Every superhero has a beginning...
Smallville Aired From October 16, 2001 – May 13, 2011 On The WB & The CW.
The Plot:
Smallville tells the tale of a teenage Clark Kent in the days before he was Superman. It is the town where he came from where very strange things started happening with his arrival in a spaceship in the midst of a meteor storm of green rocks. Clark must deal with a variety of individuals given powers by the green rocks, keep his powers a secret, cope with his friendship with a young Lex Luthor, and balance the two girls in his life, Chloe and Lana. The show also shows us how Lex Luthor develops from a friend of Clark's and kinda-okay guy to (presumably) the villain who will plague Superman in his later years.
This version of Superman is taken from the years before the Man of Steel became Superman. He is a sweet, innocent, yet troubled young man, forever feeling as though a greater force, his long dead father, controls his destiny. Clark Kent has a wonderful relationship with his family. His loyalty and willingness to listen to his parent's advice is something that is rare to find.
Clark always looks for someone to help save, though a troubled darkness seems to follow his footsteps wherever he goes. His aversion to Kryptonite and solid, though tentative friendship with Lex Luthor is always popping up. The love of his life, Lana Lang,as the audience knows, will never be his, which is the tragedy of his love.
It is fun to watch the episodes and look for the little clues that the writers drop into the scripts that point to the man Clark will become.
As Pete Ross,Clark's best friend said: Clark Kent, Man of Tomorrow.
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[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-3-2015 01:07 ]