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Human Target Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Season 1 was okay. But, the character of Ilsa Pucci simply spoiled the second season  and turned me completely off it. I understand the need for a permanent female presence on the show, but if her money and resources was not needed in season 1, what made the writers think that it was needed in season 2. The character should have simply been what she was in the season premiere - just another person who hired Chance for a job. The character of Ames was okay, but did they really need a thief on the team? They should have just extended the computer tech Layla from season 1, and bring in a recurring female love interest for Chance (not Pucci) - that would've been the better move.

Anyway, the best episodes were the ones with Lennie James (Baptiste) - great actor.

