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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2744#2744 shinny's post

I must agree Shinny!  Hibernation would be great right about now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2747#2747 gypsiegirl66's post

There are a few pluses to living in a cold climate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2750#2750 serena75's post

Glad to hear the back pain has subsided.   I hate to bother my neighbour - he's an elderly gentleman, but it was very nice of him to help...and to see to it that I wasn't stuck.

I'm still under the weather but am tiring of it, so I thought I'd let my Meez have some fun.   The only annoying thing is they cut the animations short when you export them.  The dance is much more fun when seen as a whole.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


OH MY GOODNESS!  It's COLD out.   I just put the garbage out and am frozen to the core.  I thought - it's got to be at least -20C...I checked the weather channel, and it's I guess living here has made me be able to tell just how cold it is.  Lucky me.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2753#2753 cshapiro's post

That's nice, especially if it snows while you're working.  I generally like winter too, but you're right - it's been a long hard winter this year.  We've had more snow than usual up here.  The snow is piled almost as high as I am tall (some piles are even higher) in most places (I'm nearly 5'9") - so it will take a while for it to disappear, even when it does warm up.  It's frustrating trying to get out of the driveway because the piles are so high I can't see if anyone's coming on the road.  Thank heavens I live on a little street with not much traffic.  I imagine if we get much more snow, they'll truck some away again.  They've had to do that once already this winter.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2755#2755 studiojek's post

Lots of layers.   You get used to it, but I'm ready for spring now.  This winter has been a lot of work.  Plus, I'm moving at the end of April and would like the snow to be gone by then.  It should be, but who knows this year?   

Anyone who doesn't believe the climate has changed is deluding themself.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, my car is officially dead!   The repair would cost more than the car is worth, and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere.  Life is getting very sucky right now!  I want Superman to do that flying fast around the planet trick to take me back in time about 4 months.  That's all, nothing major.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2758#2758 bala's post

You gonna front me the cash?   I'll probably have to get one - though it's going to put me deeper in debt.  This is a SUCKY day.  Wish I was a mechanic, then I could do it myself for just the cost of the parts.  It's the labour costs that get you every time...those this is a BIG fix - my engine is shot.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2760#2760 bala's post

All my family live 500 or more miles away.  I just wish the stupid car could have waited to die until May - then I'll be back down south and I won't need one so badly.  Up here everything is so far away, and just the thought of getting ready for the move without a vehicle is making me nauseous.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2763#2763 gypsiegirl66's post

It's all in the timing.  I have SO much to do, so little time, and now no car.  I'm hoping my uncle will have some suggestions.  He's supposed to call me this evening when he gets off work.  I don't know how much more I can take.

p.s. Love the Meez.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2765#2765 studiojek's post

Tell me about it!  I might have found someone who can fix it for a lot less - as long as I arrange to get the part (the engine ) from the auto parts place...but I think a friend will be able to do it for me with his pick-up truck.  Here's hoping I have a running vehicle by this time next week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2767#2767 bala's post

What I wouldn't give for boring right about now...though even when life isn't so hectic, I don't get bored - never have.  I have enough imagination to keep me occupied.  It helps me think of something to do - either for fun or something practical that needs doing.  I live by the philosophy that only boring people get bored, and I don't ever want to be a boring person.  

BTW, I'm not insinuating that you are boring - I just hate to hear healthy young people (especially kids) complain of boredom.  Too many of them don't know how to entertain themselves anymore - they want to be entertained by something else, which is quite a shame.  There's SO many things to do - even if you're stuck inside.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


News on the continuing adventures of my automobile:

Well, my friend was able to go pick up the replacement engine today, and I arranged to have the car towed to the guy's house who is going to do the work.  He should be able to finish it this weekend.  Keep a good thought for me and let's hope that once the new engine is in, the car will run like a dream.  Now it's just a matter of paying for everything - JOY...not!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2770#2770 bala's post

I wasn't referring to you when when I was talking about kids.  I was thinking of actual kids - because it's spring break this week here and I've seen so many of the kids just moping around town doing nothing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2772#2772 bala's post

Well, it depends on where you live in Canada.  Here, it's still about -10C, which is mild for up here at this time of year, but it's more springy in other parts of the country, like in my old city.  I imagine some of the kids around here will be able to go snow-mobiling or ice skating...which is good fun, but not all of them are outdoorsy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2774#2774 bala's post

You wear lots of layers.   Plus, once you get used to it, it's easier to tolerate.  I have friends that have moved to Canada from warm countries though, and they always find the first winter the worst - since they've never experienced anything like it before.  I have actually noticed that I can tolerate the cold in the north better than down in southern Ontario.  It's a much damper climate down there - so the cold in winter chills you to the bone, and the humidity in summer makes it unbearably hot.  Up here, it's very cold, but if you're dressed warm enough, you can usually enjoy it - as long as you keep moving.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I Hate This Town!

I am SO fed up I can't even put it into words.  The idiot who was supposed to tow my car (on Friday) to the guy who is going to fix it DIDN'T BOTHER TO DO IT!  Now I get to get up at the crack of dawn to find out why, and to get my car over to to where it needs to be.  It would have been fixed by now!  Nobody bothered to call to ask me why my car wasn't where it was supposed to be.  I don't understand the mentality of this town.  I'll be so glad to get out of it, but I need my stinkin' car to do that.  

FRUSTRATION is my word of the day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2776#2776 waterlilybarb's post

Well, I spoke to the garage this morning and it was totally a matter of them not bothering to do the job.   I got some lame excuse about how they were too busy, but I know they deprioritized my tow because I was taking my business elsewhere.  The stupid thing is, they are getting paid for towing my car just as much as they would to tow any other car - which is why I know their claim is bogus.  Unfortunately, their pettiness has probably cost me another week without a vehicle.

FRUSTRATION does not even begin to explain how I'm feeling.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, it looks like I'll have my car back tomorrow.  YAY!  It's about time.  I'll finally be able to get things accomplished.

On another note, I awoke to 10-15cm of snow this morning.  Springtime in the north - ain't it grand?

Plus, I now have some boxes so I can start packing.  Things are looking up.   Now I just need somewhere to live come May 1st...and the auction to get rid of the huge amount of superfluous stuff I now have.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2779#2779 serena75's post

I'm sorry to hear that Serena.  It's certainly no fun feeling so crappy.  I hope it improves abit for you soon.

On another note...I finally have my car back!  Can you believe it took 25 days?  And that's only because I live in this horrible small town - where pettiness takes precedent over professionalism.  I feel like I've been set free.  Even if I don't feel well enough to go anywhere, just knowing the option is there makes a HUGE difference.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

