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Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 10#10 alexgirl's post

Remember that Walt has a strange ability that was only touched on a little...But could very well explain the polar bear, and that it got teleported to the desert by Ben in an effort to get rid of it.

Remember that Walt was looking at a book of a extremely rare bird, and was being ignored by his mother and her b/f. Then that very bird flew into the window, as if it was drawn to Walt, since he was concentrating on it so hard.

Well Walt was also being ignored by his father early on, and had a comic book that he found during the crash. A comic book that had a Polar Bear in it. Perhaps Walt was able to bring that Polar bear to the island, and then it was sent away by Ben when it was discovered. This could also explain how Ben was able to get Locke's father on the Island. He may have had Walt use his ability to summon him, from a picture.

Well those are my thoughts....
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply 92#92 SirAlain's post

I would not be to sure....I don't think anyone that belongs on the island can truly die. I am sure some weird twist will be revealed. I believe that Ben was thinking the same thing, when he said go ahead shoot her, he thought she could not be killed. "THE RULES HAVE CHANGED" either thats true, and now you can die, or he somehow they will be alive again somewhere.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


The test with Locke, I think was one that he failed only because he did not choose the items that related to the island, he went against his instincts and drew the knife, for strength. In contrast to that as a young boy perhaps Ben had chosen differently which is why he was brought to the island at that similar age.
I think they are destined to fulfill a path, that can have multiple incomes, and that the hatian and Richard, are out to influence those outcomes.

As for moving the island...I have been stewing about this since yesterday. I think they have to go back down to the room where they used to enter the code. Remember pushing the button released the build up of a large electric magnet under the island. Perhaps that is what used to keep the island moving. When it was not moved, caused the plane to crash into the magnetic field.  I think if they can get that generator back up and running, they can re-locate the island again, that would also help explain why everyone had trouble pin-pointing its location until recently.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Who was the child that locke was chasing and told him he could not break the rules?

It seems that if the smoke monster and Jacob were at one time "men" then perhaps they were tasked with making the same decision that the candidates will have to make. Become protectors, become the smoke monster, or do nothing. Sawyer seems to have made his choice, it seems he has in fact sealed his fate and sold his soul to the devil to get off the island.

The balance of the island good vs evil (white stone and black stone on the scales) is now out of balance. That is why the white stone was thrown into the water. It leads me to believe even more that Saied has also made a deal for his life and sold his soul. He will more then likely become a saboteur inside the temple.

My guess is that someone unexpected will take the role of the protector. Hurley would be my pick, as he seems to want to be the hero, but is not often included to be given that chance. Jack would be to obvious of a choice.

Thats all I have for now...   can't wait for next week.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!

