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Grey's Anatomy Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

So far....... I like it.

Well, I can't say anything about the entire third season. The thing is, the show stopped airing for summer over here right when George's father died. That was episode 12 and I tried so hard to dodge the spoilers and all. I finally found this awesome site and I must admit I watched episodes 13-17 today. Seriously? Seriously! I am usually not the most emotional person but I was sobbing at the end of episode 17. MOst of all because of seeing Denny again and that moment of him almost touching Izzy. I just lost a family member and this was quite an emotional one for me but I loved the way they were dealing with it all. From the short episode recaps I saw I expected some of the usual "afterlife scenarios" but there were quite a few twists I enjoyed.
I know bits and pieces of what is to come and well, I can't wait to really SEE it and not just read about it. So far, I really like the season.


  No show next week- and none for PP either- this is going to be a VERY boring week.


New episode this year?

Hi there,
has Grey's already aired the last episode before the holidays? Any ideas?


wow, just watched the previews- looks like we'll get drama galore. Oh dear- I was worried it might be the baby.


I guess that episode will be chock full of drama to keep us all biting our nails until the strike is over


Whlie I'm not in the same line of work as Bailey I too often put the job first. being single it is not an issue but I can understand that it can put a strain on a relationship. And I have friends who are doctors and it is no easy to have them get up halfway through dinner and rush to the hospital for an emergency. However, if you marry a doctor it is just the way things are and there is a price to pay. And I was a bit angry that Bailey got so much pressure from her husband- it was not as if she deliberately hid at the hospital like the Chief once did. She loves her son and her husband but she's a doctor and she has to keep promises and her hippocratic oath.

Meredith and Derek, well, I'm glad there's an end to it- it was going on for too long and Mer has to grow up and I still think she should have taken the vet.


So.......guess that is it for a while- I kind of expected more cliffhangers. Not sad about the end of MerDer (unless it all starts again, but seriously, this is going nowhere at all) but a bit sad for Bailey. And just the thought of Eggs and Avocado and Cheese? I'd break out in hives too. But I could not bring myself to eat it- sisterly love or not.


Yeah- and seeing her reaction to it- the two being doctors and all........ I think everybody would understand when being told "Hey, sorry, nice thought but I'm allergic". I'm vegetarian and I could not bing myself to eat meat just because someone had prepared it with the best intentions.


me neither- I can't wait for it all to start!!!!!!!!! Oh and that elevator scene? Seriously? all of them in one elevator? I can't wait to see that. Addison will have such fun.


I can't wait for it to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And this looks like a good one too! Wow. All the guts and gore.......


I can't WAIT to see it! I hope it is online when I get home from work.


Originally posted by funny-girl101 at 4-26-2008 00:37  
I LOVED this episode. It had this Grey's circa season 2 feel to it. Funny yet dramatic and poignant, in a way. It was hard to watch, though, what with the intestines falling out, the scalp half torn o ...
Yes! I finally managed to watch it last night and I must say that I too thought it was a lot like back in season two. It was a good episode because it showed everybody and it was good to see them again after such a long time. The case was amazing too- I already knew about the guts but the scalp? Eugh! (in a good way!)
I'm glad it is back and I can't wait for the next one!


Reply 3#3 bala's post

I think Lexie is trying to make friends. It is hard since they are all her sister's friends too so I think she has to try extra hard. And I loved the way she transformed the apartment and the fruit bowl was lovely. Ahem.


George and Lexie? Before that happens I think we'll see Callie and Hahn as a couple! LOL


I don't know- after George's infamous hookup with Meredith, the creation of Callie O'Malley and then Gizzie....... I hope he has more common sense and will not move on to "Glexie". It is not to say that I don't think that he and Lexie would work together way better than the other girls- but yet another Alex castoff? Seriously?


I think George deserves a real relationship and nothing that is doomed from the very beginning. His relationship woes make me sad because I think he really suffers and being married did mean a lot for him. He has all those values and wants a real family but in a way it all ends up helplessly tangled and chaotic.


Oh what a scene, poor Derek indeed but yeah, my reaction was similar to Mc Steamy. WHat a nightmare for Derek, the atmosphere in the elevator must have been amazing. Ha!

But Alex seems to be headed for trouble! What could be the odds of him and the former Jane Doe having a happy ending?

And why is Christina having to learn how to talk about feelings? Will her nail polish be back?


Reply 7#7 bala's post

I think that is right- but she isn't the most girly girl either- at least she seems tougher.


Reply 8#8 alexgirl's post

Yes, me too! And of course I am thrilled to have Addie back, with PP not returning until the fall I miss her!!!!!!!


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