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Chuck Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

i thought that episode was hysterical but it didnt even occur to me that sarah was upset about family and friends
always repect peoples opinions


i have to say that casie flirting was just so awful i think i woke the neughbours up from laughing
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sarah kinda knew all that stuff anyway it would have been far funnier if one of the 2 jefters had gotten hold of the glasses
always repect peoples opinions


reply 53#53 sanggye's post

yeah thats true but it still would have been funnier if jeff or lester had of got hold of the glasses they were following them to find out what was going on i would have been in stiches if they had played that angle
always repect peoples opinions


reply 55#55 sangye's post

lol i used to feel the same about jefster but ever since jeff "isnt living in his car" hes bearably, aww poor morgan he is a geek with a heart, they are part of why i laugh so much to this show
always repect peoples opinions


does yhis mean that chuck now has the intersect again
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will there be another series
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reply 72#72 sanggye's post

oh thats too bad i really did find chuck amusing
always repect peoples opinions

