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ABOUT ANDROMEDA & Episode Guides

ABOUT ANDROMEDA & Episode Guides

Worlds Apart from the Rest

Andromeda Aired From October 02, 2000 – May 13, 2005 On Sci-Fi

About the Show:
Captain Dylan Hunt commands the sentient starship Andromeda Ascendent, representing the vast, utopian All-Systems Commonwealth. When the Nietzcheans betray the Commonwealth, he is forced to order his crew to abandon ship and to pilot the Andromeda into a black hole. When the salvage ship Eureka Maru pulls them out three hundred years later, he finds a universe in chaos, where the Commonwealth is a memory. Alone, with a mighty living warship, and a motley crew (composed of a salvage team, a mercenary from the species that betrayed the Commonwealth, and a monk from a species of savage predator), Captain Hunt will struggle to re-establish the Commonwealth and return civilisation to the three galaxies.

The Cast:
Kevin SorboCaptain Dylan Hunt
Lisa RyderBeka Valentine
Lexa DoigAndromeda Ascendant
Gordon Michael WoolvettSeamus Harper
Laura BertramTrance Gemini
Keith Hamilton CobbTyr Anasazi
Steve BacicTelemachus Rhade

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ANDROMEDA - Season 1 Episode Guide

1. Under the Night

Dylan Hunt is betrayed by his 1st officer when the Nietzschean prides betray the Systems Commonwealth. Stranded on the event horizon of a black hole, Dylan is frozen in time until a salvage crew try and claim the Andromeda.

2. An Affirming Flame

Dylan must protect the Andromeda from the mercenary crew after sleeping the "long night", while Beka and her friends discover they may be fighting for the wrong person.

3. To Loose the Fateful Lightning

Dylan is manipulated into unlocking powerful weapons stores when the Andromeda discovers a Commonwealth space station populated by children who believe that he is the legendary' High Guard' who has come to bring peace by destroying their enemies.

4. D Minus Zero

Dylan and the crew of the Andromeda face off against an unknown enemy when they discover a ship's recorder, forcing Dylan to deal with the tensions between him and his new crew.

5. Double Helix

The Andromeda finds a Nietzschean colony conducting pirate raids on a nearby Than planet. Dylan hopes that saving the Than will win support for his cause, but Tyr's loyalties are divided when the colony presents him with the opportunity to have a mate and a home if he gives them the Andromeda.

6. Angel Dark, Demon Bright

When a slipstream error throws the Andromeda back to the climatic battle of Nietzschean-Commonwealth war, Dylan and his crew must not only decide whether or not to interfere, but which side to interfere on.

7. The Ties That Blind

Beka's brother and his friend come aboard, with her brother claiming to have converted to Wayism. However, it soon becomes clear that they have an agenda of their own, connected to the 'Resters', a group of enviromentalists attempting to prevent all space travel.

8. The Banks of the Lethe

Dylan is able to communicate with his lost love via a black hole as the Andromeda faces off against Nietzscheans, but when faced with the chance to be reunited with her by transporting through time, he must choose whether or not to return to the past and abandon his new mission.

9. A Rose in the Ashes

Dylan and Andromeda are imprisoned on a penal colony where nobody is allowed out; even the inmates' children are forced to remain. As the ship's avatar's power source runs low, Dylan looks to an intelligent woman to help them escape.

10. All Great Neptune's Ocean

Castalians come aboard to finalize the charter of the New Commonwealth, but, when their leader dies, Tyr becomes the prime suspect due to the leader having destroyed a Nietzschean ship during an old war.

11. The Pearls That Were His Eyes

Beka and Trance search for Beka's father's former business partner and discover he is the leader of a large company dealing in a highly addictive drug; meanwhile, the rest of the crew organise a 'garage sale' to gather money for new parts.

12. The Mathematics of Tears

The Andromeda discovers her sister ship, the Pax Magellanic, with a full crew who have not aged a day, only for Andromeda to struggle with the ship's demented AI as the crew try to piece together the mystery of what happened to the ship to remove its slipstream drive and render the crew immortal.

13. Music of a Distant Drum

With the Eureka Maru having been infected by attack-nanobots that disrupt electrical systems, Tyr crashlands on a Nietzschean controlled planet, his memories lost and the Maru damaged, and must try and remember his past before the ruling Nietzschean pride discover him and the crate he was transporting.

14. Harper 2.0

Harper becomes a genius when a Persiod "downloads" immense amounts of knowledge into his brain, and becomes the target of a bounty hunter with advanced technology. Dylan and his crew discover information on the Magog.

15. Forced Perspective

While picking up parts for Andromeda, Dylan Hunt is arrested on charges for assassinating a planetary dictator three hundred years ago, by one of the men who participated in the assassination, leaving Trance to rescue him and solve the mystery of how the man survived for three centuries.

16. The Sum of Its Parts

The crew is contacted by a drone from the Consensus of Parts, a race of sentient machines who live in the space between galaxies, who has been sent to make contact with them, but face danger when the drone takes over Andromeda in an attempt to escape his destruction while his 'master' tries to force Rommie to join the Consensus.

17. Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way

Gerentex kidnaps Trance and Harper and forces them to assist in his quest for power, as he claims to have discovered the location of a map to the lost Commonwealth capital Tarn-Vedra.

18. The Devil Take the Hindmost  

While the rest of the crew of the Andromeda aid in relief efforts for a Than colonly, Dylan and Rev Bem go to the aid of one of Rev Bem's friends to help protect a peaceful people against slavers, but matters become complicated when it is revealed they possess a perfect genetic memory, if Dylan teaches them to kill, their descendents will always remember how to take a life.

19. The Honey Offering

Dylan tries to bring peace to two warring Nietzschean prides by escorting a princess of one to an arranged marriage with the other, but when Dylan and the princess are forced to escape in the Eureka Maru while Andromeda lures away a fleet, he realises that things aren't as they seem.

20. Star-Crossed

Andromeda falls in love with an android who was rescued from a destroyed ship, but she is betrayed when it is revealed that he is the avatar of the warship the Balance of Judgment, who has gone insane after the Fall.

21. It Makes a Lovely Light

Beka attempts to pilot the Andromeda to Tarn-Vedra, a planet that is cut off from the slipstream. In a weakened state, she takes the drug Flash and overdoses, nearly dying.

22. It's Hour Come ‘Round at Last

Harper accidentally activates a hidden personality stored away in Andromeda's system, causing her to forget the events of the past few years and re-enact a top secret mission. While executing this mission, Andromeda becomes overrun by Magog.

courtesy of bala

