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The legend of the seeker

Reply 4#4 ollyhume's post

No one is perfect and we apologize for this inconvenience, however as most of the loyal fans of this show were readers of the book, knowing the outcome hardly ruins the show. In fact now you will see what built up to that moment. Didn't you find it the least bit odd it started with a previously on LOTS, also if that didn't clue you in, how about the fact that they never explained anything you were seeing you must still have no clue who anyone is, what the box of Oradon is, what it does, why its important.....You still have a lot to watch....enjoy the show..
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply 7#7 ollyhume's post

I do apologize I was tired at the time, and my tone was inappropriate, I did not intend it to seem so condescending. And as Barb stated while we are mere moderators of the forum, the admin of this site do not often get to post their own opinions or views, so we often will apologize on their behalf, and when needed pass on the information to them directly for faster resolution. I am sorry again, I should avoid responding when I am on very little sleep
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!

