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The girly`s ......giggle box

Just dropping in to say "hey", HEY!   Life's kinda crazy right now, but I love those pics of the baby animals.  My critters are grown now, but they were SO cute when they were kittens.  I get a yen for another every once in a while, then I remember how much fur I already clean off the furniture, my clothes, my guests...every day, and think better of it.   Plus, I don't want to be the crazy cat lady.  I'll leave that for someone else.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


OK, this is weird.   I could have sworn I posted in here yesterday, yet there's no sign of it.  Anyway, hi all!  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1776#1776 meljones_83's post

What a rotten way to end your holiday!  I hope you're sleeping as I type, and awaken refreshed.  When you're all rested up, you'll have to tell us about your trip.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1780#1780 meljones_83's post

I'm glad you have this week off Mel.  Hopefully you'll get back into your normal routine and be able to sleep.  I love the snaps, but I know what you mean about being conflicted re: animal parks.  I'm the same, but how cool that you got to hold a monkey!

Reply 1781#1781 shinny's post
I checked out the link you provided, and that sounds like a cool outing.  I'm glad you're enjoying yourself so much and doing as many things as you can as to seeing more of the country.  I know you've been there before, but there's never enough time time to see & do everything you want.  As much as you're enjoying yourself, I understand the feeling of wanting to be back home.  I have kitties too, and I miss them when I go away.  And of course you have to bring a prezzie home for your feline friend.  Mine always love the things I bring back for them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1784#1784 themegababe's post

I do get migraines, and I feel for you girlie.  That first one (and I hope for your sake, last) just knocks your legs out from under you.  I sent you a PM.  If the info in there isn't helpful, it could be you're body is just coming down from all the stress (happy stress counts) from the wedding preparations, the wedding, honeymoon and setting up house.  I really hope that's the case for you, because you'll be less likely to have a repeat performance.  

Does anyone in your family get migraines?  I have a friend, in her early 20's and married now for almost 2 years - she had one about 6 months after her wedding, when she was having a difficult time at work and wasn't sleeping well for a few days.  She hasn't had anymore since then, thank goodness, so I know they don't always stick around.

I've been getting them since my teens, and they've just gotten worse as I've gotten older, but my health is also very poor, which doesn't help.  I also have the misfortune to inherit the predisposition for them from both sides of my family.  Just lucky I guess.

Ice packs are helpful to alleviate some of the pain, though they don't take it away.  They are best placed on the back of the neck and wherever the pain is.  For some people meds work.  I have a friend who uses one of the drugs you can get at a pharmacy...possibly Excedrin Migraine formula.  Caffeine can help a little, so if you can stomach it, have a small cup of coffee (tea is OK too, though I find coffee is better for me) with any pain med you take, as it can help the drug work better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1790#1790 themegababe's post

Have you always slept on the temperpedic mattress?  Having a softer topper will probably help.  Does anyone call you princess - as in The Princess  the Pea.   

I'm really glad you haven't had any more migraines, and I hope it stays that way.

Anyway - HOWDY to all you gals!  I'm off to get some more rest, so I can get rid of this stupid bug.  Take care everyone, and remember to turn the lights out when you leave.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1793#1793 meljones_83's post

I love the image Mel!  That's too cute.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1797#1797 shinny's post


I'm glad to hear you arrived home safe & sound, and that you were able to get a good night's sleep.    Also, good to know the info about the various airports.  Though I doubt I'll be travelling very soon, I do hope to travel eventually.

I finished my antibiotics (strep throat this time ) - though the meds stay in my system for 5 more days, making a total of 10.  My voice is more audible and my throat isn't as sore, so I'm guessing I'm on the mend.  This better be the last bug I get for a very long time, because I'm just fed up with being sick.

I'm heading to bed now, but it's nice to see you back.    BTW, what happened to your avatar?  Are you just changing it or did it go walkabout?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Just dropped in to say hey.  I'm pretending to have long hair today - so my Meez can wear a ponytail.   Can you tell I'm a little punch-drunk from lack of sleep and a migraine hangover?   

I'm just amusing myself, so pay me no mind.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1808#1808 meljones_83's post

ROFL!  That is stinkin' funny!   I'll definitely have to remember that one and use it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1814#1814 imarielle626's post

If we don't see you around before you go, have a nice time at the music festivals.

I'm only here briefly now, but HI! to all the girls.   I love to see what everyone's been up to and what they're planning to be up to.  Nice to see you all, and I'll catch you all at the coffee klatch another time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1817#1817 themegababe's post

You beat me to it Meg!   I was just going to post about Gypsy.

Hope everyone is well.  I'm alright, and also just wanted to say HOWDY!  (just pretend you heard that in Minnie Pearl's voice & you'll hear how I'm saying it to y'all. )
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1819#1819 studiojek's post

I love your avatar...Wonder Woman is a favourite of mine too.  I used to wrap tinfoil around my wrists and pretend I could stop bullets with them.

As for the name of this thread - it was initially called "Get Out".  After months of my badgering Gary (magic4u), he finally relinquished the thread to me, and renamed as a joke.  Personally, I think the title is quite fitting, so I've left it that way.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1822#1822 shinny's post

That would be cool, but I'd like her invisible airplane.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1824#1824 studiojek's post

It keeps most of them from posting at any length (though they are welcome to), but I know for a fact that many stop by and read what's in here.  I think they like to get a glimpse into a woman's psyche.  Maybe they think we'll reveal all our why, whe we're out, we go to the washroom in pairs.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1828#1828 sddvasquez's post

Nice of you to drop in.    It IS great that Gypsy got promoted & that studiojek got her new job.

The nice thing about this thread, is it shows how women are in general.  We root for each other and are glad when others accomplish their goals or are rewarded for hard work.  I'm not keen on the whole "mean girls" philosophy of life, though I know it's out there, and not just among teens.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1831#1831 studiojek's post

I think your Psych 101 is spot on.   Having grown up around strong women who know who they are, I find it easy to be supportive of & happy for the successes of others.  I think having a strong sense of self, as well as healthy self-esteem makes a huge difference.

Arielle, you'll be either in bed or gone by now, but have a great trip.  Quite a change from freezing in your apartment a couple months ago, eh? Try not to get sunburned.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1835#1835 themegababe's post

It's good to have a man who cares enough about your mental health to keep the loonies away.

I think we've all come across those kind of people at some point in our life.  Thankfully, if we're smart (which we all seem to be ) we learn to spot the signs early and don't get close with people like that anymore.  It causes nothing but stress and grief.  I had a friend, whom I still love dearly and would help her if she needed it, who I just had to tell we couldn't be close anymore.  She could be very negative and it actually made my physical health worse to spend time with her.  She's become quite a lonely person, because most of her other friends have reached the same conclusion, but sometimes self-preservation is more important.

I'm out of here girls!  I have to go out this evening, and I'm going on a few hours of sleep, so am going to try and catch a cat nap.  Have a great evening and I'll see you all soon.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1839#1839 imarielle626's post

Welcome back Arielle!  Glad you had a nice time and were smart about your sunscreen use.  I recently read an article about the Dead Sea regarding the water & the mud.  That must have been nice and I bet your skin felt really soft after that.

I have trouble sleeping when it's not dark too.  Have you tried a sleep mask?  I use them all the time and find it has improved my sleep greatly - accept when I have a bout of insomnia.  Before I actually found one, I rigged one up myself by using a soft washcloth and a fabric headband to hold it in place.  It looks goofy, but it worked great.  Might be worth trying anyway.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey Girls!  Sorry I've been MIA from the forum this week.  I've had the mother of all migraines, and have been stuck in bed in the dark.  It's not 100% gone, but I feel better than I did.  Just didn't want you to think I fell off the planet.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

