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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1240#1240 waterlilybarb's post

Im going to start a "Big Boys Brigade" board. In protest then     LOL


Testosterone alert...
Hi all sorry to here about this Flu virus getting everyone. I know a few of my family have had it back in the UK and its a real nasty one.
Hope you all feel better. heres a cute puppy to help you along

Get well soon from the Alpha Males


Reply 1265#1265 meljones_83's post

Altruistic:- had to do a search on that one awesome word and very true, good luck  xareena.


Just in Case you fancy something a bit stronger

Hope everyone's good this evening


Reply 1423#1423 waterlilybarb's post

-21C I was just complaining to the misses about 5 mins ago that it was only 11C here in Cyprus. This is about as cold as it's going to get apparently.
Saw the weather earlier and it said Goose Bay I think  was  -22C I can't even imagine it.

Can you do the old throwing boiling water and it vaporises trick?  

[ Last edited by casper27 at 1-30-2008 18:35 ]


Especially for the tough people of Canada(Barb) think mere mortals would have frozen stiff by now.


Reply 1457#1457 shinny's post

LOL   thats so funny
Your parents sound like a good laugh.
Re Penny#1456 Thanks for thinking of me Granny P Im just sat on my soft round cushion now.


Reply 1487#1487 waterlilybarb's post

Or as the mans saying goes:-
"Beauty is just a light switch away"


Everything in life has a begining and this sounds like a great new adventure Arielle


Reply 1900#1900 waterlilybarb's post

Every bloke should be able to cook a Saturday morning Fry up. Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, Mushrooms, Beans, Scrambled Eggs, Black Pudding, tomatoes and Toast.
Served with fresh orange juice and a cup of tea. Thats what im making us for breakfast to soak up my hangover!! Dam that demon drink


Reply 1902#1902 bala's post

I sometimes wish I had give up after that first sip. Especially on mornings like this!!


Reply 1904#1904 waterlilybarb's post

Exactly Barb everything in moderation. Im a very fit bloke and am usually very health conscious because of my job (You can't wait around the beach with a pot belly). I have to have my little indulgences though    Which I didn't indulge as much last night though!!


Reply 1911#1911 shinny's post

Ha that reminds me of when we stayed at the in-laws. I went 3 days drinking brews then actually got off me bum and offered to make one only to discover that they only had decaf tea  bags and coffee. I swear from then on I could taste the difference even though I had not noticed it before I knew.
Sorry to hear that Barb, my wife suffers a bit from that but no were near as bad and it's not nice. She usually has the usual warm milk and honey but I guess thats out of the question. Try watching Episodes of Coronation Street that usually does it for me

Breakfast was amazing people I highly recommend one to kickstart any Saturday hangovers gone now!!

[ Last edited by casper27 at 5-10-2008 17:54 ]


Reply 1919#1919 waterlilybarb's post

Glad to hear it Barb. Don't be setting that alarm let your body sleep all it wants while you can, all the jobs can wait you need to start getting your strength up for the big move.
Im at totally the opposite end I can't seem to stay awake I think the big weekend caught up with me!!


Reply 1942#1942 silver1978's post

Men are here, we make fire ug ug


Reply 1954#1954 kwargalla's post

Lol how true
And one from the men:-

What are the three fastest means of communication?
1) Internet
2) Telephone
3) Telawoman


Reply 2620#2620 bala's post

A real mans man hey, I just don't think it will cut the mustard with the future Mrs Bala  I've learn't by experience believe me, Not that im not a gentleman, I just take it as given to walk on the outside of the pavement and open doors. But like I think you were getting at some women do not like you to take the lead in such a way, Im just happy that I have a role to play with the wife who likes a guy to open doors and such.
Manners and respect cost nothing as my mother stills says


Hey Girlies.
Very Long time no visit I know but had so much happen in my life and something had to give. No real details to go into but things have settled back down now and im back in UK. New job, New House, Same wife, well 2 out of 3 aint bad .

I hope all is well with everyone and Im still welcome to pop in from time to time now things have setlled.
See you around the boards...


Cheers guys and gals. Im at the computer for alot of my time during work now so will be popping in quite regular. Glad to see so many old faces and new ones on here still. Just been poking around reading up on some of the new shows and activities going on.
Now wheres the gentlemans club got to....


Reply 3534#3534 shinny's post

Wow glad everyone was ok Sinéad thats the important thing. People like that other driver infruriate me. Why take the chance in such extreme conditions. Too lazy to walk I bet.
Again glad everyone including the other driver was ok.
The snow isn't so bad down here just bloody freezing, My heating bill is going to be enormas but I dont really like the cold.


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