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Reply 148#148 ltoledano's post

The servers were indeed being cached, if you are having trouble with viewing at a particular time check in the statistics part of this forum at the top right of he screen. It will tell you the status of the cache which is a collection of data duplicating original values stored elsewhere or computed earlier. Basically every thing is backed up. It will look something like this:- The statistics has been cached, last updated at 1-21-2008 19:36 and the next will be at 1-21-2008 22:36 When this is happening the system may be very sluggish or even unresponsive but this is only temporary. Hope this helps
Recent Ratings
  • trulee Points +3 Helpful & informative 1-21-2008 14:11


Reply 182#182 Jones135's post

Hi Jones135 thank you for your patience in this matter. All donations are usually processed as stated within 12 hrs but some do take up to 24hrs or maybe slightly longer. Each donation is processed manually by our Admin team and this usually means that it is processed quicker and has less problems. If you still have not recieved your points please get back to me and I will personally contact our Admin team for an answer. Thanks for your donation

