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The girly`s ......giggle box

more cat pictures

Don't mind me today. The cat pretty much sums up how I'm feeling.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2142#2142 shinny's post

My friend sent it to me in an email today - she subscribes to the site newsletter - and found it oh so fitting.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Just got home from a REALLY long day of running errands.  I'm about ready to keel over.    Tomorrow I have an early morning, but get to come back home & have a rest.  Then I'm away for the weekend - leaving tomorrow evening and back on Sunday night.  I've got everything set so I hope I can sleep well while I'm away.  I bought earplugs, a new sleep mask, I'm bringing my sleeping pills and pillow.  If all that doesn't work, nothing will.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi girls!

I'm so excited today!  I got quite a lot of packing done, with a little help from my friends, AND my Mum found a place for us to rent.   We can move into it in September, so I'll initially have to move in with my Mum where she I now.  It sounds fantastic, and is even better than what we were looking for.   Two more weeks and I'll be off to the great white north!  (Thankfully, it's not white right now - but winter will come soon enough.)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2169#2169 studiojek's post

Thanks Studio!  I'm pretty good at pacing myself.  I have to or I won't be good for anything.  I packed all my CDs, VHS & DVDs this morning, and transferred the full boxes to the spare room and brought the empty boxes out to the living room.  That's about all I'll do today.  It's really hot & humid today and the air quality is quite bad so I don't want to make myself sick.  Last night we got most of the kitchen packed, which was a great job to get done, and I've already packed all my books - 15 boxes of them!

My next big task is to go through my clothes and sift out the ones I don't wear anymore.  It's one of my least favourite things to do, but I always feel better once it's done.  I'll most likely do that tomorrow.

Staying hydrated and as you can see, I'm taking breaks.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2171#2171 imarielle626's post

Thankfully, or unfortunately (depending on one's perspective) I've had plenty of practice with moving, and thus packing.  I've got it down to a science now.  The challenge this time is moving so far away plus being ill.  I've had the illness for years but it's worse now which has my energy levels quite low and from all the viruses I had in the winter I lost a lot of muscle - which just adds to the fatigue.  I do look at it as a chance to purge myself of anything I haven't used in a while which is always good.  I feel better after it's done, I just don't enjoy the tedious process of going through everything.   It will be a bit easier this time because I've lost weight and refuse to keep anything that is too big, except for a gorgeous cashmere coat I have, which I'll have tailored to fit in the fall.  I also am getting rid of some of my furniture since my Mum's living room set is nicer than mine.

Just found out today that the new house has 2 bathrooms.  I know it doesn't sound like much but it's really quite a luxury for us.  It will be especially nice when we have guests.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2174#2174 penny3760's post

OH, I know Lyme disease is common in Conecticut, but I'm sorry you caught it again.  Glad you've seemed to have found it early enough and the meds are helping though.

Yes, it's quite a lot colder where I'm moving.  It's approximately 400 miles north of where I am now, but the cold there is more tolerable than here because it's not so damp.  I often feel better in cooler weather, so in that sense I should be OK.  Thank you for your good wishes.   I know we'll do well there, plus just being with my Mum always makes me happy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2176#2176 themegababe's post

I've thought about putting a bathing suit on my meez, but I'm SO white it would look just as shocking as it does in person.   I haven't had a chance to go swimming at all this summer yet.   If it stays hot in August I'll go to the lake after I move.  There are so many of them up there, but the one I like isn't too far a drive from my Mum's and it's a smaller lake so it warms up a bit in the summer.  I might frighten a few fish with my glow in the dark legs but I'll have fun doing it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


EEK!  I'm moving a week from tomorrow and there's still so much to do!  I'm getting ready to go to the bank today and it's raining.    That sucks because I'm on foot and have NO idea where the umbrella is (thus my procrastination here on the site).  I can't wait until it's over.  When they list moving as a major life stress they aren't kidding.  I've done well up 'til now, but with it so close I'm really feeling the stress.  The fact that I'm moving so far just adds to it, plus I have not been well most of the month.

OK, rant over.  I just had to get that off my chest before I frightened the neighbours with some primal scream therapy.   Maybe I'll try and find my ABBA CD and just sing at the top of my lungs all the songs from Mamma Mia.  I'm sure they'd find that less annoying...maybe not.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, I got to the bank, the grocery store and the dollar store without getting rained on.  YAY!  I was humming ABBA songs most of the way there and back, except in the grocery store which had sme good tunes playong on the loudspeaker.  Then I just started singing along while other shoppers looked at me like I was a nut.   It relieves stress and makes me happy, so I could care less what strangers think.  When there's REALLy good music, I dance in the aisles.   

I came home and packed a couple more boxes, made more phone calls and will do some more packing tonight.   (<me sweating while packing.)  Plus, you can see my meez is doing a mild (?) freak out.

I can't wait until next Thursday!  I'll be at my Mum's by then and can collapse for a bit before helping her pack up that house for our real move in September.  Oh joy!   I'll be even more relieved when September arrives and we can get REALLY settled.   

[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 7-22-2008 18:07 ]
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2193#2193 imarielle626's post

I had it sleeping earlier (last night actually).  It probably hasn't updated completely yet, but I can see it freaking out.   I wish I could rest, but it's cooler today so I'm trying to take advantage of it before it heats up again.  I REALLY need to finish going through my bedroom closet (the bedroom isn't air conditioned), so that's the main agenda for the evening.

At least I still have an old TV in there so I can watch the results of Canadian Idol while clearing out my closet.   I SO wish I could just chuck everything out - but that wouldn't be very practical.  I'll just get rid of anything I haven't worn in the last year.  If I haven't worn it in that long, I obviously don't need it.  Then I'm going to pack most of my clothes away.  I started packing my shoes, thinking I had a large enough box - but no...they'll have to go in 2 boxes.  I DO love my shoes.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2197#2197 meljones_83's post

How great that you'll have your own classroom Mel!  I have friends who are teachers (some fulltime some do substitute work) and I know they always enjoy the start of the school year, especially those who have a classroom of their own.  I can just imagine how much more exciting it must be for you.   

The packing is going well, though there are always more things to do.  I had a few hiccups, which isn't unusual for such a big move.  The biggest problem I'm having is that I am not taking all of my furniture.  I had someone lined up to take it but they have changed their mind.  Now, it's less than a week until I leave and I'm scrambling to find someone who'll take it.  The charity shops won't pick up on short notice so I'm also having to find someone with a pickup truck to shift the stuff.  Frustrating!

Other than that, I have a friend coming tomorrow to help me clean the kitchen and bring me to do some errands.  Thankfully, the kitchen is pretty much packed except for the few things I'm using.  We'll be able to wipe out the shelves & drawers and wash the floor as well as doing a wipe down of the outside of the cupboards.  That will be a good job done.  The rest of the apartment will have to wait until I empty it as there are so many boxes it would be impossible to wash the floors.   I don't intend to do a deep scrub, since the new tenants will most likely do that anyway, but I DO like to leave the place clean.

Today there's lots to do but my body decided not to cooperate and is forcing a work stoppage.  I'm trying to enjoy the rest, but it's hard when I see things that still need doing.  Well, I'm off now to gt some of the rest I need.

Take are all.  Catch ya' soon!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2199#2199 shinny's post

"Fun" is the word for it.   I've moved many times in my life, but this is the first move so far away.  I understand even better why they say moving is one of life's big stresses.

Thanks for the encouragement.   I'm going to be good now and REALLY get off the computer so I can rest properly.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2202#2202 penny3760's post

That is sad.  I'm sorry to hear that Penny.  I hope that they have sought a second opinion (or plan to).  There are so many treatments these days, and sometimes studies being done that are available to those who have been diagnosed as terminal.  My thoughts & prayers are with you.

Reply  2201#2201 studiojek's post

I agree!  Of the 3, moving is definitely the one I'd choose.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Good-bye All!

Hey girls,

I'm moving in the morning.  I won't be back online until September, so try not to tear the place apart while I'm gone.

You'll see my Meez is in relax mode.  It hasn't started yet, but come Thursday, I'll be flaked out for at least a week.

Take care & I'll catch you all when the new seasons begin for our favourite shows.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hello Girlies!

I'm Back!

I haven't had a chance to go back and read the comments yet but I just wanted to let you all know I'm finally back online.  YAY!  Currently I'm stuck with dial-up so I still won't be able to be quite as active but I'll be checking in regularly, daily if possible.

You must be so excited about your dress Mel.  I hope it fits you like a glove.

You gals who are back to school (though it seems like you've always been at school Arielle ) sound like you've been busy.  

It's so nice to see all of you.  I'm well and am finally finished moving.  There's still plenty of unpacking to do but it's SO nice to be home.  I'll catch y'all around the forum.

Ta' for now,

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2294#2294 bala's post

Unfortunately I'm living in the rural north and apparently there is work being done to upgrade the phone lines so I won't be able to get a high-speed connection until November at the earliest.   I can't wait until I can have a faster connection and also not have to worry about tying up the phone line.  Pain in the bum.  Everyone used to have this, so I guess I've just been spoiled with high-speed internet.  I'll get used to it and be even more grateful when I'm able to be Speed Racer again.

I'm off to sleep.  It's been a very busy day of unpacking.  Take care all and enjoy your week-end.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2314#2314 meljones_83's post

You go on as much as you like Mel!  Weddings are exciting and of course you wan to talk about it.  I'm delighted your Mum found an outfit she likes and I hope she feels good in it on the day.  Green is my favourite colour (can you tell? ) so I think dark green dresses sound lovely for the brides maids.  White flowers will be beautiful.  A simple colour palate can look gorgeous in photos!  Plus, I love the look of white & green together - very fresh.

Arielle, I hope you had fun at the football game and I hope your team won.  I'm glad to hear it sounds like you're really diving into the whole college experience.

Studio - thanks for the welcome back.  Unfortunately there's no high-speed for me until November.   I'm adjusting.  It's just another one of the lovely things (read sarcasm here ) about country life.

And my sweet Gypsy. I so pleased to hear you're feeling better, but you know that.

I've sure missed you all!  I'm off to bed, but I'm sure I'll catch you all around.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Living in Canada I'm extremely grateful for access to free health care, especially since I have a chronic illness.  I've had experiences with some really great doctors over the years and some absolute jerks (who have had me leaving in tears too Mel).  My GP is a good doctor but can sometimes be quite tactless - unintentionally.  I've been his patient for years and know not to take it personally, as I hear him chatting with the office staff the same way.  A friend of mine used to go to him too and for her it was not a good match, personality-wise.  She did take everything personally.  If he comes across rude, I tell him.  He appreciates my candor.  I know some of his manner is due to his culture, so I know he isn't trying to be hurtful.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2361#2361 meljones_83's post

I'm having to find a new doctor too since I moved.  Thankfully my old doc said I could keep him until I found someone nearer to where I live.  Up here there are often locums filling in too.  There aren't enough doctors here in the north so I'm hoping it won't take too long to find someone.  Apparently many up here don't have a GP, but I think I may have found a practice that's accepting new patients - my fingers are crossed too.  If not, I'm glad to have the old one, even if he is far away.  I can get most of my prescriptions filled over the phone or by fax, and if I happen to catch a bug that needs antibiotics (hoping that won't happen) I can always go to the clinic.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

