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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1584#1584 themegababe's post

Glad to hear you finally found your M&Ms Meg.  I wouldn't have thought they'd be that hard to come by either.  I love that your initials are both M...the favours are perfect!

Arielle, sorry you're sick again...what a bummer!  With a week to get better you should be OK, just make sure to get enough sleep and as studiojek said, lots of fluids.  Also, try not to let yourself get chilled.  I find if I'm already unwell, a chill just makes any bug settle in longer.  Get well soon girlie, so you can enjoy your long-awaited trip to Poland.   I'm sure you'll be fine, as you're young and in generally good health to begin with.  It's folks like me with compromised immune systems, or who are about 50 years older than I am,  that catch a cold that lasts for a month instead of a week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1594#1594 imarielle626's post

I'm glad you can have a day to sleep in and that you're feeling somewhat better, especially since you'll be so busy getting ready for your trip and packing up your apartment.  I sure hope the hostel is warmer.

BTW, I love that picture.  My aunt sent it to me, and it's one of the few I saved because it's so cute.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1596#1596 themegababe's post

I don't think she'll actually be in Poland until next week.  I'm curious to find out all about her trip too.

Also, great idea with the family recipes.  For bridal showers I love when an empty recipe card comes with the invitation, or is at the table.  They are great for newlyweds, especially if they haven't done a lot of cooking prior to getting married.  And you can't go wrong with tried and true recipes.  I'm sure your cookbooks will be a great hit!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1600#1600 shinny's post

Hi Shinny!

Glad you have a lighter day tomorrow.  Travelling when you're tired, especially when you have to be on your toes for work, can't be any fun.  Even if you have lots to do, doing it from home is nicer.

I've had a relapse of that darn cold/flu bug and have lost my voice again.  I'm just doing a quick scan of the boards and making sure I have awarded the points that were due for the anagrams before I rest some more.  It's only 6:45pm here, but I almost feel like I could sleep for the night.  I won't though, since I'll just wake up in the wee hours.  There's a new Jericho on tonight AND a new Boston Legal.  Of course they're on at the same time, so I'll be taping one of them...I don't know which yet.

You try and get some rest yourself.  You sound positively shattered.  I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1602#1602 shinny's post

Honestly, I feel like crap today.  This stupid bug is kicking my butt.  I can't seem to kick it, and it's not an infection so there's no point in going to the doc.  

How nice for you that your holiday is coming up so quickly!  It will definitely be a treat to have an extended summer.  I wouldn't mind an extended spring...whenever it arrives.  It's been a rough winter, but I don't like the extreme heat & humidity we get here in a long spring would be just right.   It's your brother that's in Australia, right?  I'm sure you'll be glad to see him.  

Funny, but it seems like when people live far away, we make more of an effort to see them.  I have family near by that I rarely see, but my friends that live out of town I make the time to go visit.  I think it's that mindset that you can see them anytime (the ones nearby) that sometimes causes people to not do it more often.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1604#1604 imarielle626's post're right, this long winter isn't helping at all!  I'm used to not feeling well, but I hate being sick on top of it.  I'm hoping I feel well enough to get to the store tomorrow so I can get the stuff to make another pot of chicken soup, though today it was just ginger tea and toast.  Onward and upward!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1606#1606 shinny's post

Thanks for the soup Shinny.  I've still been too sick to get out to the store, so I wish I could press a button a have some pop out of my computer.   The new avatar is cute...I had to do a double-take to make sure who I was responding to.

I hope your evening is fun Arielle.  It will certainly be a change when you return from Poland.  How nice to have made so many friends from around the world.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1612#1612 imarielle626's post

So you're off to Poland tomorrow.  How exciting!  I know what you mean about the mixed feelings, because, though I like change, I do miss some of the things left behind when change comes.  You're going to be a busy girl, that's for sure.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1616#1616 shinny's post

Four drinks would have me under the table before I even got home.   I think I'm probably a 2 drink gal.  I hate feeling buzzed, and by the end of the 2nd drink I can feel it a bit, so that's my limit...even though I'm still under the legal limit.  I used to serve alcohol (as a sample girl at the liquor store) so had to take a course and be certified to be allowed to serve it.  Not a bad certification to have for casual work.

This flu is still kicking my arse.  Turns out it wasn't a relapse, it's a new strain...with earache and sore throat (including lost voice...again ) to prove it.  If it doesn't start to improve in a day or two, I'll go see the doc to make sure it's not an infection.  I hope it's not because I hate antibiotics...taking them, not the fact they exist.

I'm taking it easy today, and am logging off in a minute.  I'll veg it in front of the's easier on the eyes than the computer screen.  Enjoy the rest of your day, and I'll most likely see you tomorrow.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1618#1618 shinny's post

My Mum finds it helpful soon as she feels a bug coming on she takes it, and it seems to work.  I've tried various types of Echinacea and none have made a bit of difference for me, unfortunately.  I'm just lucky I guess.  The bugs all find my body to be a most hospitable environment.  I'll have to start learning how to make it less so.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1622#1622 themegababe's post

Have you got your apartment pretty much set up now Meg?  I know there'll be plenty to put away after the wedding, but I'm sure you're getting it quite homey already.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1624#1624 themegababe's post

There's nothing wrong with being old fashioned.  It's rather refreshing to meet a young couple that is.  That's funny that your Mum told you not to use the stuff before, but that it's OK now.  Very cute!  I guess the wedding is getting so close she figures you might as well get your home comfortable for when you're both there.   Getting everything all set up, and having your new things out will really make it feel like your home together, instead of just your own place.  And that's a really nice gift from your Mum.  

Come next Saturday, I'll be humming "Sadie, Sadie Married Lady" and thinking of you...our own almost Sadie.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1624#1624 themegababe's post

Only 9 more days.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1628#1628 themegababe's post

How just be waiting to get married.   I can imagine the hassle of trying to wrap those tins.   Good job done, and before we know it you'll be a Mrs.  Enjoy the week...I'm sure it will be a fun one.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1630#1630 bala's post

Bala...I'm stunned!  You actually posted in here...this den of iniquity.   

Meg's a smart girl.  She's focusing on the marriage rather than the wedding, so I think she'll have a great week, and a fabulous time at her wedding.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1634#1634 meljones_83's post

Hi Mel, we've missed you!   Glad you're able to pop in and see us.

I know you're fiance is in Wales...have you two decided where you'll live after you're married yet?  

I'm sure once she's returned from her honeymoon Meg will have some good tips about last minute wedding things, since they'll be fresher in her mind.  As long as you don't forget one another and whoever's going to marry you, I think you'll be OK...oh, and maybe a couple of witnesses.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1638#1638 meljones_83's post

Sorry to hear things have been a bit rough.  If it's not one thing, it's my Gran used to say.

You've got the right idea though.  The two of you together is the important thing.

p.s. Having some housing issues myself (different problem though), so I can empathize on that score.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Notice to Meg

If you stop by this week, check out the fab party Tina planned (and we've all been having a ball at) for you.  HERE it is.  With love and best wishes from all the girlies in the giggle box.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1641#1641 imarielle626's post

Glad you're back safe & sound.  I can imagine how emotionally draining the trip was, but I'm glad they arranged for lighter activities in the evenings.  What a great opportunity though, to see history instead of just reading about it.  I have studied the Holocaust a lot too, and spoken to survivors.  Even just speaking to them makes everything much more real.  I had forgotten how low the number of Jews in Poland had become, especially in comparison to the pre-war years.  

I'm really glad you enjoyed the trip.  Now back to everyday life, eh?  How's the hostel?  Warmer than the apartment I hope.  You do what you need to for the egg hunt and such.  I'm sure I'll see you around the forum as you do a little catching up.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1646#1646 imarielle626's post

Thanks for the giggle Arielle!  The welcome you left for megatan is too cute!   Looks like your getting a little giddy from being overtired.

Reply 1644#1644 megatan's post

So glad we've provided you with some entertainment.    As the girls said, please feel free to take your coat off and stay a while.  We're always happy to have someone pop in and join in on the fun.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

