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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2878#2878 studiojek's post

Thanks a lot.   I've been at it all day - packing and cleaning, plus I had to make a trip to the dump.  Can't wait until Saturday night.  The main thing I want is my bed set up so I can crawl into it for a few days.  At least I'll have to stay in on Monday because that's the day they are coming to hook up my cable & internet, so I won't feel the least bit of pressure to go anywhere.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I sold the fridge!  One down...2 more to go.  Didn't get nearly what it was worth, but it had to go (they're picking it up Friday), and it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2882#2882 gabsimom's post

Yes they have.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi girls!

Just a quick pop in.  I'm "borrowing" some wifi from one of the new neighbours - I'm assuming it's one of the businesses downstairs.  I arrived safely at my new apartment, though it's been a long few days.  I'm completely wiped out, but relieved to be here.  SO many of my friends (the fellas) showed up to unload the trailer, which was awesome because we were a lot later than expected.  I might not have much, but I'm abundantly wealthy in friends.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2890#2890 penny3760's post

Thank you Penny.    I haven't much planned today except trying to find the kettle & tea.  Exhaustion doesn't even begin to describe how tired I am.  I feel like a broken doll this morning.  
My brother's coming by with coffee & a bagel for me.  Gotta love brothers for stuff like that.

Serena & Studio (rickman too),
Thanks for the well wishes, and yes, borrowed wifi is awesome, especially since my cell phone is a bit sucky (plus, I've lost my voice).  
"A true friend is the best possession."
I couldn't agree more.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2897#2897 gabsimom's post

Muphy's Law waited until yesterday morning to take effect (a few things were forgotten that needed to be in the truck & it took me an extra hour trying to figure out how to fit everything into my little Neon ), but the rest of the day went OK.  Friday was busy but it went fairly smoothly, except for 3 or 4 people asking me at the same time (all day long) which boxes to take next and where to put them.  I was ready to scream - but restrained myself. lol  It all worked out well and I even had help to clean the house so it would be left in good condition.

My voice is still raspy but the coffee my brother brought me seems to have helped a bit, and my throat doesn't hurt like it did this morning.  I'm sure it's nothing some rest won't be able to cure...I'm still refusing to get sick.

Thank you Shinny!   The borrowed isn't as good as having my own, but it sure is great to have some access until mine gets hooked up.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2902#2902 gabsimom's post

??? To what are you referring?  Is the pregnant brain starting already, or did you post that comment in the wrong thread?   Maybe you were pretending to twitter your random thoughts again? lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2904#2904 gabsimom's post

ROFL!  Too funny!  And I thought my brain was pudding today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



My frustration level is on the rise again.  The stupid cable guy must have gone to the wrong place yesterday because he didn't come here.  I waited all day!  Now I have to wait until NEXT TUESDAY.   Why, when it's there fault do I have to be penalized?  I want something free for their incompetence and for wasting my time.  Any suggestions?  Free installation would be nice, but I'd be willing to take something smaller like for the guy to hook up the TV in my bedroom too.  I didn't request that because it's not important, but I'd take it as a peace offering. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2912#2912 bala's post

Of course I did - weeks ago.   This is not my first time moving.  I have a feeling they went to the right number, but west instead of east, which is where I am.  A week just seems a long time to wait for their mistake.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2914#2914 bala's post

I'm not an eejit!  Don't you think if I could have done that I would have?  They don't offer that here.  You are given a time - usually morning or afternoon (mine was afternoon) - then have to wait until they arrive.  As I said, I've moved many times before and have dealt with this company with no hassle in the past.  

I'm just exhausted and want to be able to watch something other than 1 channel on TV, be able to have my home phone installed, and have MY internet installed so I can catch up on the shows I've missed since I've been so busy.  I don't think that's too much to ask for...especially since they have all of the relevant information and the mistake was on their part.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2917#2917 shinny's post

Must be nice!  I'm glad your furniture was delivered in such a timely fashion though.

I will ask for some compensation for wasting my time, and the inconvenience of an extra week without phone, cable or my own internet.  Whether I'll get anything is another matter, but I'm fed up with companies treating customers like our time is less valuable than theirs.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2920#2920 studiojek's post

Now I have to wait until Thursday!  I am getting free installation though, so it's better than nothing.  My neighbour sussed that I was using his wi-fi, so I no longer have access at home.  I'll catch up with you later in the week when they come and hook me up.  They better show up this time or I'll throw a conniption.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2922#2922 bala's post

Thanks, but I'd be wishing the cable company the luck.  If they mess up again, I'll drive over and have a fit in the office over their incompetency.  My threshold for stupidity has gone down greatly of late and I'm not taking crap from anyone.  I've found that if I am firm yet polite, I get better customer service and will often be switched over to someone higher up on the "food chain" who can actually help me, and will generally throw in some extra incentives for my inconvenience.  No more being a doormat - not that I really was, but I've definitely become more assertive lately.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2925#2925 magic4u's post

ROFLOL!!!   It's been a long while since you popped in Gary, my friendliest Glenda the good witch voice:
"Be gone with you, you have no powers here."

The extra 2 days wait isn't making me any happier but, no Bala, I don't have any weapons.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2928#2928 bala's post

Thanks.  I hope they do too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2930#2930 bala's post

Yes, finally, but he's going to have to come back tomorrow to put some more wires in from outside.  I'm hoping the landlord will be OK with that.  I did get the free hook-up for my bedroom TV though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2932#2932 gabsimom's post

LOL!  I got the time mixed up though and was getting upset.  Then I found the scrap of paper with the time, and he came near the end of that.  Had he come sooner, everything would have been done today though.  Tomorrow - another day of waiting.   At least I finally have TV though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I can finally get a show to load!  Just letting last week's American Idol load now.  Even though I know the results, I want to see the performances.  I can't wait to see the last 2 epis of House too.  I feel like a kid in a candy store!

EDIT:  I'm on my 3rd episode now.  So happy!  Takes so little to put a smile on my face.

2nd EDIT: All caught up on AI now.  Tomorrow is House, and I have to rewatch Heroes to make a quiz for the finale.  Tough day. LOL
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2936#2936 serena75's & 2935#2935 bala's posts

Thanks.   It's SO nice to be back online properly...even nicer to have a home phone again.  THAT was really sucky.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

