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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2071#2071 imarielle626's post

Well, my friend went back home today.  I was so tired I slept for a couple hours this evening.  Tomorrow I have to seriously start packing.

You must be excited to start classes again Arielle.  I hope the weather cooperates for you in the morning.  We've had some crazy weather here all weekend.  One minute it's been absolutely lovely - sun shining, nice breeze - then the dark clouds roll in and it's raining sheets!  Yesterday it was hailing and raining so hard we got stuck in the Walmart waiting for it to slow down enough so we could make a mad dash to the car.  Needless to say, even though it had slowed down, we both looked & felt like drowned rats.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2074#2074 gabsimom's post

I hadn't noticed until you said something, but now that I look again, the colour of the bikini is so pale it DOES kinda look like she's naked. Don't see any tan lines though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2076#2076 themegababe's post

You could always change the colour of your bikini to one that's a bit brighter.  We can't be having you drive the fellas completely crazy thinking you're lying around in the buff.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2078#2078 themegababe's post

Look at you snarfing down that cake.   You're Meez is looking cute today - very summery.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2080#2080 themegababe's post

I LOVE grilled vegetables.  I wish I had a grill, and a place to do it - I'd be more inclined to eat all my veggies.  When it's hot I have a hard time choking down anything.  Thankfully it's pretty nice today.  We've had so much rain that it's a treat to see the sun shining - and it's quite breezy, so the apartment is cool.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2082#2082 themegababe's post

I was actually just singing around the house, but I thought it would be more fun to sing in space.

Gypsy, the rain has helped a bit with the migraines, but because the storms have been rolling in and out they aren't staying away completely.  I had the wickedest aura in my sleep last night.  It was what I imagine an acid trip to be like.   So far I've got it under control today - fingers crossed, it will stay that way.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2088#2088 imarielle626's post

Are you still learning to play the guitar, or have you just not changed your Meez for a while?  I know you've been busy, but it's nice to have something you enjoy in your down time, like playing music.  I play a little, but don't have a guitar anymore.  I've been thinking I might get myself one, or a keyboard, after I move...probably a while after I move, unless I come across a really good deal.  The move is going to cost some cash, plus when we find a place, there will be all the fees to turn everything on.  Oh, joy!  More stuff to add to the list.

BTW, your family lives in Florida, don't they?  That would be nice, especially for them, since you were gone for the past year.  At least you'll be able to see them more often.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2091#2091 imarielle626's post

Six hours isn't bad.  Currently my Mum lives 7-12 hours away (by car), depending on which route I take.  I'm looking forward to moving up there, but I've done the drive so often it doesn't seem too bad at all anymore, especially the shorter route.  That's good, because I'll still have to come down here every so often - to visit, but also because my doctor is here.  I won't be able to get a GP up there any time soon, so mine has agreed I can keep him for now.  Some things I can do by phone, but I will have to make the trip at least every 3 or 4 months.  It's a good thing I don't mind driving, it's just too bad the gas prices are so high.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2096#2096 studiojek's post

I find that irritating about North America too.  It's much the same in Canada.  I don't have a car, so there's no fear of me driving a block to buy a loaf of bread.  I will be sharing a car when I move, since it will be quite rural, but my Mum has a small car - which is great with the price of gas right now.  It used to cost $20 to fill her tank, now it costs at least $50.  Insane!

BTW, Bala, I know that the quote is from a study, but I hardly consider teenage girls to be women.  That whole group is much better classed young women, and is not really representative of adult women.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2099#2099 cshapiro's post

Thanks, things are moving along.  I can't believe it's almost July.  I still have a lot of packing to do.  I sent you a PM re: the GP situation, and thanks for the offer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2101#2101 studiojek's post

HAHA!  Not a bad theory.  Too bad they don't start making cars a bit smaller - everyone would be trying to lose weight to fit in them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2103#2103 studiojek's post

Yes it is, and miserably humid.  Thankfully there's a breeze.  It stormed much of last night, and is threatening rain again.  I wouldn't mind if it would feel fresh afterward, but it just makes it feel like a sauna.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2105#2105 penny3760's post

I think another part of the problem is the fast food.  People are so busy and tired that they often grab fast food on their way home.  I've seen it with a few of my relatives, and unfortunately it's beginning to show in their kids.  They've also cut back on the amount of P.E. kids in elementary school get, so if they aren't inclined to do sports outside of school, they don't get much exercise.  It's unfortunate, but you can't just let your kids play outside anymore.  Someone always has to be available to supervise because there are so many pervs out there.  When I was a kid, we could run and play all over the neighbourhood without our parents being afraid...and all that running around kept the majority of us slim.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2113#2113 themegababe's post

I can definitely see your bikini this time Meg - no worries about looking like a nudist.

I like that we have all sorts of discussions in this thread too.  It's very much the women talk - sometimes funny, sometimes serious, all mixed together.  I'm ever so glad I hijacked this thread   and we now have our own little corner of the forum to do with as we please.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2116#2116 meljones_83's post

Hey gals!

What age kids do you teach Mel?  It ought to be fun meeting them, and hopefully they're as nice to teach as you've heard.  It is nice not to have preconceived ideas so they can start out with a clean slate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Just wanted to say "hey!" - so Hey!

Catch ya' on the flip side.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2119#2119 shinny's post

That's funny Shinny, I had the same problem.  I rarely eat fast food (only if I'm travelling & there's no other choice) or processed food.  My blood pressure runs on the low side, and my doctor told me to increase my salt intake.  Every now & again I get a craving for dill pickle potato chips (crisps), so I feel quite justified in eating the whole bag if I want.

As for MSG, the Chinese restaurants that cater to non-Chinese people add it here too.  You have to request for it not to be added.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2127#2127 imarielle626's post

When my Mum was pregnant for me she had weird food cravings, and I have to say, I've never been tempted to try any of them.  One was peanutbutter, jam and dill pickle sandwiches.  ICK!  She says they tasted delicious at the time and took care of salty sweet & sour cravings all at once.  She doesn't eat them now though.

I find I've changed as I've gotten older as to what my cravings are.  When I was young it was always sweet cravings.  Now it's usually more salty/savoury things I crave, with the occasional sweet craving thrown in.  I find I generally crave things that have something in them that I'm lacking.  I don't eat a lot of meat, so when my protein is low, I crave fish.  I've already mentioned the low salt, but when I was a kid I would suck on match heads or wire coat hangers.   I now know I was low in certain minerals.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2129#2129 meljones_83's post

That's a fun age.  I'm sure you'll have more than 1 character among them.

It's funny, I knew about the MSG in Chinese food long before I did in McDonald's, but we have quite a large Chinese population in my city, and thus many Chinese restaurants.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2137#2137 imarielle626's post

Not true.  I find it quite interesting.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

