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The girly`s ......giggle box

I'm finally getting new glasses!  I can't remember if I mentioned it, but I lost my specs about 2 weeks after I moved up here and have been trying to do with just my contacts and (old) prescription sunglasses since.  I have to wait 2 weeks though, because I think they send them to Toronto to have them made.  Talk about a pain in the butt.  I'm ever hopeful that when I get them I'll have a few fewer migraines, as I'm sure the eye strain hasn't helped my head any.  

And that's the exciting news from the back of beyond.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2450#2450 waterlilybarb's post

OK, I know I'm replying to myself, but I'm excited!  I must have made a good case for myself because my glasses are ready and I get to go pick them up today.  I know it's not earth-shattering news, but I'm delighted.  it will be SO nice not to be wearing my sunglasses all the time.  It's bad enough when I have to wear them when I have a migraine, but it sucks when trying to watch TV in the evening.   Little things like this just make me happy.    

Now, if I could only fall asleep so I won't feel like absolute crap in the morning.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2452#2452 bala's post

I do too.    I'm especially happy this time since I've been without a proper pair for a couple months now.  Thank heaven for contact lenses & old sunglasses.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2454#2454 bala's post

True, but I tend to stick to the same colours.  The frames I got this time are a bit more square than my old ones.  Being a red-head and quite fair I don't like anything too severe - like black frames.  I'm also not crazy about the frames that have those little nose pads, as they always wind up irritating me, no matter how well they're fitted.  I chose ones that are kind of a dark tortoise shell colour, which is similar to the ones I lost.  I like them because I don't tire of the colour quickly and they go with everything.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2456#2456 bala's post

My reading glasses have those nose pads, but because I have sinus problems (allergies & such) I find I can't wear that type of frame for long periods of time (like all day).  I picked up my new glasses and they're great!  I like them even better than I thought I would.  Plus, I can see better now that I have the proper prescription.   My contacts are good, but with an astigmatism they don't give me 100% clear vision, so it's a real treat to be able to see clearly again.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2458#2458 shinny's post

How exciting!  It's so nice to have things like that to look forward to in a family.  Weddings are so nice - it's been a while since anyone I know (closely) got married...over 2 years. I doubt there will be any more babies in my family, at least not for a long time.  My sister would (possibly) have another child, but she'd like to wait until she's married.  She says she'd like to have 1 that she planned and that came in the order she expected (ie: marriage 1st, then baby ).  I love that she doesn't view the 2 she already has as accidents though - she views them as surprises - something she didn't know she wanted until she got.    

I'll be heading down there in a week or so (got to see my doc before winter sets in up here), so I'm excited to see the little ones.  My youngest nephew turned a year in September, and is growing by leaps & bounds.  I can't wait to see how much he's changed and if he has any hair yet.    Plus, my niece is just lovely, and loves her Aunt Barb, so I can't wait to get a big hug from her and hear all about her new school.  My brother has a 6 year old boy too, so I'm really hoping to get some time with him as well.  That's a tougher situation since his Mum doesn't speak to me (not sure why - she's just odd.  She's fine with my Mum though which is more important).  Hopefully my brother won't get sent out of town for work.

BTW, it looks like I'll at least be able to get high-speed DSL in November.  I did a little checking and it appears like the upgrades have been completed.  I'll be calling tomorrow about it, so am very excited.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2461#2461 silver1978's post

I echo the sentiments of Shinny & Studio and hope for an uneventful tour for your hubby.  It's nice that some of that time will be spent with your family, and very nice you get to have your son for the holidays this year.  If you come up with any fab & easy recipes for 2, feel free to post them.  My Mum and I take turns with the cooking (though lately she's been doing more because she enjoys cooking, whereas I do it because I need to eat. ) and it's always nice to try something different.

As for myself, my high speed DSL will be activated on the 6th.  YAY!  I can't wait - though I'll be heading down south a couple days later for about a week.  When I get back though, I'll be like greased lightning compared to now.

Shinny - I didn't even think of that!   I was assuming it was 2 different sibings.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2467#2467 imarielle626's post

Congrats on your 1st voting experience Arielle.  This should prove to be an interesting couple of days, but honestly, I'll be glad when it's over.  I'm so tired of hearing about the election (plus we just had one here), but am interested to see who will win.

My exciting day consisted of holing up in bed and trying to rid myself of a wicked migraine (seems to be mostly gone - YAY!) and making arrangements for my trip down south.  I'm getting excited to see my friends.  I just hope I feel well enough to enjoy the trip.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, we'll know in the morning who the next President of the US is.  All the major US networks are doing election coverage - and so many of the shows on Canadian TV are repeats tonight.  I don't find watching the numbers particularly interesting, so we'll most likely stick a DVD in.  No matter who wins, it has been an interesting race.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Today is the 6th, so sometime during the day my high speed DSL will be activated.  I can't wait!

I won't really get a chance to enjoy it until I get back though, since I leave on Friday for about a week.  I plan on giving my Mum a crash course in basic internet use tomorrow so she can have a little fun surfing the web and figuring out how to do things with the computer while I'm away.  Should be fun.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2490#2490 meljones_83's post

Welcome Back Mrs.!

I'm so glad you had such a nice honeymoon.  I'm off tomorrow to head down to where I used to live for a week, but look forward to your pics whenever you're able to post them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2495#2495 meljones_83's post

So sorry about your flood.  That sucks!  I know what a hassle it can be to clean up a mess like that, but thank goodness for parents, eh?

Your pictures are lovely.  I love your dress, and the coat that went with it.  The green is beautiful on the girls, and looks just gorgeous with the white flowers.  At least your "disasters" weren't show stoppers and everything went smoothly for the most important bits.

BTW, my high speed is now activated.  I can't believe how slow the dial-up really was.  I was beginning to think I was just being a big whiner, but I downloaded a bunch of stuff I needed, in about 5 minutes or less.  It would have taken HOURS on dial-up.  I'll be a crazy internet junkie when I get back from my trip.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I'm Back Again!

Hiya Girls!

Thanks for the well wishes on my trip - it went well, and the drive both ways was uneventful.  I'm tired, but Studio was correct...knowing I had the DSL to come back to made returning even nicer since it will make keeping in touch with my family & friends down there SO much easier.

Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing well, and especially happy to hear that Mel's kitchen disaster is being taken care of by the company who installed the plumbing.  That's great news, and I'm sure a load off you & your hubby's minds.

I'm off to catch up on some shows - didn't get to watch ANY while I was away.  Ta for now!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2513#2513 meljones_83's post

Hi Mel!

Glad to hear you're settling into your new life.  I TOTALLY understand where you're coming from.  I too am a very clean person, but not always the tidiest.  I used to be a complete neat freak, but I jus don't have the energy for it anymore, so am very glad I've learned to not be irritated by a bit of untidiness.  Before it would have driven me completely mad.   We have a dishwasher in our new house, but my Mum never uses it.  She's never had one, so doesn't think of it.  Personally, I'd use (and will) more often.  We have enough dishes to last us until we get a decent load so it makes sense to me.  Also, cold& flu season is coming, and the dishwasher can actually disinfect the dishes, which I think will be great.

I was sick as a dog last night and am just hoping that it's all the running around catching up to me because I don't relish the thought of having any kind of bug.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2515#2515 shinny's post

That sucks Shinny.  Hope this one only lasts for a couple days too.  I hate head colds and feeling all "snuffy".   Hot whiskey sounds good.  My stomach is what's really not good so I'm on hot ginger drinks and dry toast.  Mm-mm good (she says with just a hint of sarcasm). lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2518#2518 cshapiro's post

Thanks for the reminder.  I was planning to get my flu shot when I saw my GP last week, but I had a very sore throat and stuffed up sinuses.  I'm sure there will be a clinic around here for flu shots.  I just have to feel well enough since I can't get when if I'm already sick.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2524#2524 meljones_83's post

That's odd, but you're probably right Mel.  I guess they figure - better safe than sorry.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2526#2526 studiojek's post

I've been wondering about Penny too.  I was thinking that I keep missing her, but she also hasn't posted in a while.  I hope she's OK.  I think she may have mentioned needing some more surgery, but I'm not positive.  If so, maybe that's why she's away.

Have a great visit with your parents!  Don't sweat it if everything isn't perfect.  I'm sure they're coming to see you not your house.   

We are painting the living room this weekend - I'm still aching from yesterday , but will check in again later.  My Mum had to go out this morning so I slept in.  I just having my coffee now so I can get going on the 2nd coat.  It wouldn't be bad, but we have at least 10 foot ceilings, so my shoulders are killing me.  One good thing - I figured the painting would make me feel like crap anyway, so we're doing it while I'm already a bit  under the weather.  My reasoning (or the method to my madness ) is why ruin 2 weekends feeling awful when you can cram it into one.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2528#2528 bala's post

Were you wearing boots or warm shoes at least?  At the very least make sure you have good warm socks.  

We have about 6 centimeters of snow on the ground - not much so far, but it's cold.  I went out yesterday and had on my hat, coat, boots, gloves, and  2 scarves and was still cold because I didn't have warm enough stuff under my coat.  I thought I'd be OK since I was just running out for a little bit, but I'll know better next time.  Plus, it's now time to dig out my really warm boots.  Winter has definitely arrived.  I actually enjoy winter - as long as I'm dressed for it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2530#2530 bala's post

Get some warmer footwear if the cold is going to last any length of time.  Also, wear a hat.  Keepng your feet & head warm are the best ways to keep the rest of you warm, since the majority of body head escapes from those extremities.  Do that and you'll thank me when you're waiting for the bus or train on a cold morning.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

