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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

BTW, who's getting excited about the finale? I saw the promos and spoilers and I hope some things are true- especially regarding Meredith!!


Oh dear- just saw the first ten minutes of the finale and OMG! This is going to be one nail-biting episode..........


A lot of it was also in the other preview clips- and a few things I was able to guess correctly. It is going to be interesting....


Well, Shonda wasn't kidding. This was one killer finale. (sorry for the pun) I need to watch this several times- I think I missed bits and pieces because I was literally jumping up and down. What a finale. You know, I hated the dead denny season five so much that I did not even bother to get the boxed set of the last season. And the last finale, the 007 was unexpected but it was too much Izzie. This one? BRILLIANT. And I must say this season was miles better too. Some real developments and I know I wasn't keen on the Mercy West gang. WOnder if they'll introduce replacements. But if something like that happened in real life, I'd probably ask for a job transfer. I'd always look over my shoulder and I'd find it hard to feel secure. I think Mer has to come to terms with it. I was so sad that McBaby wasn't to be but at least she knows now that she actually WANTS kids so it may not be out of the question for good???


Reply 191#191 studiojek's post

I think there IS a future for Mark and Lexie- Alex asking for Izzie rather than for Lexie..... somehow that means that he too would not be too sad if Lexie went back to Mark. Once he's back to normal. The threesome looked like he was back into his old form. ;)


I think several of them had to learn to be a doctor first- like Yang when she kept operating with the gun to her head. That was incredibly brave and in a way, when she took control- it shows she's no longer that student- Burke put her out there too soon but this time- I feel she was truly ready to be in charge. In a way it was the same with Bailey- knowing when to be the surgeon (Yang) and her knowing when it may be better to say you aren't one (Bailey).
As far as finales go? I think this is my faovurite GA finale so far.


I think a cliffhanger might have been overkill in that finale. I am glad Avery is going to be a regular- I liked him..... not that sure about Kepner yet but thanks to the previous post in this thread I finally know where I saw that face- Everwood! I was trying to remember all season and had no idea!!


It was a good season opening. Seeing how they all deal with the aftermath was well made and it did bring up a few interesting points that I am sure will be the focus of the next few episodes to come. What I really liked was Christina, glad she and Hunt got married.
And the Chief dancing- that was BRILLIANT!


Forgot to add- he was almost as good as Hugh Grant dancing in Love Actually! ;)


I am glad they did the jump in time- it made it easier to deal with the aftermath of the shooting by focusing on flashbacks rather showing it all.
I liked the camera/storyboard technique in this episode. They had a few interesting ones last season too and whoever directed this one- good job. Getting antsy bc of spoilers for next episode- looks like fresh drama ahead.


Good episode. So far I really love this season. Bailey and the spider- priceless. It was great to see more of Derek and his sister but does Mark have to start something with each and every sister Derek has?!? That was so typical Mark and just when Lexie was about to get closer to him again. Oh dear.
But I wish they had made Amelia a regular on GA and not on PP. Somehow I can imagine her much better at Seattle Grace. Is that just me?


I wonder what's up with Avery. He seems odd lately- is there something serious in the cards? Maybe it is just a hunch but how he messed up in that surgery...
Hm, what IS the chief up to? Why all the money? Who from? It was great to see how the attendings all manipulated each other and how competitive they all suddenly were. I believe it was a good decision to give the money to the trauma project- it makes sense after what happened. But on a personal level I can see why Derek is worried about Meredith and it is pretty understandable. Maybe she can do without the test results for the Alzheimer gene, but can he?
Christina.......... poor her. But she seems more human now. After seasons of her having almost supernatural surgical powers acting as Burke's operating ego......
BTW, did you notice why there wasn't so much Bailey on screen this time? She directed the episode and she's doing a great job. It must be fascinating to direct and act in the same show.
It is a good season. Maybe because there is no Izzie, no Denny? I keep dreading they'll be back to haunt us yet another time.


I have yet to finish the episode. Never happened before- I love GA. I also like Glee but Glee meeting GA? Not that much. I watch GA for the doctors, the surgeries, the gore. Glee is the show I watch for the singing and dancing. All the hype before it- it was almost like they had to keep telling us how great it is. It wasn't my thing adn I have yet to finish watching the episode. I cheated and got the storyline from recaps.


Well, quite a start to the new season. Towards the end of 7 I wasn't that much into it but the two first shows this season were not bad. Though Seattle sure looks like a dangerous place to be in. A sinkhole!?! I wonder what is next. As for Mer/Der....... hm. Not that fond of them fighting but I guess that is part of how they work as a couple. The "dark and twisty" element may make it hard to ever have the "happily ever after" bliss of a married couple.


Hi there, long time no see, but I am back in the forum! Anyway, I haven't really kept up with each and every episode of GA this season but my guess who dies in the finale has got to be Arizona. Or maybe not, so far I always guessed wrongly for previous finales....


Reply 161#161 shinny's post

Well,  it would make sense and it would affect quite a frew of the characters. Cannot see it for Lexie or any others rumored to die like Adele. Before the news of the renewal I thought it could be the Chief though.


Guessed wrong once again. This is so sad for the show though. I kept hoping she and Mark could have another chance. But then she didn't really have any big storylines... And so many still so badly injured.... Uh oh. Sad for Mer as she lost another family member....


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