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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1404#1404 penny3760's post

On a good day Penny, you'd see me like this:

Though, in person I'm a little bit more graceful.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1407#1407 gypsiegirl66's post

It cuts the dance short.  Bummer.  I'm doing the electric slide, but you'd never know it.   I can actually do it quite well (on a good day) but that's 'cuz "I got rhythm."
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1410#1410 gypsiegirl66's post


Now, I'm REALLY going to bed.  Good-night girls!  See ya' tomorrow.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1422#1422 penny3760's post

I remember the Bump Penny.  It was popular when I was a kid, and my cousins and I would do it...though we would see who could actually bump the other person off the dance floor.   It takes strong hips to knock someone off, but even as a kid I could do it.

And Arielle, don't feel bad.  We had a 1 day warm up (went up to 8 degrees Celsius yesterday) only to have it plummet to -21C today.  The only good thing is my migraine broke and I feel quite a bit better.  Yesterday was spent sleeping and hiding in the dark.  

Enjoy the good shower at the gym.  I hear ya' about the crappy one you have at your apartment.  I've endured some of those, and they're not pleasant at all.  Definitely not helpful when you just need a good strong shower to drown out the day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1424#1424 casper27's post

Only 11C?  Lightweight.   I actually don't mind the cold.  I just hate when there are drastic fluctuations in temperature.  I'd prefer it stayed cold all winter and then warmed up when it was time for spring.  This up and down nonsense is much harder to acclimate to.   Plus, I find it makes me more susceptible to catching every bug that's going around.

I haven't tried the throwing boiling water trick, but it might work...if not here, then definitely where my Mum lives.  She's 10 hours north of me, and it's been a pretty cold winter this year.  I'll have to give it a try sometime.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I'm going out this evening...YAY, and thought I'd show you a Meez of me waiting.  That's pretty close to what I'm wearing.

And Shinny, it can do that here too.  That's what I dislike most, because those sudden changes trigger my migraines.   I'd prefer it to rain often and stay temperate.  I had a friend from England some years ago who told me I would do better to live somewhere over there, since it rains more often and I usually feel better on ugly days.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1431#1431 gypsiegirl66's post

I think you got your calculations a bit wrong there sweetie.  If it were 41C there, you'd be sweltering, as that is nearly 106F.   I think you mean it's been 41F, which if so, is quite chilly for Florida.  Keep your sweater on, and watch out for crazy Canucks...some will go swimming no matter how cold it is.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1439#1439 gypsiegirl66's post

You're complaining about 75F?  HAHAHA!  That would feel like summer, right about now.  No wonder the snowbirds are in their summer gear.  Compared to home, it is summery.  Personally, I like it best at around 70F...not too cold or too hot.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1443#1443 gabsimom's post

No, it's not a date...and thank you Penny.   I'm going to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about 24 years.  We went to grade school together and were great chums, but went to different high schools.  We reconnected on Facebook, and are finally getting together.  She has a 3 month old baby, and I've been sick.

She just called, as I was typing this to confirm what time she'll pick me up.  Nice for her...she gets a night out without the kids...her hubby's taking care of them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1445#1445 gypsiegirl66's post

You silly girl.   

I'm going to go now, because I'm heading out in about half an hour.  Have fun girls...I'll tell you how it goes later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1449#1449 gypsiegirl66's post

Well, I'm back from my dinner and it was great fun!  My friend and I chatted until they kicked us out of the restaurant.   A few hours isn't nearly enough time to catch up on all those years, but we made a good dent in it.  And we'll definitely see each other again.  She's on maternity leave right now, so has a little more time to visit than when she's working.  I would have recognized her in an instant.  She looks so much the same, just a little older and like she just had a baby...which she did 3 1/2 months ago.  We were about 14 years old the last time we saw one another, but you'd think it was last week.   I love when things are like that.  No awkwardness at all.  She's just as down to earth now as she was then.  I'll have to message her to see what she thought of me.  I forgot to ask if I seemed very much different, though with being ill, I must have changed some...but not the essence of who I am.  I'll let you know what she says.  Maybe I'm a complete surprise.   I doubt it...I've always been pretty down to earth too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1451#1451 gypsiegirl66's post

LOL!!  I do like to keep my head in the clouds on occasion, but my feet are always firmly planted on the ground.

That's why so many of my friends, then and now, call me Anne of Green Gables.  It's not JUST the red hair.  It's the quirky imagination and the ability to amuse myself easily.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1453#1453 casper27's post

Why, thank you...I think.    Though I think I'll stick with regular toilet paper and use it like this...

...if the need arises.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Shinny, that was a good trick your Mam played on your Dad.  I'd have been laughing like that too.  My Gran had a slightly (?) different experience with some Preparation H.  She used to get up very early to drive my Grandpa to work, so she could have he car for the day.  One morning she was so tired, and she couldn't figure out why the toothpaste tasted so bad.  When she got home and was more awake she realized what she had guessed it.  She grabbed the wrong tube in the dark and used Preparation H by accident.  That's one she never forgot, nor did she let it happen again.

Also Arielle, cool sticker...we'll just pretend there's a $&*+ where the "bad" word is.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1463#1463 musicman's post

No, we'd remind her of it every now and again.  I'll tell ya', it's not that hard to do.  I never did anything like that, but there have been times when I grab what I think is one thing (like sugar) and use the completely wrong ingredient (like salt).  Talk about ICK.  I was tired and not paying attention.  That was the worst batch of cookies I EVER made...and one time I forgot to add flour.  I'm MUCH more careful now.  If I'm too tired, I don't even attempt to do anything that requires concentration.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1470#1470 imarielle626's post

Oh, Arielle, I'm sorry.   I know how much you were looking forward to it.  I'm glad they've just postponed it and not cancelled it entirely.  I guess we're stuck with you for a while longer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1472#1472 shinny's post

There's been a lot of that happening in Canada this winter.  Too much snow increases the risk of avalanches.  Many of the ski resorts have been causing controlled avalanches in order to make the skiing and snowboarding safer for their patrons.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1474#1474 shinny's post

It's like that where I live too.  We had much more snow when I was a kid, and we always looked forward to snow days.  For those who don't know, a snow day is when they close schools when the roads are too bad for driving.  We don't get nearly as much snow anymore, and the younger kids have NEVER had a snow day.  We're expecting snow tonight, but it will most likely to turn to freezing rain by the morning.  I dread to think of the driving conditions.  Thankfully, I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow.

I totally blame it on global climate change.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1479#1479 penny3760's post

You're right about the rainbow Penny.  That was the sign God gave Noah with the promise to never destroy the earth again on account of the wickedness of men.

Hey Shinny, I do a lot of Bible reading too, and have read it in it's entirety, but I also don't recall it saying anything about the seasons becoming one.  In fact in the account of Noah, it says that "all the days the earth continues...cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease.”  Maybe it was in another book that you read that?

And Studiojek...congrats on the new job! :)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1486#1486 shinny's post

I noticed the new siggy, AND the new avatar.  You're sprucing yourself up, aren't you?   Looks good, and you're right about the IS true.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

