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Full episode taking 4+ hours to watch on firefox.

Full episode taking 4+ hours to watch on firefox.

I use firefox. I update it. I visit at 3am and try watching and it still doesn't get much better. I realise it's free to watch, but seriously? I've been on this for 4 hours trying to watch an episode until my firefox randomly error crashed and I can't even video search to get back towards the end of a 40something minute episode. I just wish it could be a like a youtube thing where you can let it load before you press play. this is just too inconvenient though, sorry.


I really don't see a real player button or anything. And I never got a popup that I need to download any plug-ins or anything. I just see play and stop and zoom on the player. Those are my options. As you can tell, those aren't working so well for me. :/


I don't get a blue logo. or volume though..


Wow, apparently I wasn't using the VIP version, which is pay only. I clicked on this because it linked it at the bottom. I guess the free version just isn't intended to work for anyone. Lol So if I do pay, it's going to be 2F per episode or something?


And thank you, waterlilybarb... I will try whatever that is, but I don't understand seeing the first frame? What's that look like?


Thanks for the tips, barb! I'll definitely try those free shows now before I start putting money into it.


Also, I did stop and play at the first frame, and it hasn't paused yet! (i'm at 7 minutes!!!) This is amazing compared to literally watching 10 seconds and then waiting for when it decides to play another 10 seconds. : ) very appreciative for the help.

