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Taking way too long to watch shows

Taking way too long to watch shows

Hey all, love the site but seriously it takes way too long sometimes to watch a show. all this stopping and starting. I have ultra-high speed internet and a brand new laptop and it's still taken me well over an hour to watch the new episode of ER. Thats over twenty minutes of just waiting for the episode to load. I might as well be watching it on tv and wading through the commercial. if you can't keep up with the demand on your site then you need to limit your membership until you can. you owe that much to those of us who have been members for a while
Recent Ratings
  • shinny Points +2 For your inconvenience :-) 10-10-2008 08:57
  • shinny Treasure +4 For your inconvenience :-) 10-10-2008 08:57

