *whistles* that looks very very promising....


*nods impatiently* Yes next week looks like a little ripper!!!

I got the impression from the promo ad that John is PO'd with Dean because of the contract, very nervous on how that's going to play out



  Ohhh I know, it had something to do with the Crocotta making Lanie think she saw her mum?

  Ok I don't know....just pulled that out of my ...well I'm sure ya'll know where I mean


Reply 85#85 kwargalla's post

Yeah kinda of like Max, with his father and uncle beating him and his step mother not doing anything about it.


I don't know but the anticipation is killing me.....I can't wait


Dude you all over the place


Reply 92#92 bala's post

very true, once I get out of sci fi   and start watching other shows I'll be all over the place

