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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2607#2607 cshapiro's post

Glad to hear you all arrived safely and are enjoying your time together.  I can imagine the atmosphere was different.  In this small town, it feels like everything closed yesterday at about 4pm.  I had to go pick up a prescription for my Mum at the hospital (the pharmacy was closed & her doc was working the ER) and I think I only saw one other car on the road.  Of course, the fact that it was snowing (AGAIN) probably didn't help. The roads were terrible.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2611#2611 shinny's post

LOL!  I can just imagine what you sound like.   I'm OK, just tired.  I've had 2 shovel-free days, but the pressure system is up & down so have been fighting with the dreaded migraine beast.   

I've a bit more on my plate these days as my Mum's health is getting worse.  She's so cheerful though, that it's a pleasure to be around her and to do things to make her more comfortable.  She is a bit frustrated in not being able to be as active as usual.  She isn't used to being stuck inside (what normal person likes that anyway?) and not able to get out and see other people.  Thankfully, we've had some friends pop in for visits.  I think they'll start doing it more frequently now, as they're also getting used to her not being out & about.

I hope your laryngitis doesn't last long Shinny.  I usually get it, but fortunately not this winter, thus far.  It's a bit of a drag though - especially if you're a chatty person like me.  I bet if you're around any of the nieces & nephews they find it quite amusing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2613#2613 shinny's post

Glad to hear your voice is returning.  I know how frustrating it can be without it - especially on the phone.

I'm really glad I'm here with my Mum.  She is too - even when I'm a miserable grouch (it happens occasionally).  Today I've had a whopper of a migraine.   The weather has gone crazy and gotten milder and rainy - plus very windy.  I prefer the snow to the mess created by the rain...especially because it's going to get colder and no doubt freeze up like an ice rink.

I'm off to do a very quick scan of the boards before turning the 'puter off again.  My head can't take it today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2615#2615 themegababe's post

Thanks Meg.  Today is better - my head doesn't hurt too badly.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2617#2617 meljones_83's post

Hello Mel!  Hope you're enjoying your first holidays as a Mrs.   I also hope you're feeling heaps better from that bug you had and are able to enjoy the time off.

I'm still in my pjs, but I still had to go out and shovel the snow that had drifted into the driveway and clean the car off so my Mum could get out this morning.  This brings me to something I've been thinking about lately - chivalry.  I think it's pretty much dead in this town.  We have neighbours with a teenage son who has never once offered (even for $$) to clean our snow away.  My idea of romantic is a man that will shovel the snow, clean & warm up your car on a cold day without being asked; one who sees you've had a rough day and makes you a cup of tea or coffee just because you look like you need one.  I know they're out there - they're just already married...and to my friends.  I'm not looking - but if I ever am, those are a couple things I'll be looking for in a fella.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2621#2621 casper27's post

Exactly Craig!  Your Mum is right.

Bala, as for the kid never offering to help - I think it says a lot about the way he's being raised.  When I was a teen, I WAS expected to shovel the walks of elderly or ill neighbours when I was out doing ours...and I'm a girl.  There's nothing wrong with feeling a little obligated to be helpful.  Personally, I wouldn't expect it all the time, but the offer would be appreciated.

Meg, I agree that doing things for one another is part of marriage - or even a good friendship.  I like doing things for those I love and I also appreciate when they do nice things for me.  I can do things for myself (and DO), but I never take the kind gestures of others for granted or make a man who's being gentlemanly feel like it's unappreciated.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2625#2625 studiojek's post

Hope you had a nice time on your holiday.   It's always nice to have time away with family.

It's been pretty quiet around here.  I think most are busy with the holidays, and those that aren't are just vegging...a la me.   And, yes, we're still having lots of cold weather here, and I have to go out in it today.  I'm just gearing myself up for it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2627#2627 cshapiro's post

Welcome Back!

It's so nice that you had such a good trip and got to spend time with all your old friends.  Glad you survived the long shifts and all that entails.  Nice to have you back with us.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2632#2632 serena75's post

Yes, I would feel the same.  I was expected to help others when I was a teen, and I'm happy I did.  If I saw the neighbours had a daughter out shovelling rather than a son, I would know she was old enough & strong enough to do that kind of work - as I was when younger.  I mentioned the boy because that is what I have living next door.

Reply 2631#2631 cshapiro's post

Well said!  Your children will appreciate the helping spirit they have been taught, as well as the sense of feeling good about themselves as they do what they can to assist others.  And I'm sure your wife appreciates your thoughtfulness.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2643#2643 serena75's post

No worries.  I wasn't offended at all.  I too have a chronic illness, and am caring for my mother who is very ill.  I have no trouble accepting help when offered.  I do most everything for myself, but know that sometimes people help as a way to show they care.  I never turn down their genuine offers because I don't want to rob them of the joy it gives to feel helpful.  I know from experience that sometimes one doesn't know what to do to help - so doing chores that may take a bit more energy is a practical way of helping without feeling pushy.

Now - how is everyone today?  And welcome back Arielle!   Sorry - I can't muster any sympathy for you either over the extra warm winter you're having. It's very cold here today.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2645#2645 serena75's post

It took me quite some time to be able to accept help more easily.  I too was always a very self-sufficent person and was one used to being the helper not the one who was in need of help.  My Mum reminded me (especially when I first was ill) of how happy it had always made me to do something for someone else (it still does), which helped me a lot in learning to accept help.  For things I am completely capable of, I let those who offer know that I can do those things, but offer a suggestion of something else that they could do for me that would be of practical assistance, and also doesn't take advantage of their kindness.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2657#2657 shinny's post

I vividly remember having my wisdom teeth out.  It was just before I turned 18 and my private insurance was going to expire.  All 4 of mine were impacted, so they did them all at the same time.  The procedure itself wasn't bad, but Meg is right about the ice.  The easiest thing to use is a bag of frozen peas (or something similar).  It's good because it molds to your face and you can keep refreezing it.  Don't eat them though.   The other thing to remember is to follow the instructions on how to keep your mouth clean afterwards.  I was so medicated and sore (I wasn't given the direction to ice it) that, though I did clean my teeth and tried to follow the directions - I wound up with an infection, which was worse than all the other stuff.

Reply 2647#2647 serena75's post

I will thank my mother for you.   And thank you for the kind wishes.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


To all the gals,

Just wanted to say a quick hello.  I won't be around much for a while, but I do stop in and read what folks write, so feel free to continue just chatting about the usual "girlie" things.  

I'll be back as soon as I'm able - just rambling about the random thoughts that pop into my head.  Everyone take care, and I'll catch you all soon.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2664#2664 imarielle626's post

That sounds nice Arielle.  I hope when you go apartment hunting you land a good one.   I know when I move back to Windsor I will not do the roommate thing again.  It's a hassle when they move & you have to find someone else.  I'll be looking for something clean & cozy.  

Simplify is my current mantra.  It makes lifes that much easier.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2670#2670 themegababe's & #2671 studiojek's posts

Yep, I'll be moving back down to Windsor in the spring - most likely the end of April/beginning of May.  There's no reason to stay here anymore except to finish up get rid of huge amounts of household items, furniture, excess dishes, etc.  

I will definitely NOT do the roommate thing again.  In the end, it wound up costing me money rather than saving (the last roommate I had in Windsor).  When I was young like Arielle though, having a roommate worked out well.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2673#2673 studiojek's post

I lived alone for a long time.  I got a roommate to try and cut some expenses and pay down a bit of debt I had, but in the end it woulnd up putting me further in the hole.  I liked living alone - and never found it lonely, so I'm looking forward to having my own place, near my friends again.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2675#2675 gabsimom's post

No worries Tina.  I've been crazy busy and will continue to be come Monday...thank goodness for weekends.  I was just checking in to see what was happening here.  Looks like the race is going well.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2678#2678 shinny's post

Wow!  I had no idea spring began so early in Ireland & the UK.  Here it starts around March 21st, and sometimes then there's still snow on the ground.  I guess everything really is all relative.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2680#2680 shinny's post

Considering how cold it still is here (along with the masses of snow) I'm a little envious of your visions of daffodils.  We won't see those until around early April...possibly late March if we're lucky.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2682#2682 shinny's post

ROFL!!!  Happy spring indeed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

