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CSI Miami Season 7-10 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 3#3 bala's post

yes it was and I loved it that they put Boa Vista in it too because she came to the team later


I don't understand... I thought Delko and Calleigh were together and now he says that they aren't and at the end they don't even have a good conversation or at least not the one I expected...

It might be so Calleigh would be save but still...


I didn't know that Kyle joint the army...
When did that happen?


Reply 42#42 bala's post

I thought it was called "getting axed"?


Reply 49#49 carlorica's post

It can only go three ways,
1 he gets killed, but I wouldn't want that. Although it would be interesting to see how H would handle that.
2 he gets injured, that would be too bad cause it's not really interesting, but it is a good way to return to the show for more episodes.
3 he comes back a hero (with/without problems) and that would be a bit convenient. That way he would have a reason to appear more on the screen and it might even mean that he becomes a regular.
I don't really know what I would want most. Maybe the last one is a bit to cliché, so I would go for 2


Reply 63#63 carlorica's post

I'm not so worried about Delko and the team, in the end it worked out for Natalia too, but I am worried about Delko and Calleigh. This might break them up cause she doesn't know...


Reply 68#68 bala's post

my thoughts exactly. The DA was killed right? So why was Calleigh at the meeting of Delko and the DA? I know she saw Delko with that guy from IA, that combined with his strange behavior might have made her suspicious, but suspicious enough to follow him without giving the impression of being guilty?
I know that she can't be the mole, but this sure makes her look like it.


So, I just saw the episode.
It was quite different than I expected. It had almost no action and all.
That it wouldn't be a team member was quite certain but this one beat it all.
I already hoped it was him cause I never liked him.
I do think that they didn't do much with the mole thing. Delko was off the hook pretty soon. I like the scene at the water with Calleigh, but I mean that's all?
Btw it took him pretty long to say that he didn't wear his wire at home.


Reply 87#87 bala's post

I think we haven't seen her since she was taken away by the FBI as a suspect in the first mol case?
I'm not sure though


I think they did a great job with this first episode.
I especially liked the last scenes with the basketballgame...


A bit predictable, but still amusing that the guy didn't throw away the jacket.
Btw: what happened with Calleigh and Delko, I thought they were together...
Did I forget something?


Reply 11#11 bala's post

oh, yes I did see that episode, it just slipped my mind


I didn't like the new episode. It was surreal and strange.
But it was a bit unpredictable and something different then other episodes.


Reply 26#26 bala's post

I'm glad horatio saved them, but he breaks the rules a lot and I think that might hunt him sooner or later.


Reply 40#40 bala's post

Every episode is more centered about Horatio adn Delko then it used to be and they keep using extreme messures. I don't know how credible that is...


Reply 42#42 bala's post

maybe, but if I correct, CSI and CSI: NY have run longer and there they don't use this extreme messures. Granted, it is a bit different, but still. I hope they will return to the previous formula or discover a new method cause like this it isn't as much fun as it used to be. (not that I won't keep watching, but still...)


Reply 44#44 bala's post

Ok :-) I still hope they are going to bring back the great teamwork and a bit less Delko-Horatio


The new episode wasn't one of my favorites. I think it was quite obvious since pretty much the beginning of the episode who did it. Only the reason was a bit more extensive then I thought. But still prettty predictable.
On top I think Horatio has lost it. He keeps stepping over the line and he will get caught once.
I know he just wants justice for those girls, but that's how most of the dirty cops start out and I don't like it that this show keeps going that way.


Reply 49#49 bala's post

if they would get rid of horation, i think that would be a stupid thing to do. I will ruin the entire show and may cost them a lot of viewers. I really hope they won't do that.
Horatio was the head of the team and the focus of the show for as far as I can see and if they get rid of him, they would have to find a very good replacement if they want to continue the show.

The shades, the oneliners and the teamfeeling is what made this show big. Most of that is due to Horatio's character.


Reply 51#51 bala's post

I don't watch CSI, but I was thinking about Criminal minds


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