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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2832#2832 gypsiegirl66's post

I made it with the chocolate chips too.  I was wondering if Splenda would work too.  I intend to try it, so will let you know, but think it should work as I've made brownies with Splenda before & they were yummy.  If I don't try it 1st let me know how your friend makes out with it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Oh My!

Well, I think I've gone to far in being busy.  I got up this morning to get some stuff done before my friend came by to help me pack and forgot to eat.  It's nearly 10pm and I'm just finally eating something now.  Someone needs to remind me to eat, or bring me meals on wheels until the move.  That's just crazy and I feel kinda icky from no fuel for the day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2836#2836 studiojek's post

Not a bad idea Studio.  It's not always a matter of not being hungry (though sometimes it is), I'm just so busy packing for the move and sorting things out for the moving sale that even when I remember to eat I'll start doing something else and it will be another couple hours before I remember again.  I've come near to fainting a few times, plus I know it's not healthy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2838#2838 themegababe's post

It definitely helps to have someone around to remind you or force you to take a short break to refuel.  Only 2 more weeks to go and I'll be back home.  Hopefully I'll gain a few pounds back then - just enough so my face doesn't look so thin.

YAY!  I remembered to feed myself today.  Pitiful, eh?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Help Wanted

I am holding a moving sale, and though I have already placed an ad in the local newspaper, I also would like to advertise online.  I have already set up an account with the local online site so I am allowed to place an ad.

I've been looking at some of the other ads, which is helpful, but have never been a big "yard-saler" so don't usually even look through those ads.   What things do any of you look for in advertisements that would entice you to actually go check out such a sale?   Is it wiser to put suggested prices for large items like appliances or not?  I see that some have, which is helpful to know what the market is like in this area, but I also don't want to underestimate what someone will pay for things.  

I'm kind of sucky at this side of retail.   I'm a much better salesperson than I am at evaluating the price point for things.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2842#2842 gabsimom's post

Thanks Tina (and you too rickman).  Pictures aren't usual for the site I'm using - though I agree, they help.

Craigslist is great, but the city near here has a local site that most people use, which is the one I'm placing the ad on.  Good to know that it's probably wiser to add some prices, along with being willing to negotiate...which I am.  There are even a few items that I'm giving away (if someone is handy - they would work if fixed) and if they don't go I'll  bring them to the dump.  The main thing I was curious about was the appliances, so I'll recheck the local ads and get an idea of market value here, so I can incorporate some prices into my ad.  First time for everything.

Thanks for the feedback.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2846#2846 kwargalla's post

Thanks Kim.  I went and bought some neon bristle board today to make some signs.  I've also advertised in the local paper and did put an ad online.  I asked a friend up here about the price thing, and she agreed with you Kim - no prices, but itemize the larger items.  I did that, along with the age of the appliances (the dryer is less than 4 years old).  I have to ask where in town I'm allowed to put a notice up, as I know there are a couple message boards around.  I also have to find out the town's policy on signage that's not on my property so I can put some signs around.  

It's coming together, but it's a lot of work...especially in the midst of packing too.   

Thanks everyone for the feedback.  I found it very helpful in composing my advertisement.  As I said, I've never been a big one for yard sales because I've aways lived in apartments and have done my best to not accumulate extra stuff.  I like them, and will use them to get some of the things I'll need back home this time (great time of year for them there), but I do try to live by the motto in my signature.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2848#2848 kwargalla's post

Thanks Kim.  I forgot that you would know about those things, with our Mum serving the community.   

Now I just have to figure out where to put the boxes that are coming with me during the sale. lol  I don't want anything I need getting sold by mistake (highly unlikely), or to be in the way.  I think there will be much climbing of stairs this week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2850#2850 gabsimom's post

I do have some purses, but I'm not selling clothes.  Anything that is decent I'm giving to friends or charity.  The rooms I can close up are all upstairs, which is why I foresee me trudging up & down them this week.  I can put some in the butler's pantry and close it up, which will save me from trying to haul the boxes of dishes & dried/canned goods upstairs.  No books this time (I edited my collection before moving here ), but plenty of movies, which I know to mark low so they'll move.  

I have some small kitchen appliances - toaster, iron, waffle iron, etc.  Ideas as to a starting price?  I'm more than willing to bargain, but would like to make a bit of cash from the sale.

I've already sold the furniture set & a double bed to friends, so they are being kind enough to not leave me on the floor - though the bed can be picked up whenever it's convenient as it's in the spare bedroom.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2852#2852 gabsimom's post

It's been a chilly drizzly day here, which I have spent getting boxes and going to the dump.  Super exciting!  LOL  No fear of sunburn in this weather.  It was gorgeous all week, which was a little bit of a bumer, since I was stuck indoors packing.

$5 sounds reasonable to me, though most of my appliances don't stare, nor do they like being stared at.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2856#2856 gabsimom's post

That's a good idea Tina.  I was thinking the same thing, because I know some of the items can be bought new for pretty cheap now.  Many up here have cottages though, so I'm thinking they'd be likely to take the toaster or other small appliances for camp.  $6 or $7 is a good idea, and allows them to bargain as I'd be fine with a fiver for them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I am heading to bed, but not before sharing with you all the delights of living in what feels like a warehouse.  The furniture went today (I sold it YAY! - no place to sit but the floor - BOO).  The poor cats don't know what's going on, and I have friends arriving in the morning to help "set up" for the sale.  HAHA!  I hope they expect to be here all day.  I haven't even had a chance to price anything yet.  I have boxes that need moved upstairs, and I have another load of laundry to do before I can go to bed.   If it sells, I don't want to have to go somewhere else to wash it, and I'm not too keen on packing dirty laundry.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2859#2859 studiojek's post

Well, today has been busy, busy, busy!  I've been setting up for the sale, trying to get everything priced as well as moving the boxes I've packed out of the way.  I know I'll be done in when this is over, but I'm hopeful for a good turn out also, and I also hope I end up with NADA Studio.  The less I have to dispose of later, the better.

Next week will be the last minute packing and cleaning the house.  This place will feel huge with so much stuff gone.  Very strange.  I'm also a little concerned because I can't find one of my cats.  I hope he didn't get out today.  He used to be an outside cat, but with all the commotion, I'm afraid if he gets out, he may not come back.   Hopefully he's asleep and hiding out in one of the empty boxes.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


One down...

My cat did come out the other night.  He was just hiding.  I think all the commotion of setting up for the moving sale freaked him out a bit.

My sale is pretty much finished - though I still have to unload the fridge, stove & washing machine this week.  At least the biggest part is done.  Now I just have to finish packing, clean the house and get ready to go back home next Saturday.  Small task, really.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2862#2862 gabsimom's post

Yes, the prices you all suggested were good, and much sold.  Most of what didn't sell I have no problem donating to charity or taking to the dump (other than the big appliances - though the dryer sold - YAY!).  Nearly all the movies (VHS & DVD) sold (a few for top price ), and a few that didn't I don't mind keeping.

Though there's still plenty to do, I'm feeling much better now, and far less stressed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2864#2864 cshapiro's post

I know exactly what you mean!  I've been coming here since I was a child, and not until living hee did I realize how far from civilization it feels.  I suppose if one grows up in this environment it's easier to cope with, but coming from the outside, it sure is a challenge.

Reply 2865#2865 studiojek's post

Tell me about it!  I have to take the 3 of them to the vet in the morning to update their shots so I can cross the border with them with no hassles and I'm a little nervous as to how that will go.  I'm hoping this little jaunt won't make getting them in the carriers for the move on Saturday more difficult.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2867#2867 shinny's post

It's been much the same down in Windsor - so my brother called to tell me...the fink. lol  It's cold & damp here.

Glad you're enjoying yourself.   Have a great time!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2869#2869 gabsimom's post

The beach!  Wow!  It seemed more like autumn here today.  I've still got a bit of a chill, though the fact that I'm exhausted probably isn't making it any better.  I'm pretending that this awful cough I'm getting, along with the chill, is NOT me getting sick, but just fatigue & allergies.  How long do you think I can fool my body into believing it?   It only has to work until I get the trailer unloaded next Saturday.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2871#2871 gabsimom's post

Hush your mouth!   I WILL fool my body until Saturday evening. LOL

p.s. I refuse to become a crazy cat lady.  I have 3, but that is the limit, and the third is because I couldn't bring myself to give Mum's cat to anyone else.  Plus, he's the brother of my big orange cat, so they get along well.  Today was vet day...they're still "talking" to me, so I'm taking that as a good sign.  Plus, I picked up some stuff that's supposed to help calm them for the trip.  It's natural, so I don't feel bad about drugging them (I'd hate that).  It's a spray that I can spray their carriers & the car with before the trip...also the new apartment.  Apparently it helps so they don't feel so stressed.  I hope it works.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2876#2876 studiojek's post

Wow!  Only a month & a half left.  That flew by!  Hopefully Lost will be done by the for the season by the time the baby arrives, as I can't imagine being able to wrap your head around the crazy goings on of the show when sleep deprived from being up with a new baby.

BTW, I'll be offline from Thursday to Monday due to my move.  Feel free to keep posting as I love to "hear" what's happening with everyone, and I'll check this thread out when I get hooked back up next week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

