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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hi Gals

Just a quick drop in to let you know I'm still around.  I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Life's still ticking along quite well though it's starting to det chilly up here already.  At least this winter I know I'll have heat which will be a huge improvement to last winter's fiasco of the broken radiator and the idiot landlord.

Mel, I hope your wedding plans are continuing to go well.

Meg & Arielle, I hope school is going well for both of you and you're enjoying your classes.

That's it for me tonight.  I'm off to take a quick scan of the boards.  Toodle-oo!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2365#2365 cshapiro's post

Have a safe trip, and I hope you and your wife get to enjoy some fun things in NYC.  Give my regards to Broadway.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2378#2378 angel-87's post

I'm sure you'll do fine on the trip angel. When I moved in August it was only half way through the province of Ontario and it was a 12 hour drive.  If I do the trip by cutting through the US I can get it down to about 7 hours.  It's a trip I've been taking since I was a kid, so it doesn't seem so bad anymore.  The first time I drove it on my own though was a bit daunting.  I hope your move goes smoothly, and I feel for you having to pack.  I'm on the other end of that, and unpacking is much better, though still tiring.

Mel, those cookies look yummy.  I've had a yen for some homemade cookies lately but with still getting settled into the new house (and our oven being tempermental ) we haven't done much but basic cooking.  It will be nice to bake and make nicer meals again - even though what we do make is tasty, it's getting a bit boring.  I also really hope your dress fitting goes well.

Shannon, sorry to hear your boss was such a butt.  I remember when you got the job and how excited you were.  I hope all goes well and you are able to enjoy some of the time you now have with your husband before his deployment.  I also hope he returns safely.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2380#2380 meljones_83's post

I'm SO pleased for you Mel!   I know from my friends that it often happens the way you described - winding up choosing a style of dress different than you initially expected.  I'm sure you'll look like the princess the dress makes you feel like. (I know that's bad grammar, but you know what I mean. )

Maybe after the wedding you can do what Meg did and post some photos with the faces edited out so we can see your lovely dress.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2384#2384 angel-87's post

An annoying passanger, no matter how much you love them, can definitely make the trip seem even further than it is - I know this from experience.   However, the feeling of accomplishment you'll have after taking this journey for the first time on your own will make up for the anxiety you're feeling now.  I've travelled some steep and bendy hills, and I would have MUCH rather been the driver.  As a passenger I felt more nervous because I didn't have control of the vehical and the driver was my Gran not too long before she finally gave up her driver's license.  THAT was a harrowing experience, though she was a fabulous travelling companion.    I did most of the driving after that day of our trip, which happened to be in Nova Scotia (aka New Scotland).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2389#2389 shinny's post

The back roads where I live now are pretty dicey.  We moved from a house on a dirt road into the this bustling metropolis of almost 1400 people.   I was over to the old house today and must say they do NOT maintain those roads very well.  I nearly was run off the road by a schoolbus because it needs to be graded so badly there is only one decent lane - in the MIDDLE of the road.    Ah, country living!  Who said it wouldn't be exciting?   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2397#2397 angel-87's post

Glad you made it the trip safely Angel.   It's nice to have you back, and I hope you're soon settled into your new place.

Reply 2398#2398 meljones_83's post

When do you move in to your new flat Mel?  Are you moving in before the wedding (one or both of you) or waiting until after?  It will be fun getting it set up the way you both like, and making it homey.  That's my favourite part of moving because it's the most fun part - seeing a place once filled with someone else's things turn into home.  I hope you guys make many happy memories there.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2401#2401 angel-87's post

That totally sucks!  Sorry you're having such a hassle.  I hope it gets sorted out for you soon and you can settle in and also get some rest.  It's great that you have family there to stay with, but I know it's not the same as being in your own home.  Get well soon, and try not to let the situation stress you out too much.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2404#2404 themegababe's post

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Meg and sending good thoughts your way.  I'm sure all the studying will have been worth it.   BTW, there's nothing wrong with being old-fashioned.  Everyone has to make the choices that they are comfortable with.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2407#2407 themegababe's post

Actually, there is a Canadian Thanksgiving - the 2nd Monday in October, but it's not the big deal that American Thanksgiving is.  Most just enjoy the long weekend (many do their last camping trip or trip to the cottage for the year), but some, probably quite a few, do the big family dinner - turkey and all.  I don't really know the history of it - I should look it up - but it was never a big deal for my family, probably because we were ones that did the last trip of the season.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2410#2410 shinny's post

No wonder!  You'd think an American would know that the 4th of July is Independence Day.   I don't claim to know a great deal about American history, but I'm frequently appalled at how many Americans know even less than I do.  I think too many people kind of switch their brain off as re: learning once they're out of school unless it has something to do with their job.  It's too bad - I find that learning new, and old, things keeps life far more interesting.  Unfortunately school doesn't really teach people how to learn anymore, just how memorize, so many of the younger people don't enjoy learning things for the pure joy of it.  OK, that's my little rant about the state of education.   Can you tell I'm tired?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2413#2413 meljones_83's post

Very true Mel.

Arielle, I imagine the fact that Israel is a much younger nation (in modern history) that independence means so much more to them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2427#2427 meljones_83's post

WOW!  Only 2 weeks already!  That flew by.  It must be flying even faster for you, what with all the last minute things that need doing.  Too bad we're only available in the virtual world or we'd have your favours done in no time.

Reply 2426#2426 studiojek's post

Nice to hear from you Studio!  I'm with you on keeping the "u" in those words.  The children here in Canada are now being taught the US spelling, and it annoys me.  I refuse to change my spelling just because it "seems" easier.  Children aren't stupid and will learn what they are taught.  I knew that Americans spelled things differently even as a kid, because I was a reader, and it never caused me any confusion.  OK, that's my rant on spelling, linguistics and education in general done.

As for the new place, it's coming along.  There's still some unpacking to do - which I'm hoping to tackle this weekend.  We bought the paint for the living & dining rooms and are hoping to get them done tis month - before it gets too chilly to open the windows to air it out - though the weather is already very autumnal.

Nice to see everyone is doing alright.  Hopefully things will settle into a routine here soon, and I get a better internet connection, so I can check in more often.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2429#2429 studiojek's post

Very good advice.  I have a friend who was surprised with friends who came from Japan to her wedding (they were visiting California - still VERY FAR from southern Ontario) and she didn't get to spend hardly any time with them.  Had she known they were in town she would have spent some time the previous day with them.

Yes, I'm still stuck with dial-up.    Still hoping that November brings highspeed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2431#2431 studiojek's post

Living with my Mum is going well, thanks for asking.   We're getting used to living together again - it's been a LONG time, but thankfully we not only love each other, we like each other too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2434#2434 studiojek's post

Most definitely!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2432#2432 meljones_83's post

BTW Mel, what song are you & your sweetie dancing to at the wedding?  Something classic or do you two have a special song?   I'm thinking it's a 2-parter: Brick House & Play That Funky Music White Boy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2438#2438 meljones_83's post

Sounds good!  I'm glad you're enjoying the experience.  As Studio says, no need to panic when you choose the right mate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2442#2442 imarielle626's post

Glad to hear things are going so well Arielle.  Sounds like you're having a good time AND learning a lot.  Nice to see you - even for just a few minutes.    I hope you have fun with Homecoming.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2446#2446 meljones_83's post

Mel's getting married today!  Have a GREAT day Mel!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

