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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I am not usually an active poster on the forums although I come on to read what other people think of the shows. However, having just watched the season finale of Gossip Girl and reading these opinions, I felt compelled to post!

Firstly, I agree that Georgina's pregnancy was very random and I too was skeptical as soon as she revealed it.

Secondly, it was so very obvious that Doroda would go into labour, preventing Blair reaching the Empire State building in time and was so upset by that because I really do think Blair and Chuck should be together.

As for whether it was a good ending or not, I personally did not like it but I do have to give it a 10/10. Why? Because the writers/directors did their job perfectly. They have ensured that I am going to be waiting with bated breath for the next season and will be watching that first episode as soon as I can wanting to know how this is all going to play out! I just wish it was on sooner than September, I can't wait!
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  • shinny Points +5 Tks for posting your thoughts on the Gos 5-23-2010 12:16


I'm curious to know whether Georgina is going to leave Dan holding the baby and not come back! She's definitely up to something and am sure somehow it'll turn out not to be his. As for Blair's storyline - it was amusing but no matter what she does I still like her 10 times more than Serena even though I'm not really sure why. Also, I'm still rooting for Blair and Chuck as I love him too. (Again, not entirely sure why!)


Double Identity

Sorry, have gone back an episode but have only just had chance to watch it! I liked this one, Blair did the right thing talking to Chuck but not giving him any false hope - am still rooting for those two and so am not liking Chuck's new girlfriend at all! Juliet is certainly becoming an interesting character - I think I'm going to like her character but not for the right reasons. Also, I miss Jenny and Eric!


I love Chuck and Blair! Am very glad they admitted their true feelings to each other and think Blair's right to try and figure where she belongs before being his girlfriend again although I hope they end up together eventually - knowing gossip girl though it's more likely to go horribly wrong.


The princesses and the frog

It's all gone wrong! I was always rooting for Blair and Chuck but I actually think Chuck has crossed the line this time and that Blair deserves better! Never thought I'd say that. I think that if Chuck really cared about Blair he would've gone about stopping the relationship with Louis a different way, not by embarassing her like that. However, one thing still remains true for me in the world of GG - I still can't stand Serena!!

(Also, I thought Charlie's scheming was a great twist to her storyline - I can tell I'm not going to like her either but probably in a good way!)


I agree about Vanessa, but hopefully in the end some good will come out of it for Dan. Although not before everything goes horribly wrong first. I was a little disappointed that they didn't make more out of Russell Thorpe holding Blair hostage, I mean I knew they wouldn't kill her off but they could have at least made it a bit more dramatic!


I guess it depends how she really feels about Dan and whether she ever wants to repair their friendship. Not sure he could forgive her for this anyway but if she profits from his book after stealing it in the first place then I think that's the final nail in the coffin of their friendship. If she does something good with the money or gives it to him then there's always the possibility that she could convince him to forgive her.

