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amazon gift card

Can we still buy Fs using Amazon gift card. if not can you please tell me the various options for getting Fs? Thanks Thanks


being Mary Jane

Hi Please can we have the latest episode of Being Mary Jane? Episode 6 was just loaded this week but it aired last week and episode 7 aired Tuesday the 17th so we are currently down by one episode. I just don't want a situation whereby episode 8 will be loaded as episode 7 and all the episodes will now be out of whack like last (1st) season of Mary Jane.  Thanks so much for all you hard work
Recent Ratings
  • shinny Points +4 Confirmed - Added to table. Tks! 3-19-2015 12:14


Hi, Being Mary Jane, episode 7 and 8. Currently down by 2 episodes. Episode 7 aired on 17th and 8 on the 24th.



Hi can we please have Being Mary Jane or could someone please advise as to why no new episodes of the show have been loaded despite the fact that the list is 3 episodes down (no upload for the past 3 weeks) and new episodes were definitely broadcasted for the past 3 weeks. Are we going to get them soon or the show has been cancelled on VIPTV?


Thanks for all the hard work.


Ray Donovan

hi please help fix Ray Donovan 3 x12 all I can hear is sounds no picture. Thanks


Can't get Lbjedward - gift card sent no credit added!

I sent $66 for Fs to Lbjedward and I haven't been credited yet, I sent an email no response. Just like no response to two PMs sent in September for a refund for 4 points. Please help!

