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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2532#2532 bala's post

Even without boots, warmer socks can help.  I know your winters aren't like ours, but cold is cold and it's wise to be sensible, though when I was a teen I was notorious for leaving for school with my hair still wet.  In the winter it would actually freeze by the time I got to the bus stop, which was only half a block from our house.  I'm much less worried about looking cool now, plus, I found a cute hat so I don't have frozen hair anymore.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2535#2535 shinny's post

Well, we finished the living room this weekend.  I guess it was a little ambitious to think we'd get both rooms (living & dining rooms) done, considering we both have poor health.  I can't believe how much nicer the room is now.  Colour makes SUCH a difference.  I'm hoping to get the dining room done during the week.  Can't wait until it's finished though because the fumes (though they don't smell as strong as the old stuff) still knock both my Mum & I for six.  It's more the off-gassing of the chemicals than the actual smell.  Unfortunately, it's too cold to open up the windows.  

It's snowing/sleeting tonight - so that gives you an idea of the lovely weather we're having.  I'd much prefer a nice blanket of snow that is crisp to this sloppy wet mess.  Oh well, complaining won't change just makes me feel better to have a wee whinge.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2537#2537 meljones_83's post

Flu is DEFINITELY different from a cold or stomach bug.  I've had it a couple times and ended up in hospital once from complications.  I wound up with viral pneumonia, which is NOT fun.  Because of being at high risk, I usually am able to get my flu shot early, but being in a new place I don't know where to go to get one this year.  I'm pretty sure there's a weekly clinic for shots somewhere around so I'm going to check into that.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I feel awful!  We had to give my Mum's dog away today.   He went to a really good home, but I just wish I was well enough to take proper care of him so she could have kept him even a little longer.  He was a bigger dog, and I just couldn't keep up with the amount of exercise he needed AND take care of everything else too.  I have a feeling there will be a lot of good-byes in the new year.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2554#2554 shinny's post

You can say that twice and mean it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks gals.   We're getting used to not having the dog around.  It's harder on my Mum, but she's a pragmatist too.  Honestly, it came just at the right time because we got dumped on with snow yesterday and I would have been hard-pressed to walk the dog AND shovel the driveway, sidewalk and clean the car.

Things have been a bit busy on my end too, but it's great to see and hear from you all.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2562#2562 serena75's post

Thank you.  One nice thing is the family that took the dog said we could go visit him whenever we go to the city (we live about an hour from there).

Haha Shinny.  What exactly constitutes cold there?  I imagine you get a quite damp cold - the worst kind, in my opinion.  It's been snowing again here, but it was a slushy snow, so it has made for really ugly weather.  The roads are a mess.  I just hope it melts a little before it freezes because it will make the roads and sidewalks quite treacherous if it just gets colder.  I much prefer the nice crunchy snow we had until today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2564#2564 serena75's post

It really was.  And I know it made my Mum feel more comfortable.  They even offered to bring him with them when they come down our way to visit their relatives.  They seem like a very nice family.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2567#2567 imarielle626's post

I've updated mine.  Take a guess as to what kind of weather we're having.    And yes, shoveling the driveway and sidewalk IS my responsibility.  I'm counting is as my exercise for the winter.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2570#2570 shinny's & 2572#2572 meljones_83's post

I totally understand that kind of weather.  It's sounds a bit like what it was like in the fall where I used to live - though we didn't often have icy roads until winter...those are treacherous.  Mel, I feel for you.  The door was frozen shut on my car today (again) so it was a big pain in the bum trying to clean it.  Thankfully one of the passenger doors wasn't as bad, so I climbed in that way to warm it up while I was cleaning the snow and ice off of it.

We had to go to the city today, and the roads were AWFUL!  Usually the plows are out right away up here, but they were a bit slow getting started today and it was ugly driving.  Thankfully it was better on the way back...though I had to shovel AGAIN (I did it before we left too) when we got back because it had been snowing all day.  The forecast said we could get over 15 cm today, and tomorrow high is only going to be -17C.  Sounds almost tropical, eh?   I'm very glad I bought some extra sweaters for both my Mum & I.  Both of us are smaller than last winter so all of our warm clothes were too big, and they just don't keep you as warm when they aren't as close to the body.

Well girls, keep warm, and Mel, try to take care of yourself.  If your cold starts getting too bad do take a day off to give yourself a chance to get better.

I'm off to make a hot cuppa and curl up in front of the telly.  Catch you all later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2573#2573 waterlilybarb's post

I had to make a correction.  Tonight's high is supposed to be -17C.  Tomorrow it's supposedly going to be a balmy -4C.

Alright, I'm off to get some sleep.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2578#2578 meljones_83's post

Sorry you're feeling so rough Mel.  Here's a little basket of goodies to help you feel better ASAP.

BTW, try not to worry about your class.  They'll be delighted when you get back - and I'm sure the substitute won't completely undo all your hard work.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2584#2584 imarielle626's post

Well, my Meez is still doing what I've been at off and on for the past few days.  It's been snowing steadily here.  I had to go to our old house today (which is on a dirt road) and I had to leave the car on the road.  The snow in the driveway was nearly up to my knees, and it's uphill!  I would have gone yesterday had I noticed the weather report because we needed good drinking water and the well at the old house is spring fed.  Unfortunately that driveway is at least 75-100ft long.  I am SO exhausted from trudging through all that snow, and shovelling everything here at the house.    

Mel, I'm glad you liked the basket of goodies.  I just wish you could pop them out of your computer and really enjoy them.   I know what you mean about supply teachers, and when I think of the hassle we gave them as students, I feel even more for them (we were really quite rotten to some of them ).  I'm sure the kids will be happy to have you back when you're feeling well enough (hopefully tomorrow).

Arielle, I hope your cold doesn't get too bad, especially during finals.  There's not much worse than a stuffy head when you're trying to concentrate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2589#2589 penny3760's post

Hi Penny!  Nice to see you.   I'm well, though I think I'm starting to get a touch of a cold.  'Tis the season for them, that's for sure.

Hope you're well and keeping busy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2593#2593 studiojek's post

Thankfully it didn't snow last night, so I'm staying in today.  I've been out there digging us out pretty much every day this week and am enjoying having a day off.  If I remember to bring my camera (I finally got one LOL) I'll snap a pic over at the old house next time I go over to show you all what it's like here.  That house is in the country, so the snow drifts are much higher than here in town.  Funny thing is, the folks around here call where we live the "banana belt" because we don't get quite as much snow as the towns on either side of us.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2595#2595 studiojek's post

LOL.  I was out shovelling again today, and snapped some pics over at the old house.  I'll put them up in the next day or two so you can see how lusciously tropical it really is.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I told you guys I'd show you what it looks like up here.  Here are a couple snaps I took of the long driveway at the old house.  You'll see why I'm so happy I don't have to shovel it.

View from the front porch:

View from the end of the driveway:

That isn't even bad.  The snow had been plowed and we had also had a bit of a thaw, so it wasn't too deep.  It just gets deeper as winter progresses.  Here in town, I was shovelling the walkway & driveway today and, because we'd had rain a couple days ago, there was a sheet of ice under the snow.  Not fun.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2601#2601 imarielle626's post

LOL!  That must have been some fluke snow storm.  It doesn't usually snow at Lake Louise in the middle of July.  It would be neat to hike through the snow in summer, though because we get enough of it throughout the winter, that's one experience I'd gladly bypass.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Well, it's snowing again here.  We may get up to 35cm by tomorrow.  I've already been out shovelling today, and no doubt will have heaps more to do tomorrow.  

I just hope that anyone travelling in this kind of weather uses common sense.  I also hope that the weather doesn't leave anyone planning to fly stranded or unable to get to their destinations.  

It's quite pretty - in spite of all the work.  Plus, I don't think we have to go anywhere we might stay up and watch movies tonight. I bought Mamma Mia, which we watched last night.  It was fun to watch with someone who hadn't seen it yet.  I'll be singing ABBA again for days on end.   It doesn't hurt (or maybe it doesn't help - you'd have to ask my Mum) that there's a sing-along option on the DVD.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2605#2605 cshapiro's post

I was thinking of you earlier.  I thought you were flying out in the next day or so.  I sure hope your flight takes off and you all arrive safely in Germany.  

Enjoy the wedding, and the time with your friend and family.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

