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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1707#1707 shinny's post

Glad the party went so well and everyone had a good time.  I had a feeling there would be lots of music, since I think you've mentioned that some in your family play on the side for extra money.  What a nice treat for your parents!  Did your Mum reprise her singing of "How I rue the day I wed"?   Sorry you're still under the weather, but hope you have a quick recovery.

Reply 1708#1708 gabsimom's post

Nice to see you Tina.   Must be nice to be having garage sale weather.  We had another blizzard last night, and it snowed most of the day, so there'll be no garage/yard sales around here for a while.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1710#1710 gabsimom's post

HAHAHA!  Funny girl!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1714#1714 imarielle626's post

That's a smart choice Arielle, especially if you didn't feel able to participate in class discussions.  That's a big part of the class, and the more interesting part (it was for me).  Israeli dance sounds like fun.  I hope your first day has gone well, since you'll see this after you're finished your classes for the day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1717#1717 imarielle626's post

I haven't seen the news in a few days, so I hadn't heard of the shooting.  I know Israel goes through spurts, but take care of yourself and listen to all the precautions.  I also hope this is a temporary thing.

I'm really glad you had a good day and enjoyed the dance class.  Community dancing is fun, and I can just imagine how the fellas looked.

Take care of yourself, and don't worry about being a mooch.  I'm sure your roommate understands, considering the circumstances.  You'd do the same for her if the show was on the other foot, I'm sure.

I'm off to get a bit of rest, so I'll catch you when I can.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1719#1719 imarielle626's post

Yes.  Meez didn't have a gas mask and my idiot landlord restained the floors in the apartment across the hall from me.  The stench is overwhelming, and I am sick as a dog.  He should have waited for warmer weather, because with it so cold the windows can't be opened and there isn't proper ventilation.  I feel like I'm being poisoned.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1722#1722 meljones_83's post

Hi Mel!  Good to see you whenever you're able to drop by.   I'm sure the months will fly by as you wait for your wedding, what with work and planning and everything else.   I was thinking about Meg too.  I bet she was a beautiful bride.

It's slightly milder today, so I've opened a bunch of windows and have several layers of clothes on as I cuddle under the duvet.  I'm burning candles and still have dishes of raw onions around (a suggestion made last night in the thread I put up in free chatting).  My head is still pounding though, and I've taken the strongest pain meds I have.  I can't take anything else for another couple hours at least.  I highly doubt you've ever done anything this inconsiderate Mel.  Most people aren't complete fools.   Too bad for me, I get to pay for the privilege of living near one.

Other than that, everything is fine.  Always nice to see you gals in here.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1724#1724 imarielle626's post

I hear ya' on doing something to redirect the aggression.   I wish I was well enough to go do anything.  It takes all my energy to go and get the mail, and that's just downstairs.

As for telling him, I have.  He doesn't care.  I'm giving my notice at the end of the month...but won't be able to move until the end of May.  At this point, it's not worth the aggravation to try and get him to understand how toxic it is.  Maybe he'll get sick one day, and get a clue...not that I wish bad on him.  I sometimes wish though, that people who are so insensitive could get really sick for a month or two, just so they could develop some empathy.  Not gonna happen though.  Those kind of people are always healthy as a horse.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, Shinny's on her way to Australia, as we speak.  I hope they are having a nice, uneventful flight.  She's going to try and log in when she can to let us know she arrived safely.

Things are a little better here on the home front, since I've been leaving the windows open for the past 2 and 1/2 days.  It's quite mild today, so it isn't so cold in the apartment.  The smell isn't as bad, and I'm feeling a tad bit better.  My cats have been great company and have been glued to my side for days.  They're such intuitive creatures...and are always on good behaviour when I'm really sick.  I'll know I'm a lot better when they go wild again.

Anyway, hope all you girls are doing well and keeping busy.  I'm off for a nap, but I'll catch you all later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1727#1727 meljones_83's post

What a beautiful picture Mel.  I'm a little envious myself...I'd just like to travel anywhere outside of North America.  There's lots of beautiful things here, but it would be nice to see some place completely different.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Just so you know, Shinny arrived safely and even had a fairly decent 1st night of sleep.
Let's all send her good thoughts that she continues to be able to sleep through the nights, since she was so worried about a repeat of the insomnia she had last time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1731#1731 themegababe's post

Welcome back Sadie!  I'm glad you had such a wonderful time on your honeymoon, and it sounds like you made a good choice.

We didn't expect to hear from you, so no need to explain.  I hope your wedding was everything you dreamed it would be.  I know how busy getting settled will keep you, so don't feel rushed.  We look forward to your return when it's feasible, and are just glad to hear from the new Mrs.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1736#1736 studiojek's post

Good suggestions studiojek.  Insomnia is so miserable, and different things work for different people...but some suggestions are applicable in every case.

Shinny, I sure hope you're able to get some sleep soon.  I've got my fingers crossed for you.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1738#1738 imarielle626's post

Let me grab my teddy, because I'm already in my PJs.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1742#1742 shinny's post

Way to go Shinny!  You must feel so much better.    I hope the rest of your trip continues with good nights of rest.

Good night Arielle!  That is strange, especially considering it would take about a couple weeks to bus across Canada.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1745#1745 shinny's post

I'm so glad you are sleeping better makes for a much more enjoyable trip.

Sounds like you've been busy...and having fun.  Nice that you're not just staying in one area.  Stay hydrated, try to keep cool, and don't forget to wear plenty of sunscreen.  Nothing can spoil a good time like a bad sunburn - I speak from experience (as a very white redhead ).

Thanks for stopping in and letting us "share" your vacation.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1747#1747 meljones_83's post

Hi Mel!

Nice to see you.   Tenerife sounds pretty good from where I sit.  You're wise to protect your skin.  Nothing ages you faster than sun, it hurts.  It's still pretty cold here.  We had snow on Saturday.  My Mum said they are expecting a blizzard up where she is!  I'm a little jealous.  If I have to be stuck inside anyway, I wouldn't mind being snowed in and having the beautiful view that she'll have - out in the country, with snow covered trees, and icicles hanging.  Here, it's chilly, but getting quite muddy.  Nothing pretty about it at all.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1749#1749 munch's post

He's still around.  He moved down to New Zealand, so he's online at different times than I am now.  I always enjoy seeing his cheery face though.   (Laughing at the cheery part...he's still a bit of a grouch. lol)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1751#1751 imarielle626's post

Sorry to hear it.  Take all your remedies (that we know you have in stock ) and hopefully it won't get any worse.  It's wicked cold here today, and the wind is blowing something fierce.  The one good thing is that it will dry some of the mud, but I hope we don't get any trees or power lines knocked down.

BTW, I spoke to my Mum this morning and the blizzard has arrived.  They already had at least 10 cm of snow on the ground, and it was still falling - plus it's quite windy there too, so the snow drifts will be huge.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1754#1754 meljones_83's post

Funny you should say that because my sister and I were saying the same thing today.  I told her when we watch Chocolat together, we'll have to make sure to have some good chocolate in the house, or it will just be torture (I always check before watching that movie ).  We were SO wishing we could press a button and have all the delectable dishes in the movie pop out of the DVD player.    It's probably good that we can't...I'd be as big as a house.

p.s. Wishing for some advanced technology to get me some of that cake.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1761#1761 imarielle626's post

It's a very beautiful area.  Thanks for sharing the pic.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

