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time to buy a new server?

Reply 14#14 ritac-p's post

Hi, I'm glad you finally got to watch Boston Legal (and I'm a huge BSG fan too). It's possible the new games site is causing the viewing problems for some users. We (the Moderators) have brought this to the attention of the Administration so they can give us a definitive answer. The VIP site does have 2 servers, either of which can be used by anyone. You didn't mention if you tried both, but feel free to do so as your points are valid for either server.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 20#20 radley30's post

The suggestions that were provided were some that had worked in the past. However, Admin has now announced here that until the problem can be rectified, ALL shows, including free ones, will now only be available to VIP members.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

