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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1909#1909 shinny's post

Me too, and I haven't even slept yet.   I have eggs, but they give me migraines, so they're out.  I'll probably make a fruit, yogurt & soy milk smoothie.  If I'm not full after that - though I usually am, I'll add a slice of whole grain toast.  I could murder a cuppa tea, but I'm getting desperately afraid of having any caffeine, as this insomnia is just getting worse.  Can't see the doc 'til next week, so I'm just hoping I get some sleep this weekend.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1911#1911 shinny's post

HA!  I CAN tell the difference.  My friend buys caffeine free tea, and she didn't tell me.  It didn't taste right so I asked if she had changed brands.  It might be because I drink my tea black though, and quite strong.  All you taste is tea, and if it doesn't taste right, I can tell.

I have many herbal teas that I do enjoy though, but sometimes you just want the real thing.

I wish that fairy dust would really work.   I feel so crappy because I didn't sleep at all last night, and it's almost noon now.  I'm tired but not sleepy, which is a highly frustrating combination.  By 5am I gave up and got out of bed - after lying there for ages.  I washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, dyed my hair and scrubbed the bathroom tub & sink - all by 7:30am...oh yeah, and I watched the new episode of Numb3rs that I taped last night.  I was wondering why it took so long to do those things when I saw it down in writing.  I suppose I could watch this week's ER, since I taped it too and haven't watched it yet.

It's such a nice day, I was hoping to do something.  Feeling like I do (like I could puke) I'll probably stick close to home.  I sure hope I can get a nap in some time today.  If not, I'll be here for sleep.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1915#1915 casper27's post

I actually LIKE Corrie, so that wouldn't do it for me.  It's not on until tomorrow morning anyway, since it's hockey season, and they aren't airing it daily until June.   I have to tape the week's worth Sunday mornings and watch them later.

I've not tried acupuncture, but usually my insomnia isn't so bad.  I've had it off & on now for about a week and a half, but even though I have a hard time falling asleep, once I do, I'm usually out for a decent sleep.  Last night was a bust though.   I don't have any wine in the house, only gin, and that won't make me sleep.  I'll just veg out and rest, and maybe if I'm a good little girl the Sandman will stop by and drift me off to Nod for a few hours.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Well, I finally had a decent night's sleep.   I was so tired that I slept right through my alarm this morning.  I was rudely awakened by my downstairs neighbour playing some very loud, very bass heavy music.   Funny thing about it is, I was lying there - feeling the pounding bass through my head - and thinking "why is he playing that so early in the morning?"  When I took off my sleep mask and looked at the clock, I had to do a double-take - it was after 1 in the afternoon.   I'm hoping for a repeat performance tonight, but not of the wake-up call.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1918#1918 meljones_83's post

Thanks Mel!   I'm ever hopeful for it, but have the doc on speed dial in case I haven't escaped the grips of this latest bout of insomnia.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1921#1921 casper27's post

I don't usually set the alarm when I've had trouble sleeping, but I did have a previous commitment.  Thankfully it's OK.  I slept last night too, so I'm hoping I'm on a roll.  **fingers crossed**

I get like you are sometimes too - where all I can do is sleep.  In fact I'll probably go from one extreme to the other - but if it means I'll get rested, I don't mind
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I'm out of my meds.  Anyone feel like driving me to the pharmacy to get them?  Shinny, how about you?  Ireland's not THAT far from here.   I'm actually off to get them right now.  If I wait any longer I'll have a sort of seizure, and nobody wants that...especially me!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1924#1924 shinny's post

I don't know that I'd want to watch a show like that before having to fly.  

I got to the drugstore and back again, but it's been a little too long between doses.   I feel pretty crappy, so I'm off for a rest.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1928#1928 bala's post

Well, nothing has been confirmed yet.  As you say, Reese is a capable woman, and a smart one.  I highly doubt she would risk causing her children more heartache by marrying someone she didn't feel could be a good step-parent to them.  We only know their public persona's, not what they're really like in everyday life.  I'm sure if the rumours turn out to be true, they will work hard to make their marriage work.

And who said that Ryan Phillippe couldn't handle her?  We don't know all the details as to why their marriage failed.  It could have been that he was jealous of her success.  That's something that a lot of men find difficult to cope with.  Whatever the case, I'm sure everyone is keeping the children in mind, and making sure that they are OK.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1930#1930 bala's post

If that's truly the case, then Reese would be smart enough to talk about that with any potential partner before remarrying.  If she & Jake do get married, I'm sure that it would be after all the serious issues are addressed.  She is quite a traditional woman, and I really don't think she'd be foolish enough to marry someone who had the same issues as her first husband.  

When it comes to second marriages, people go in with their eyes much more open than their first.  They know what problems can arise and look for someone who can be a real partner in the relationship.  Of course, it's nicer if that happens with the first marriage, but unfortunately, it doesn't always happen.  

If they do get married I wish them much happiness and luck.  Celebrity marriages must have some of the highest divorce rates out there.  Hopefully they share the same values and really love and respect one another.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1932#1932 bala's post

Yes, she's 4 years older than him, which isn't a lot.  Everyone's different, and I think it depends on what broke up their first marriage when they are deciding whether or not to marry again.  Some people really like being married, so they take what they learned from the first breakup and use it to not make the same mistakes the second time around.  

Of course, some marriages break up because one mate is a cheater or abusive.  In that case, oftentimes the innocent party didn't do anything wrong.  Hopefully, if they choose to remarry, they would just be wiser in their choice of mate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1934#1934 themegababe's post

Aren't you looking cute today?   To make it smaller choose the option 175x233 (animated) in select a size for export.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1939#1939 themegababe's post

I noticed.   Lookin' good there girlie!   I'm vegging out on the couch and will be watching Lost later...if I'm up for it.  I set the VCR just in case.  Well, actually, I always tape Lost, even when I watch it because it often needs a second viewing to get everything that happened in the episode straight in my head.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1942#1942 silver1978's post

ROFL!   Too true!  Thankfully most of the BBQing fellas I know, know enough not to burn the meat and a couple even do the shopping for it themselves - shocking I know.   Sadly, the majority of guys fit right into that description.  As Craig so eloquently said of men, "we make fire, ug, ug".
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1947#1947 themegababe's post

I hope you have a nice weekend getaway.   I know what you mean about the Meez.  It does get a little addictive.   

It's a long weekend here, but I don't have any plans.  My brother and some other family members are going camping, which should be nice.   They're taking all their kids for the first camping trip of the year.  I hope it doesn't rain on them, as my brother and nephew are tenting it.  I might foist myself on someone and see if they're going to BBQ or something.  I could do with a few hours out of this apartment...though if it turns out to be a rainy weekend, I'll hole up with some movies and popcorn and make my own fun.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1949#1949 studiojek's post

ROFL!  Good one!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Just a note to all the gals - Arielle sends regards.  She's busy with her last couple weeks in Israel, so we most likely won't see her until she returns to the States.

Until then - resume your activities, and PARTY ON!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1954#1954 kwargalla's post

Definitely made me LOL!  Thanks for that.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1959#1959 casper27's post

Cute.  Funny thing is, many guys I know are bigger gossips than the women.  I have one friend that his family keeps things from when they don't want anyone to know.  He can rarely keep a secret, so is often the last to know about any major things happening in his family, since they know he gets so excited that he tells everyone he sees - even when he knows he shouldn't.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Howdy girlies!  How's tricks?  Not much new happening in my little corner of the world.

And for our most recent visitor, I found a little something that should make you smile...

We're more concerned that the kitties should be nice to us than the other way 'round.

Welcome to the giggle box.  Stop by whenever you feel like it.  We keep it for a laugh, and who can't use one of those every once in a while?

Well, I'm back off to the salt mines.   Actually, I'm off to check the boards.  See y'all later!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

