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Full episode taking 4+ hours to watch on firefox.

Reply 3#3 ohmykate's post

I see you're watching on tv-video. We have another site, though most shows aren't free there. Here is the link to the VIP site. I know tv-video isn't perfect, I used to watch on it all the time, but with the increase in traffic the buffering is awfully slow. Have you seen this suggestion before? It does help.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 14#14 ohmykate's post

When the loading bar stops saying loading and shows it's at 1% that indicates it's beginning to load. There are free shows on the VIP site - they are the shows that are newly added, and there are generally 10 to choose from. Here is the link to the free show section, and the shows currently offered for free viewing. I suggest watching some to make sure you would like to pay for the shows you usually watch. That way you can adjust your Real Player settings for optimal viewing prior to paying anything. BTW, you have the option of earning forum points which can be cnverted to VIP points so you don't have to purchase any points.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 17#17 ohmykate's post

That's great! Happy viewing!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

