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Season 2

Episode 1: Family Conference (Sep/20/2013)
When Amber and Reggie are found together in an intimate moment, Larry calls a family conference to decide what action to take.
Episode 2: September Fools (Sep/27/2013)
When Larry hears about April Fools' Day, he is bound and determined to prank the Weavers. Reggie tries to rid himself of his soul mate.
Episode 3: The Neighbours (Oct/04/2013)
Jackie takes a menial job at a fast food restaurant to support her family but is embarrassed to tell her best friend Debbie. When an opportunity arises to impress her new boss, Jackie invites her home for dinner but the trouble is, the woman thinks she is a fellow Brit.
Episode 4: The One With Interspecies F-R-I-E-N-D-S (Oct/11/2013)
Debbie sets out to learn more about Jackie after their failure as partners on game night, but her efforts go awry. Dick decides to take on the responsibility of getting Marty back into good physical shape, but when he injures himself, his plan seems to fail... or does it? Reggie gets Amber hooked on a nature show in an effort in inter-species bonding.
Episode 5: Challoweenukah (Oct/18/2013)
Larry decides to invent a new holiday while the Weavers prepare to defeat their arch-rivals in a Halloween costume contest.
Episode 6: Any Friggin’ Sunday (Nov/01/2013)
Sundays prove to be a battle ground where Debbie, frustrated by Marty's inattention during football season, endeavors to make sure Amber gets the attention of her man, Reggie. Meanwhile Larry discovers how boring golf is and is determined to find a better sport to pattern his life after.
Episode 7: We Jumped the Shark (Tank) (Nov/08/2013)
Debbie's dream of appearing on the TV show "Shark Tank" comes true, with a little help from her neighbors but she quickly realizes she is in over her head. Meanwhile, Marty is hooked on a video game while Abby seeks Amber's help for a dance recital.
Episode 8: Good Debbie Hunting (Nov/15/2013)
Debbie wants to go back to business school but is weak in math, so Dick volunteers to be her tutor while Marty agrees to help around the house. Meanwhile, Jane returns with a devious plan to win over Reggie and Amber is faced with a decision on what she is willing to do to keep Reggie.
Episode 9: Thanksgiving is no Schmuck Bait (Nov/22/2013)
Marty and Debbie's hoped for peaceful family holiday is turned upside down when Marty's parents reveal they are getting divorced. Not to be left out, Jackie's parents arrive from Zabvron and proceed to rip into their son-in-law Larry about how he is taking care of their little girl.
Episode 10: Supreme Like Me (Dec/06/2013)
A flood in the Weaver's basement results in Jackie's parents helping to cleanup, and introducing Marty and Debbie to what it is like to have loving and supportive parents. The downside is the hurt Jackie feels when her plans to spend time with her parents falls through. Meanwhile, Larry decides an entry level job is not for him, but his rejections and his new friends lead him to a moment of clarity.
Episode 11: A Christmas Story (Dec/13/2013)
When Debbie oversteps and accidentally ruins Larry's surprise Christmas gift for Dick, Larry responds the only way he knows how: going way over the top for gifts to Debbie's kids. Meanwhile, thinking gifts are the emblem of how you truly feel about someone, Reggie and Amber both struggle with getting each other the perfect gift.
Episode 12: Fear and Loving in New Jersey (Jan/10/2014)
After Jackie and Larry are mugged, the Weavers try to teach them safety. The Bird-Kersee's as expected, overreact. Meanwhile, Jane once again imposes herself between Amber and Reggie while Max decides to emulate his heroes from Jackass.
Episode 13: High School Reunion (Jan/17/2014)
Marty and Debbie's 25th high school reunion provides an opportunity to demonstrate how well their lives have turned out to their former classmates, but everything is not as rosy as it would seem. Meanwhile, the three youngest kids try to get Amber and Reggie back together, at least as friends.
Episode 14: Man, Actually (Jan/24/2014)
While Debbie struggles on her first day at school, Marty tries to comfort Amber after her breakup with Reggie. Meanwhile, the Zabvronian males are having their yearly "cycles", and Dick is acting out because he is not the center of attention.
Episode 15: You’ve Lost That Larry Feeling (Jan/31/2014)
Debbie invites her student friends over to study and tries to be the cool older sister, despite her maternal instincts. Larry visits Jackie at her workplace and gets jealous of her co-worker while Amber and Reggie continue to struggle with their breakup.
Episode 16: Oscar Party (Feb/28/2014)
Marty and Debbie throw an Oscar party to reunite with their old friends from Bayonne but the Bird-Kersees take over as usual. Amber pushes Abby into trying out for the hockey team after hearing sexist comments from some of the parents.
Episode 17: Balle Balle! (Mar/07/2014)
Larry gets invited to a traditional Indian wedding, and as usual he goes over the top for his "gift". When the Weavers attempt to dissuade him, he ignores them and plans an elaborate group song and dance performance. Meanwhile, Marty and Debbie have free time on their hands and soon realize they are boring by themselves.
Episode 18: A Night in (Lou Ferrigno’s Hibachi) Heaven (Mar/14/2014)
Marty and Debbie are feeling like they are in a rut, so Marty plans a date night, but it turns out not exactly as Debbie envisioned it. Meanwhile, Dick falls madly in love with the new babysitter.
Episode 19: Uncle Benjamin (Mar/21/2014)
Debbie's mother Janet invites her to San Diego to meet her new "special" friend. Debbie decides to take the entire family with her as a vacation, and includes the Bird-Kersees as well. What she discovers is not what she expects.
Episode 20: Close Encounters of the Bird Kind (Mar/28/2014)
Marty and Debbie's joy for their bowling night dissipates when their teammates put victory above fun. Larry faces trouble from his father due to the lack of accomplishments during Larry's tenure. Dick looks for more adult friends.
Episode 21: All That Jazzy Jeff (Apr/04/2014)
Larry's good-looking brother, DJ Jazzy Jeff, arrives in the community and tells everyone he is just there to visit his family, but in reality, he is secretly working with his father to bring everyone home to Zabvron. Will he succeed with their plan? Meanwhile, Amber has a new college boyfriend and finally confides in Debbie. Will she be able to keep Amber's confidence?
Episode 22: There Goes the Neighbors' Hood (Apr/11/2014)
Larry learns that he is pregnant and makes a decision about returning home or staying with the rest of the Zabvronians. Meanwhile, Reggie must also decide if he wants to stay himself or turn human, and the families see two new visitors arriving at the neighborhood.
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