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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I loved the seasons epi but I still hope that they keep izzie, it was just getting interesting between her and Alex
About George, he has had his best time. I liked him better when he had failed his exam
And I think he and little Grey fit better then what they did know.


nice good for refreshment


wow, what an episode.
I'm curious to whom of the characters will die. I think they are going to use the time that grey and izzy aren't there to explore new characters but I fear that some of the characters might not survive the merger


I loved this epi It has a fair amount of drama and a good ending... I hope it gets uploaded very fast.


Reply 69#69 bala's post

I don't think he will be fired. They need him too much and now he did this miracle they almost can't fire him


Reply 71#71 bala's post

Maybe not at the moment, but I think, if they find good replacement that it might be possible that he gets chopped after a while

though I hope not


Reply 84#84 studiojek's post

same here. the others don't seem to want to be friends, they will only cause trouble for a while


Reply 94#94 bala's post

You are right about sloane, but I don't think lexy is going to let that happen.
About Bailey, her father telling that he wouldn't judge her, what a joke! He did it just the day before.

I think that Owen and Christina might have a bit of a rough pad coming up because Teddy isn't just gonna give in like that. I even thought for a minute that Owen would choose for her in stead of Christina so Christina could hook up with one of the Mercy West guys


Reply 32#32 angel-87's post

I think Christina isn't completely fixed yet, but she does seem to start unfreezing and I wonder where the money is coming from and what is going to be different in the next weeks. also, Lexie was great this epi!


I understand Lexie's frustration, but it was stupid to just run through! I mean, it isn't that much of a deal to show the pass and go through the detector. But they should have made an exception for the doctors or something (then again they can do stupid things too)


I saw the thing with the dying patient coming from miles away. It was too predictable.
About Arizona and Callie, I think Callie had all rights to slam the door in her face cause Arizona wasn't nice to her when they broke up. She just left Callie on the airplane when Callie needed some time to adjust to the idea. And when A. finds out she needs Callie, she comes running back and Callie just has to accept that? I mean, A has to understand that she is toying with Callies feelings, and Callie doesn't have to accept that.
I think that it isn't logical that Yang responds better to the things Derek suggests then to the things Meredith thinks are best for Christina. I mean: Mer knows her the best and Derek never liked her very much. Still it seems like things are resolving and that's good cause it is getting pretty boring.
Christina's husband Owen Hunt and Meredith in the OR was just funny but I think Mer was right. Owen needs to take is own advice and leave his personal life out of the OR. And it was nice what Mer said to the patient in the end and I think Owen understood it was to him as well :-).
Mcsteamy and little Gray was also predictable, but since I like them together, I don't mind that :-) I like that Avery came in to say there was an emergence like she had asked and that she sent him away
Can't wait to see next epi!


Reply 88#88 arksongbird80's post

You're right, I loved the things Mer said and I loved the big silence afterwards
Also good that Avery told the mom of the shooter that he was still alive and that he changed his opinion thanks to what Alex said.
I loved Yang going after the ambulances and then having to step in to save the kid, only to find out that he was the shooter

And Arizona working under the new peeds guy is going to be fun!!


Reply 204#204 bala's post


Ok, I loved this episode for several reasons.
First: the guy that was always in the way making Avery cranky and all, he saved a guy's life making Avery look stupid
Second: the guy that was following Christina apologizing for the evaluation after she talked to him outside
Third: I loved Mark and Arizona It was great to see him defending Callie and actually being serious and ...
At last: I loved that the chief read the evaluations, but I think there should have been a catch for Alex because he only thought that girl because she was pretty.
And I think it is going to be hard for Mer to find out that Callie is pregnant 'by accident' while she is trying so hard, but doesn't get pregnant.


Reply 206#206 bala's post

I don't really mind... I shouldn't be watching shows since I have exams


I'm supposed to be studying, but if there are a lot of good shows, I want to watch them so I don't get behind and then I don't study. So I don't mind that some shows are delaying the episodes a bit
But for everyone else it isn't good.


Reply 123#123 codebreaker's post

I thought that April coming into the bathroom and talking to Lexie (who was standing in the shower with Avery) was pretty funny.


I think that most fans would be disappointed that Mer didn't sing more. I really hated the last song, it was just too much and the acting of Callie on it was just over the top. The rest was ok, but I didn't know what to focus on. If I focussed on the singing, I missed what was happening, but if I followed what was happening, I missed most of the singing.
Also, I wonder why they made everyone sing except for Mer en Derek. I mean, they did maybe 10 lines while Owen and Callie did most of the others. And I wonder why they made Owen sing so much...


Reply 147#147 arksongbird80's post

you're right, she's not going to be able to keep her mouth shut especially to derek and he is to honest to let it go.
So I figure that it has to be the boss who's going to save her.


I feel sorry for Teddy with Christina being mad at her and her boyfriend asking her to move away and have a serious relationship while she is married without him knowing it.
I think Christina isn't going to realise it any time soon.
And I loved the fact that Callies father came back.
I'm curious if Alex is going to tell.


Reply 154#154 bala's post

I'm curious as to what owen is going to do with the information.
And Avery backing out of the trial was very nobel. But I think it's too bad that it is necessairy.


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