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The girly`s ......giggle box


Don't you hate it when yo go to the store and forget to buy one of the main things you went for in the first place?!  I just got home, and realized I forgot popsicles.   I did look, and the store I was at was pretty much sold out, but I have to pass another store on the way home, and completely forgot to stop.  Bummer!  Now I'll have to wait until tomorrow...but maybe then my throat won't still hurt and I'll have been upset for naught.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3075#3075 gabsimom's post

Thanks Tina.  It doesn't hurt as much today - though I still sound terrible.  I did remember to pick up some cough syrup last night (poor neighbour is probably worried I have swine flu LOL), and they changed the formula so it also numbs the throat.  Made for a better sleep.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3078#3078 shinny's post

Thanks Shinny.

Hey Tina, any weird dreams yet of what you'll give birth to?  When my Mum was preggers with me she dreamt she gave birth to a clown baby - in full make-up.  She wasn't far off, though I gave the make-up a pass.   I wonder if that has anything to do with my innate dislike of clowns?  Hmm.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3082#3082 gabsimom's post

LOL!  That's a hoot.

Hey Meg, that's cool about your friend.  I have a friend teaching English in Taiwan, and another who was, but had to come home for health reasons.  If my health would improve, I would SO do that.  I try to keep up the little Mandarin I've already learned just in case.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3084#3084 themegababe's post

Only a little.  I still have all my books though, and am hopeful of taking it up again as things improve.  I really love languages, and haven't given up on my health improving.  Even if I don't improve enough to travel overseas there is a large Chinese population in my city, as well as Toronto, and I use the bit I know whenever I can.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


So annoyed

I came home today to find that my neighbour had complained about ME to the landlord.  I'm the quietest neighbour possible.  He says he's had bugs in his apartment, but I haven't, so he needs to clean his place.  Idiot!  Why he couldn't talk to me instead of "running to the principal", which is what it felt like.  He also said my apartment is smelly (that he could smell it from his) but the landlord was here a week ago and I asked him if he thought it was and he said no...which I knew.  People are stupid.

Anyway, the upshot is, I finally bought the paint, and I have to get the place painted &'s been nearly 4 the landlord is worried the unpacked boxes could be a fire hazard.  He's a little paranoid, but I don't want him to think I always live like this.  Normally I would have been unpacked & settled within the 1st month.  It's hard for people who don't know you to understand when life goes upside down & you aren't yourself.  It's even harder to try & pull it together just to make them happy.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3092#3092 gabsimom's post

I had that cold too, and find it a bit lingering.  Glad you're doing well otherwise and still looking good.  

Query regarding Ramadan.  Since you're pregnant, do you have to make a some adjustments with the fasting during the day?  I remember you explained lat year how diabetics do so.  Is it similar?  Just curious.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3094#3094 gabsimom's post

Thanks Tina, that's very interesting.  We have a large Muslim community in my city (actually in my neighbourhood) and I like to have a better understanding of how observances are kept, especially in different circumstances.  I find if I understand things better and am respectful of their beliefs, they have more respect for me & my beliefs.

The Tunisian Brik sounds delicious, but I am quite sensitive to eggs (they are one of my migraine triggers) so if the recipe is "eggy" (I know, it's not a word ) I would have to steer clear of it.  I'm actually doing some research on doing an elimination diet to see if I can pinpoint more triggers so I can avoid them and hopefully feel a little better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3096#3096 gabsimom's post

Too bad.  I love middle eastern food.  We don't have many from Tunisia around here, so some of the recipes you've mentioned in the past are ones I'm not as familiar with but they sound yummy.  When I get going on the elimination diet I'll have to let you know and maybe you'll have some recipes you can share.  

I know there are more things in Asian & Middle Eastern food that I could probably tolerate than traditional European and North American food.  From my research so far, I'll have to go gluten & dairy free for sure to begin with (along with some other things), and then try reintroducing items one at a time.  At the moment it sounds like a lot of work, but when I'm ready for it I'm sure it will be worth the hassle if I can feel any better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3099#3099 shinny's post

Boy, your brothers sure look a lot like your Dad.  I love the one of you at the church.  I wish we could get away with hats here.  If you try and wear one even for weddings) people think you're putting on "airs", but I look awesome in hats (she says, oh so modestly ) and really like them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3103#3103 serena75's post

Once I get things in order here I'll definitely get some pointers from you.  My 1st priority is painting & unpacking.  

My brother has some time off work this week and has offered to help paint, which will be great.  My friends would love to help paint but some have severe chemical sensitivity (worse than me) and most are working...and I really need to get it done.  I'll get more help with the unpacking.   Even if someone can only give me an hour we could get a lot done.  Plus having people come specifically to do it helps give me incentive to get off my arse.    Today is a migraine day , so I have an excuse not to move.  Unfortunately, it also means I'll have to get off the computer soon too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3105#3105 serena75's post

The weather has changed drastically here within a couple days, which is why I have this migraine.  It started yesterday.  The real downside is that it's ideal weather for painting.  I have the pain under control, but I can't really move my head and definitely can't bend over to get paint on my rooler and/or brush, so I'm hoping the cooler temperatures will stick around this week.

There is a hurricane heading for Canada's east coast - Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, but NFLD is expected to get the worst of it.  I know that's part of the reason for the improvement of our weather (cooler & less humid), but I feel bad for the ones there.  Hurricanes are not common to Canada, so I hope people will be smart & heed the warnings.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3109#3109 shinny's post

You're right.  I could tell which one was your Mam right away.    They both looked smashing!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3113#3113 shinny's post

That sounds great!  I love personal touches like that at weddings, especially if the family is musically inclined.  At my Grandparent's 50th I sang a song I wrote for them, but my brat of a brother didn't show to accompany me on guitar, so I had to do it acapella.  As for your "Fascinator" (LOL) I could tell it wasn't a full on hat, but didn't know what to call it.  Now I know.

I don't think the neighbour is generally a complainer, but there was a man in this apartment before.  Maybe he doesn't like the fact that I'm generally home rather than gone to work all day.  Who knows?  I will have to talk to him but I'm on day 3 of this bloody migraine and it's all I can do not to puke.  Still bummed because it's another great day for painting.  My brother has from Wednesday off, so I hope the humidity stays low.  When it gets too high the paint won't cure properly.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3115#3115 serena75's post

Congrats on being able to stand us for a whole year.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3120#3120 gabsimom's post

Congratulations Tina!  You'll just have to try again in a couple years for a girl.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Anyone feel like helping me paint?   I'm trying to work up some incentive, since I'm feeling a bit under the weather, but well enough to do some.  Feel free to light a fire under my backside.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3140#3140 serena75's post

I usually do turn up the tunes when I work around the house.  I didn't get anything done last night, and today has been a rough one too.  I have to plaster a little more, which I'll do this evening, but found out the other day I was allergic to the product so I'll take the Benedryl before finishing up patching the holes.  The joys of DIY home improvement.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3143#3143 gabsimom's post

That is very sweet!  Bragging is definitely allowed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3145#3145 themegababe's post

Thanks Meg.  My brother called yesterday to let me know he definitely has a few days off this week as he's being sent out of town for a month, and he offered me 1 of the days to work around my apartment (he's a good painter), so I'm delighted.  I also have some assistance coming from some friends who I had supper with the other night.  My bro says he expects me to have things pretty much in order by his return.  It's doable, and will give me the extra incentive to get it done.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

