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There has been a very poor episode updates for weeks now.............how much of this is to do with writer strikes? Shurely the lack of new shows cannot be totally attributed to that . VIP tv seems to have stalled in providing new shows. Whats going on? When will normal service resume?


Watching the same episode twice.............

If you watch the same episode more than once on vip, do would you get points deducted each time? I was under the impression once you watched a new episode you can watch it as many times as you wanted again without loosing points....is this true?
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Originally posted by meljones_83 at 4-10-2008 08:25 You are allowed 30 clicks on an episode within 24 hours. If you watch it again in the same day you should not get more points deducted but if it is after more than 24 hours then the 2 points will be ...
cheers for that. Im sure i read somewhere on the forum points would only be deducted once. hey ho.
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Thumbs up............

What exactly do the 'thumbs up' icons mean in the top right hand corner of the post that appear when you have been awarded points in a competition............& why do some have more than others? Its not as obvious as it seems methinks.
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Originally posted by bala at 4-10-2008 11:30 it just mean points have been award each thumb up represent 2 points
Ahaaaaaa - the penny drops. Cheers Bala
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User Group Confusion.

Lately I have seen my usr group status switch from Member to Newbie then Newbie to Member ...............and yup youve guessed it back from Member to Newbie. Having been a member here since june 2007 I think I can safely say Im a member.... Is this connected to your points ? I recently cashed all but 3 in? cheers
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......



makes sense now. cheers Think that status should be conected to the amount of posts you make and how long you have been registered - any idea why they have connected status with the points?
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Reply 265#265 casper27's post

Nice one Craig.
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Treasure exchange.........password Invalid :(

Hi, I have posted on the treasure conversion thread but not sure if that was the place for it........... On trying to exchange treasure - it tells me my password is invalid, my computer remembers it / and/ ive also typed it in myself..........it still wont change. The other poster that this problem was effecting was pointed in the direction of an administrator to help,,,,could an admin help me out here? Please advise? Cheers
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Reply 268#268 shinny's post

Cheers Sinead.............will pm lbj now.
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Missing thread from free chatting

I posted a thread last Saturday on the topic of the UK show the Xfactor..............It has now disappeared. Its not listed in 'My Threads' either. Can anyone shed any light why it has?... If there was some problem with it ....why was I not notified? Feeling rather confused. Can someone help me with this?
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Statistics have gone too.

I thought id investigate who has recently deleted threads ...............I no longer have access to stats either. Now I am very confused. Help Please>??
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Reply 272#272 gabsimom's post

Tina, thanks for the explanation,,,,,,,,,,, however,,,,, I read Bala's version of events before I read your post in a PM on logging in. By the sound of it from what yourself and Bala have said ....it was his decision to 'move' the thread there.......in light of recent events with Bala, and considering he has 'never' deleted a thread before...........I find his behaviour somewhat 'suspect' to say the least. Back up his behaviour if you wish but I have had no alternative than to make a formal complaint. Thanks for your input.
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Reply 274#274 bala's post

Sorry its out of my hands. considering our history Bala you've left me no choice. I have no doubt you are remorseful.
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With respect..........

I have given the benefit of the doubt on many occasions..and unfortunately proved to be less than trustworthy .last straw Im affraid... also Tina, Bala's behavior via email has been rather inappropriate. On another note...... considering the X Factor is a show not covered here - I don't believe it should be in reality. I will repost the thread............are you absolutely certain you want it in reality?
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Cheers Tina.

re; the emails,,,,, they are in the hands of admin, but I will send you copies for your reference.
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......



Thanks for clarifying Barb,,,and there was I starting to question my logic again.... (that seems to be happening allot here these days) Good to know these late night feeds aren't removing my reasoning capabilities after all.
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Reply 284#284 gabsimom's post

You know what,,,,,, if there IS a choice, and its only the strike of a key, I would much rather it go into FREE CHATTING - after all that is the place for it. I also believe that more people skim that forum more there and as a result be a more successful thread. It will become quite the topic as the weeks draw on. And as Barb says, as we don't actually carry the show - who is going to look in Reality So if its ok with everyone could someone move it back? Cheers guys Ps mind you strike the right key this time eh?
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Reply 288#288 waterlilybarb's post

Fantastic!! Nice one guys.............cheers Barb
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Where is Zhang2000 when you need him? :)

Hello all again............... Ok here is the deal, I,ve been waiting for the usual guy to post a thread for converting points -(i understand there is usually one a week) Can anyone else convert my points as there is no evidence that this can be done for some time . Please help............had many problems lately...especially with communication with those with the power to act accordingly. Please help?? pretty please ???? pretty please with sugar on top
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


 21 12