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unable to log in

unable to log in

Is anyone else having problems logging in tonight (21.53 GMT)? I put my usernme and password in and it just blanks it out when I click login?


Hi Gabsimom have tried . no joy, still not allowing me to log in


Thanks for the advice Gabsimom, tried it all out and still no joy. I'm going to put it down to "its been one of those days" and will try again tomorrow.


Tried this morning and still no access, again tonight and its the same. I put my user name and password in click login and it just returns to an empty box. I have tried everything gabsimom kindly suggested and there is no difference. I am now behind with about 4 shows and getting withdrawal symptoms   Please can someone sort this out for me?


Thanks for all our help so far gabsimom.

I Tried the last suggestion and still no joy. Have contacted lbjedward but, not heard back yet. I hope its possible to get it sorted soon I will be due to pay for next month next week and dont want to be unable to do that.


Thanks to everyone for all your help and advice. I am now able to login and am off to catchup with all my favorite shows.
You guys are the best

