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As lbjedward stated in this post we are looking for feedback from those that participated in the beta-testing of the mobile site. Since no one really provided any feedback in that thread (most didn't bother to even read post #1), we are hoping you will do so in this one.
Any practicable ideas, suggestions and advice are welcome and your feedback is very important to present a better mobile site to all members. We will give members who give good advice or suggestions VIP points in return, mods will decide who are winners: The best suggestion provider: 200 VIP points (one member) Excellent suggestion provider: 100 VIP points (two members) Good suggestion provider: 50 VIP points (ten members at most)
edited for clarity: If you have not already posted feedback in the old thread, please use this thread to post your suggestions. Thank you for your cooperation and participation.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2#2 imagnu's post

No. We will be considering the feedback that was already posted like it was supposed to be. LBJ closed the other thread, and I was hoping we might get a few of the new people that did the test to participate in the feedback too. Thanks for noting which pages to find you posts on though. So far, it looks like our old faithfuls will be getting the points.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 10#10 arksongbird80's post

It's not necessary for posts already made to be reposted here, as I told imagnu. We will be reading the entire original thread as well as this one, to make sure no feedback is missed. Thanks.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 12#12 arksongbird80's post

There is no need to delete the posts. As Shinny said, the sentiment and intention IS appreciated. With regards to threads like this, it is better to leave certain things to the moderators. While we may not post as often as members might like, we do check in and read the posts daily, at the very least. I thought I had been clear in my directions for this thread in the first post, as well as in my reply to imagnu. I will try to make sure there is no room for misunderstanding in the future.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 22#22 imagnu's post

Sorry we've taken so long. It has not been forgotten. We have been discussing it in Site Management ( we had forgotten that it wasn't already done, so that's why it's taking longer). Points will be awarded soon.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

