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Glee Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 23#23 gabsimom's post

I totally agree!  I missed the pilot the 1st time it aired but caught it last week and LOVED the show.  My brother really liked it too, and he's not a guy who loves musicals.  It's just really funny.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I loved that there was more singing in this episode...but had a feeling you wouldn't like it so much.  It's a big part of what the show is about, so you're either gonna have to get used to it or stop watching.   

There were some very funny moments in this epi.  I laughed out loud several times, which is ALWAYS a good thing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 36#36 gabsimom's post

That was dumb!  The football team dancing, on the other hand, was a riot!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 39#39 gabsimom's post

Thanks for sharing Tina.  Made me laugh out loud again.  Guys should just NOT dance that number.  It looks so wrong. LOL!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 51#51 codebreaker's post

All of the actors do their own singing, but I imagine they pre-record them & have to lip sync to themselves.  I just wish the editing was a little tighter, as it's sometimes very evident that they are lip syncing - ie: Kristin Chenoweth this week.  That was her voice - but in the bowling alley scene her lips were slightly out of sync to the song.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 55#55 bala's post

This episode made me completely HATE Will's wife.  I didn't like her before and agree her type of behaviour (sneaky & deceptive) is much worse than Sue, but for some reason this episode pushed it over the edge for me.  It makes me wonder what she was like when she & Will were younger that attracted him to her.  She said she took pseudo-fed back then to keep her going, but there must have been an inkling of the witch she would become.  I will say, I agree with her on sticking up for her marriage and telling the other one (guidance counsellor) to back off, but she didn't have to be so nasty & manipulative.  That's what I hate.

It ought to be hilarious to see Sue co-chairing Glee, to see how she tries to undermine Will.  Can't wait for sectionals - and all the singing!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 60#60 bala's post

I couldn't help but think of you while I watched it last night Bala.  There was SO much singing...which I love, but know you don't.

As for Will's face at the doctor's, I took it as more amazement that he finally got to see (what he thought was) his child for the 1st time.  I don't think he was disappointed (or too disappointed) that it wasn't a boy.  I also think having brought Finn & Quinn to their appointment made him realize the enormity of his own situation, but in a good way compared to theirs.

The fact that Terri & her sister were able to coerce the doctor into going along with them kind of blew my mind.  How nasty are they?  And how big of a weenie was that doctor?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 62#62 bala's post

LOL!  That's a hoot!  How much longer are you going to torture yourself with this show, since you can't stand one of the main features of it?

p..s. they were good songs this week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 64#64 bala's post

You mean you won't pay to watch such a delightful show?

Question, I know you like music...is it the fact that they break into song that bugs you, or do you not like most of the song choices?  I have a feeling it's the first, but my brother doesn't like musicals and he really likes this show because it's just a good show, and it's uniquely funny.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 66#66 bala's post

ROFL!  To each his own.  You know you'll miss watching it when it moves to VIP...I bet you'll still want to know what's going on with the story...even if it means having to fast forward through the music.   

Funny thing is, when they just break into song, it's actually more relevant to the story, as those numbers reveal what the character is thinking or feeling, whereas the glee club numbers are just fun.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 68#68 bala's post

I would LOVE a whole episode of them singing!  I love musical theater though (used to perform it).  Like I said, to each his own.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 71#71 themegababe's post

I'm actually with you on that.  I hate rooting for someone to leave their spouse.  I hope somehow they figure out a way to make her true to her character while giving her SOME redeeming quality so it makes sense for Will to stay with her for another reason besides the fact that she's "pregnant".  Maybe if her character "miscarried" it would help...as awful as that sounds - but since she's not really pregnant, it's a viable plot choice.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 73#73 bala's post

You didn't like the homage to My Fair Lady?   I got a kick out of Will's "Bust a Move".  I was also REALLY glad Terri wasn't in this episode.  I also enjoyed Sue & Will dancing - it was quite entertaining, and nice to see another side of her personality.  The zoot suit was pretty funny.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 85#85 codebreaker's post

I thought the same thing about Quinn.  Glad it wasn't only me. lol  Jumping on the beds wouldn't have been bad, but they had her land on her belly.  What pregnant woman does that?

Also, it's about time Will figured out his wife isn't pregnant!  How she kept it hidden so long is beyond me.  I know she was all paranoid and wouldn't let himtouch her, but they still slept in the same bed.  Generally you touch someone at sometime during the night just by changing position.  Maybe she didn't sleep.  

Bummer about the mattresses.  As soon as he started taking the plastic off the one, I knew something bad would come of it.  Next week is the fall finale, and the promos for it look good.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


1x13: Sectionals

Excellent episode!  I so wish I had recorded it - Rachel's number was amazing.  I hate that we now have to wait until the spring for new epis.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 92#92 shinny's post

I forgot about that, but I did think Terri might now really be pregnant when that scene played.  

Such a long wait - good thing the final season of Lost starts up on February 2nd.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 94#94 gabsimom's post

I thought of that too when I was posting, but remember that when she initially found out she wasn't preggers, they were VERY "busy" because she was trying to get pregnant quick.  They probably only stopped as she was supposed to start showing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 98#98 bala's post

WOW!  You have a very limited musical tolerance (style-wise). Rachel's solo was awesome - it made me want to rewatch Funny Girl, which if a Broadway revival is done, the girl that plays Rachel should play the lead.  I was singing it all day yesterday (mostly in my head) while we were painting...and my brother's buddy said when he hears that song it reminds him of Annette Bening in American Beauty.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 101#101 bala's post

Not surprised you didn't like it, but a little surprised you're still watching the show.

BTW, I dug out my copy of Funny Girl last night and watched it...and sang along to nearly every song.  I'm sure my neighbour loved it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Am currently watching the new episode, and all I have to say is the kid who plays Kurt can SING!  Wow!  I forgot how great that guy's voice was.  He has a solo (and it's an old  favourite of mine).  Be prepared to be blown away.

OK, Kristin Chenoweth is singing "Home" from "The Wiz" (though Stephanie Mills' version will forever be my favourite)...can I cry now?  Some awesome performances in this episode.  GREAT songs!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


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